I had another session Saturday evening and it was wonderful. Did something I hadn't done since my very first or second session, and that was after starting on my back I laid on my LEFT side. Results were immediate. I was hardly contracting, in fact for a good part of this portion of the session I wasn't contracting at all, but I could feel involuntaries. These weren't big involuntaries like when I'm on my back. ...

Lube: Natural Jelly I took double the recommended dose of a supermarket "herbal sleep aid" (hops, valerian and passion flower) -- there's no effect with the dose they recommend -- and waited an hour. Forum member [I]imperium[/I] had suggested I try these, and I had good effects from them in the session on the evening of Saturday 10th. Whilst I was waiting for that, I docked the handles of both my Aneros devices at the point where the circle of the handle...

[I]Stagnation or learning?[/I] Since the leap forward last weekend, I'm seeming to get diminishing results from each session. Those with the Aneros devices are less satisfactory. I'm not even getting mini-Os now, but the pleasant feeling of the peristaltic movement of the device is greatly magnified. There are still no other involuntary movements. I haven't had a mini-O from a "less" session for a couple of days, but there are hints of promise in what happens in them. The sensations are subtler and...

The ingredients arrived all in the same delivery, so last evening I mixed up the brew: 3 Vitamin E capsules (400IU), pricked and their contents squeezed out 1.5mL Refined Shea Butter 5mL Beeswax (actually I measured a little more as they were in pellet form and didn't pack too well in the measurer) 45mL Grapeseed Oil (this is the only variation from the given recipe, but it was to hand) Warmed in a metal bowl in a boiling water bath, stirring until all the ingredients...

This is my most recent post about VMI in the Community Polls section of this Forum! A truly astounding event/experience!!! Over this past weekend two guys approached me about an energies exchange as a group of three. This was not new, there have been energies exchanges informally and formally on occasion in the open general Chat room: 3, 4, 5 or more and it all works in a civilized manner, even with apologies to perennial chatguest and any newcomers. Both of the...

The last couple of days, I've mainly been enjoying the experience of sessions without the Aneros. The preparation and clean up are quicker for a start. [grin] I'm now starting to be able to cope with the spontaneous sensations. There's no [I]off switch[/I] as such, but I think I'm getting the ability to appreciate them and can let them build or dissipate by choice. I did have a Maximus session yesterday. It was about the same as previous sessions. One thing I...

I went to bed at a reasonable time, as Monday is a work day. I had not planned a session at all. My body had different ideas. As I relaxed towards sleep, the feelings started again, and built towards similar experiences to this afternoon. When sleep finally did come, I had some very weird dreams (the details fade, but they weren't sexual) and I woke up covered in sweat. As a result I'm feeling rather tired this morning....

Lube: glycerine based; Vaseline on Maximus. I swore to myself I wouldn't have another session when I was feeling tired. Well, I did. There is definite progress happening, but the pace is slow and ambling. No involuntaries yet, dammit. Well, I say that, but I am getting some slow movement from what I'm told is from peristalsis. There's a lingering in-out movement which takes about 5-10 seconds for a full cycle. It's very nice. This session got my penis got very hard...

[16:21:10] bsmith14: getting some nice p-waves right now [16:22:20] twlltin: Ah. I never chat whilst inserted. One reason is that my Aneroses are both "entire", so sitting on them is not an option. [16:22:35] twlltin: The other is that I'd find it too distracting. [16:22:56] bsmith14: I don't have anything inserted, just watching football pre game [16:23:11] twlltin: Oh right. [16:28:35] twlltin: There are nice tickles and fizzings "down there" for me too at the moment. [16:29:51] twlltin: Your comment made me notice them. [16:30:02] bsmith14: nice [17:07:16]...

Another session yesterday evening. Although I should really not have had one only a day after the previous one. The trouble is I am greedy for more! It seems to be a journey where you keep taking one new step at a time for me. Yesterday I noticed the involuntaries changed. Previously they have felt like someone tapping my prostate with the end of their finger. This time it was a sweeping sensation with the Aneros moving very significantly. This journey is...

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