• Rewiring Complete

    Finally, the blogs are back! Been waiting long time to pass on latest experiences.
    My rewiring is complete. No going back now to old way of orgasming of cock and shoot.
    Interestingly, came about the realization through normal Jerkoff session. As I went along my ass started feeling empty. Not just empty but [I]needy.[/I] At first I worried, "Do I now need prostate tickled to cum always?" But soon pleasurably discovered by visualizing the sensation it felt REAL. Uncontrolled contractions followed.
    Soon the sensation from deep inside was awakened and I was off to the races. The O sensation started somewhere deep inside and as it reached a crescendo it rushed down and exploded out of my cock with a large amount of spunk!
    The orgasm was the release of energy and not spunk. Just felt this overwhelming pleasurable force focus and then explode out of my body using my cock as the vehicle! Always come this way during JO sessions now and it's sooo good!
    I'm real vocal now too. Groaning, moaning, wimpering, talking dirty. Started subconsciously, but have seized on this and amazed at how it makes the session much much better. Have even found myself laughing at how good it is.
    Last, my pre-cum production has taken off! Hard, soft, whatever. Get a little aroused and I spring a leak. During my insertion routine, always when I open my eyes once aneros is full in, long string hangs from my cock. Continuously flows throughout my session with my cock always glistening and long strings, like spider webs hanging from my cock to inner legs or lower abdomen.
    Can't explain why, but I really like to watch myself in the mirror as my cock leaks and a long string of pre-cum hangs off it. Guess it's knowing what going to CUM!!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/24/2012at6:10 pm

      I can relate 100% to the glistening and long strips, the same for me 100% it seems to pour out of me like never before. am a learner on this and just getting the hang of it.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/04/2013at12:17 am

      The Mirror and The Glistening String of Pearls.
      I love those moments sitting quietly by an open fire, balls hot, wrapped, dropping loose between loins and the turgid shafty-member stretches like a yawn. Pulsing waves extend its hardened girth and salivation oozes a gaping mouth perched atop a bulbous purple helmet that streams across quivering thighs and flows in sync with vivid imagination coursing veins running wild with pure organic truth.

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