Hi guys, It is hard to believe that nearly a month has flown by without having an Aneros session! The worldwide COVID-19 has taken most of us by surprise, especially those of us who live in Europe and the USA. However, there were warning signs of this pandemic gathering strength first in China, then much of East Asia, then in Italy, Iran, etc. Many of us had our routines upended as a result. Many of us lost our jobs, or were...

Hi guys, During this long weekend, the CDC and our apartment management told us to exercise strict social distancing in order to "flatten the curve." It is my intention to ride this long crisis out by keeping myself healthy, the wash my hands with soap and water, and to avoid human contact as much as possible. I could have an Aneros session Sunday but my mind was other places, distracted by the crisis. I retired to bed early in the 8 o'clock hour...

Hi guys, Like most guys here in the USA and throughout the world, our lives have been thrown in turmoil with the COVID-19 outbreak crisis. As an older guy, 70 going on to 71, I have been instructed by CDC directives and those of my apartment management team to self-isolate and maintain as much as possible so as not the contract the contagion and maintain my customary good health. That is called "flattening the curve." The COVID-19 crisis dominates the news these...

Hi guys, Early this morning, Sunday at 2 a.m., we switched over to daylight savings time. This year the transition from standard time to daylight savings time was not too traumatic for me. I stay home from church and viewed morning service online. However, I am dressed for bed and will be heading there in a few minutes. I am in the tenth year of my Aneros journey which began in early June 2012 with Aneros Syn. June 2012 to mid September...

Hi guys, Last night I had an exceptional erotic diddling session which lasted off and on the whole night until it was time to rise and get ready for the day. Through my nipple diddling I caused one SO after another in a series of SO's which made me so good right now at the composition of this blog entry! The first few SO's caused me to rise just after midnight, go to my bathroom where I pissed mightily. Then I dressed my...

Hi guys, For the few weeks, I have been meaning to post a blog entry detailing my SO edging exercise and practice. Before I get to the body of this post, one of the most important dictums of Aneros directions for us is Penis Not for guys beginning their Aneros journey. An Aneros beginner has to learn and master the ropes of using the Aneros. He also has to experience the awakening of his prostate through using the Aneros. It is essential...

This Blog is in multiple Sections : Part II is my periodic blog of experiences (most recent at the top), Part I (this one) is just copies of some of my earliest Forum entries (oldest at the bottom) 12/17/07 : I read in the newspaper today about the death of singer-songwriter Dan Fogelberg at the age of 56 due to advanced prostate cancer, boy did that bring a twinge of pain to my heart. He was an artist that I grew...

I think my blog posts are gone but it doesn't matter :) I'm 32 year old from Portugal with very little sexual experience (just been with other men occasionally and curious to be with a women but in general much less interested in women). In super resume I've had aneros for 8 years now and I've got dry os but very rare, and never got a super o. Some sessions I had in the last week kinda exemplify what I was able to...

Hi guys, Earlier tonight I saw a highly erotic diagram of prostate massage and stimulation by what appears to the Classic Helix. It made me downright horny just by looking at it. This diagram, actually a GIF, was a prostate massaged and stimulated by a Classic Helix Aneros, posted by @SOwithoutAneros. Seeing anatomic diagram of the Aneros in action focuses our minds on what the Aneros does for us men health wise and erotically. Such a diagram focuses our attention on organs...

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