12 hours later I'm still not quite sure that my body has recovered. I'm feeling echoes of involuntaries. I don't think they're still happening now but definitely i'm feeling something. It all started last night. I'd been having a bit of a break for a while as my last couple of sessions had been bad. I don't think I was mentally on it at all and had plenty on my mind. I'd managed a few involuntaries but nothing really came...

I had the week off from school and was VERY fortunate to have several long periods of alone time. - Solo sessions - Lovely, lovely, lovely - Coaching sessions - So good to experience another Anerosian's progress and be able to encourage at the same time - Energy exchanges - in chat and on Skype - Stunning and engrossing - Sharing with long time friends - Deep and beautiful, as always - Chatting with newbies on Aneros chat - very exciting and invigorating - Virtual times...

What is it about sharing an Aneros Session that makes it so much better? Previous chatting I've done was fun, both mutual JO and V-sex, but never really pushed any of my buttons; good for help along the way, but nothing over the top. However, when I'm riding and chatting WHOLE OTHER STORY! Aneros sharing is different. All men are wired for jerking, but Re-wiring , it’s a select club of brave explorers wandering off into new lands...

So I'm on the vinter cabin with familt this weekend. Struggled to find some alone time. Had a big BM, ate dinner, went to "rest" and slept for half an hour. Woke up and lubed up. Slipped the helix in an started doing my exercises. Felt good, but felt like I almost was about to poop the helix out. Then it dawned on me that it really wanted out. Out of nothing I was about to have another BM. At the cabin...

It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun was pouring through the windows onto my bed. It's been bitterly cold outside recently and the sun was a welcome relief. I'd just come out of the shower and was relaxing on my bed soaking up the blissful warmth from the sun. I thought that it'd be a great time to have a session, maybe an hour or so to just relax and enjoy. I brought out the peridise set and started with the largest...

Hi guys, Pleasure Tease, the adult store in New Jersey near Philadelphia, PA is doing all it can to rectify a problem of a misdelivery in a recent order of mine. On Monday March 6, I ordered from them a Progasm Classic in Black. Unfortunately they were out of that model's color, so they give me a choice to wait until they got it back in stock in their store. Unfortunately one of their clerks sent me the Progasm Black Ice...

My experiences with anal play are limited. Tried a dildo and som BP`s before, but never knowing that the prostate and connected parts can give us med Super-O`s or MMO`s. This will be a work in progress, maybe it can help someone in the future or help me keep track. Please feel free to comment or give me advice! From now on I will put up a new journal entry every session – I can put it in this thread or...

So last night I made more progress in my Aneros sessions, and had what I believe to be the most intense pleasurable sensations so far. Wow! The Progasm seems to be the model that my body likes and responds to the most right now. Even though I briefly switched out to the Eupho during the session, it didn't really do much this time. So the Progasm went back in for more fun times! :D I find that there is something really...

Hi guys, I believe that I reached a milestone in my Anerosing this morning. I think it has to do with the true nature of Aneros autof**king. I'll tell you more why in a bit. Sequence of models used: Helix Classic -- Progasm Black Ice -- Helix Syn -- Maximus -- Progasm Ice -- Progasm Classic. Duration: 3.5+ hours. This morning once again I began with the Helix Classic. He gave a direct, prostate massage and an awesome autof**k. Then I switched to Progasm...

TL;DR * Tingling around the abdomen * Constant, quick involuntary contractions * Rock solid erections * Breathing kept things going * Dry-O My last proper session was a dud, but that's likely due to either anxiety or lack of arousal )or both(. Few days later I tried the Progasm, to see if a change in model would spur anything new. It did, in fact, and the results were quick - but due to supposed internal haemorrhoids, the session was aborted quickly. Bummer. But regardless - the session...

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