Hi guys, Early this morning at 2:30 a.m., I had an Aneros session after two guys on BateWorld.com urged me to do it. I thank both of them for their prompting. I began with the Maximus which slipped in smoothly and easily. I spent several minutes on my side accommodating myself to it by performing some Kegels. The Kegels set my Maximus firmly in place against my prostate. Then I maneuvered myself with my butt on a folded pillow and began my...

The new Syn is almost unbelievable in its refinement and capabilities!! Thanks so much CT for the revival of the blogs and this chance to put these first two adventures together here. Part One: Talk about a difference of black and white!! I enjoyed my first Syn session early this week after it arrived last Friday. Very fond on my Vice, I was very happy with the texture and feel of Syn, and particularly the flexibility of the P-tab arm. From the first...

Hi guys, Saturday afternoon two weeks ago on August 11, I had an Aneros session which didn't go as well as I had hoped to. Once again I used the Maximus, but it slipped out of my butt several times. After an hour or so of futile tries, I tried my Helix Syn which worked fine. It gave my prostate a wonderful workout without trying! That went on for about 90 minutes. Then after a brief intermission I tried the Maximus...

Hello guys, This is my first attempt at establish a blog on my Aneros usage here at Aneros.com. I wish to thank CT, a big boss at Aneros.com, for restoring the blog section. "What hath God wrought?" So said Samuel Morse typed i his first telegraph transmission between Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC in 1844. The telegraph along with the railroad was instrumental in bringing together the States of the rapidly developing American Republic in those years. Hence also this blog. I chose...

Hi guys, I returned home from having breakfast out and a visit to our public library. I am now engaging in some foreplay before my Aneros session in a few minutes. Wish me luck! Thom./BigGlansDC...

I am still at that stage that I need to concentrate to be able to really feel anything. So at home it is not easy. My wife gives me lots of space to play, but her presence next to me is rather disturbing. So I used some time alone. I have a few tests to go through for my career and so I am away from home for three days. I brought my Helix with me and I used the time...

I have this Aneros edging technique now where I've put typical male edging on it head. I get nice and aroused. Then go through insertion routine. After I calm down the fun...

Lube: Natural Jelly I got a few new models at the weekend. I tried them out in turn, not expecting anything. It can take time for the body to adjust to a new model of Aneros – for example, it took over a month for me to get the hang of the Progasm. The last of the new models I tried was the Eupho. I tried it last night with its tail on, which meant that I couldn't lie on my back...

Finally, the blogs are back! Been waiting long time to pass on latest experiences. My rewiring is complete. No going back now to old way of orgasming of cock and shoot. Interestingly, came about the realization through normal Jerkoff session. As I went along my ass started feeling empty. Not just empty but [I]needy.[/I] At first I worried, "Do I now need prostate tickled to cum always?" But soon pleasurably discovered by visualizing the...

(please note I have had to back date my blogs as the blog section was down when I started). Today I bought my Aneros Helix, 1L of Glyde lube and a COLT Anal Douche from www.headquarters.com.au. This was the cheapest and I think only place in Australia to buy for at the time. Cant wait until it gets here! ...

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