• Unbelievable 3-WAY VMI !!! can you imagine

    This is my most recent post about VMI in the Community Polls section of this Forum! A truly astounding event/experience!!!
    Over this past weekend two guys approached me about an energies exchange as a group of three. This was not new, there have been energies exchanges informally and formally on occasion in the open general Chat room: 3, 4, 5 or more and it all works in a civilized manner, even with apologies to perennial chatguest and any newcomers.
    Both of the guys had already experienced VMI exchanges and although that was not the immediate focus, attentions began to be suggestive and we decided to experiment. Rather than just generally exchanging energies among the three of us, we articulated the mechanics/visualizations/energies-intent required for a true three-way VMI: each guy participating in double penetrating energetically the other two!!!
    Closely felt high energies cycles, the nanocosmic orbits, set up by each in "groinjoin" with the other two set in. It was ASTOUNDING!!! It worked in unbelievable ways!!! It was initially more pure energies and then expanded into an erotic aesthetic theatre of high sensuous energetics. These are felt sensory sensations that are not physical or physically assisted, all hands-free, and are not living out desired physical acts one actually does; not some cyber-sex way of "getting off". This is SO far beyond anything physically possible at all, as to be surreal, and yet it worked energetically with great power and great aesthetics.
    Apologies here if any of this is TMI (too much info…) But as more and more men are finding energies exchanging, and this most concentrated form to date among men virtually, the experiments are continuing and will be reported, here or in any appropriate location.
    all the very best energies development and sharing all


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/01/2012at1:08 am

      It is more than three months since you posted this, art. Reading it recalls the loveliness and beauty of that experience. Thank you for being a integral part in this whole journey.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/02/2012at3:28 pm

      Art, there is no such thing as TMI here. It is all informative and insightful. Your contributions add so much flavor and hope for many on their journeys. What you write as a pinnacle of exploration and experience is what many look forward to. Knowing that the journey can still be every growing and intense adds that much more excitement to the whole process.
      Please keep sharing your experiences. I'll keep learning from them.

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