• Aftershocks

    12 hours later I'm still not quite sure that my body has recovered. I'm feeling echoes of involuntaries. I don't think they're still happening now but definitely i'm feeling something. It all started last night. I'd been having a bit of a break for a while as my last couple of sessions had been bad. I don't think I was mentally on it at all and had plenty on my mind. I'd managed a few involuntaries but nothing really came of it. Last night I was finally feeling ready to get back to it. Saying good night to the flat mate I retired to bed and shot a good load of maximus up my rear end. It was a little bit more than normal. I then coated my helix with a generous coating of pjur back door glide…I really love that stuff. I inserted my helix and relaxed. Within 30 seconds it all kicked off. Involuntaries started but this time my hips just wanted to thrust with it which doesn't usually happen. Then some mini O's kicked in which is at which point I realised that I'd inserted the Helix back to front…d'oh! I rotated it at which point I was a gonner. One of the best sessions I've had in a while as orgasm after orgasm just came along. I hardly made any contractions at all and just let things happen. They weren't earth shattering but were just continuous. After probably about 90 mins and a quick comfort break I thought it was time I got my Progasm out and give it a go. I lubed it up with some back door glide and in it went. Not having much luck with the Progasm before I wasn't expecting too much but wow…tonight was different. What a ride and it's different. The Helix feels much more concentrated for me whilst the Progasm seems to give me more of a diluted sensation but it was sublime. I super o'd on the progasm and swapped back to the Helix and continued the ride. I was about 3 hours in now and I think my prostate was starting to feel a bit over stimulated as I was experiencing a little soreness so I decided to end the session. I cleaned up and fell asleep still naked in my bed. After an hour I woke up. I wasn't really with it and thought i'd fallen asleep with my helix still inside as I was awoken by my ass contracting. It felt as though it was still in there but when I felt around to my hole it wasn't. It dorned upon me that I was now into an Aneroless session. Waking up I tensed up a little and could feel the muscles in my lower stomach and around my groin contrating. I tensed a little more to the point that a super O cascaded through my body. I think this was the first time I've had this without an Aneros inserted. All I wanted to do was sleep but the p waves just kept coming with mini o after mini o. Eventually they subsided to a point where I fell asleep again. I woke up again after a few hours and fortunately this time the p waves had stopped but my body is telling me that I must have had quite a work out last night. My whole stomach and groin feel worked out and even just thinking about it now sends echoes through me. I'm home alone tonight…i'm wondering whether to have a rest night or just to plug and play again. Wow!

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