something new came up during this afternoon's session. I was doing nothing, just aware of the aneros caressing my prostate and pleasuring me and doing the tantric breathing. I was just going along this way and the thought popped into my head that something else is blocking my way to more pleasure. When the energy of the tantric breathing reached my heart it transformed into mostly tears and some shaking. It took a while of sobbing, getting more intense and...

Just learning how to "suck" energy up my spine to my chest, head and back down my chest/heart, abdomen penis and prostate. Feels like a hot or icy hot wave that follows my breath and my attention around my trunk, amazing. The base of my spine feels very cool, temperature-wise. Don't know exactly what I'm doing except Jmay talked about this sucking energy around before and now I understand what he meant. If I do this a few times, the...

Well my friends I just had my first ever less session and I have never felt better. I rode over night and sleep well I took it out when I woke up. So this afternoon I was laying on the couch and out of the blue o had a rock hard erection witch felt amazing lucky me there where a few people on the chat at the time. So I had someone to share with. In fact one of them...

Well, after my first helix ride last week, I was feeling pretty beat-up around the prostate, and figured I'd let myself recover for a week before trying it again. I had a couple of sessions with the smallest peridise, and the peaks were not as they had been. )Still very nice(. Including a wet one Saturday night. But, last night, my tail seemed to be in fine fettle, and yearning for something substantial. So, very late, I...

So my partner and I just got home from an awesome vacation! We had a great time and had some great quality time together. We had switched hotels because we were staying in different cities throughout the week, I had brought the progasm and helix syn hoping we could play a bit while we were there. Long story short, when we unpacked at the last hotel, I put them in the table by the bed...

This will be quick I'm still trying to catch my breathe. I just got one with a beautiful session. Back story I have not rode anything for two weeks and have not had a wet orgasm for 5 days. The pipes needed to be cleaned and my prostate needed to be scratched. Parents with out to dinner and I got in the shower cleaned out and ran back to my bedroom with glee in my heart. I lubed up my ass...

My best sessions are on awakening, I'm relaxed, breathing easy, quiet, focused on my body and ready to receive pleasure. These are asexual sessions which means I'm not turned on or stimulating myself in any way. I figure I'm aroused by the life force within me or whatever you want to call it. It's something that's with me all the time but is hard for me to access when my brain is engaged. During the day when I have a...

TL;DR: * Sensations specific to anus within first minute of insertion * Most sensations weren't Aneros exclusive until later * Faint Out-of-Body moment early in session * Involuntary Tug-of-War generated pleasure in anus/PC muscles * Frequent practice still needed on sensing Aneros That Aneros itch. I don't know about you, but it's always a source of slight distress for me. Self-inflicted distress, that is. The backbone behind it all is the best time to use the massager, specifically: 1. If my mind is sound, and I am...

I rode the MGX all night and woke up periodically for mini orgasms and went back to sleep. Whilst I was in the bathtub this morning for my usual 1-2 hour soak and chatting with the guys about less sessions, I began to have one. But that wasn't unexpected. What was unexpected was I started to feel the same warmth radiating from the area of my heart that usually I feel coming from my loins! I was feeling particularly relaxed...

Well, I loaded with lube, h2o brand, and used astroglide on the helix syn. Inserted, and relaxed. Mmm. The sensations are completely different from the peridise I've been enjoying so. They are both a voyage; the peridise is a speedboat. Intensity range 10 top, 2 bottom on the waves. The helix was a big sailing yacht. The peaks are 9's, the troughs are 7's for the cruise. And I was in a yummy, tranquil, state for two hours, not...

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