• a first time for everything

    Well my friends I just had my first ever less session and I have never felt better. I rode over night and sleep well I took it out when I woke up. So this afternoon I was laying on the couch and out of the blue o had a rock hard erection witch felt amazing lucky me there where a few people on the chat at the time. So I had someone to share with. In fact one of them wrote something to me in the chat that gave me a jolt it was unbelievable. So I just layed there and let it happen. I felt a heartbeat radiating from my rear, my face got all hot, just good feeling, my mind was starting to wander. Then all of a sudden my phone died so I got up and went to the bathroom and also got a charger the natural distraction ended the session but it seems like a bit of a advancement in my rewire process. I am absolutely ecstatic for what the future holds. The chat can do a lot great conversation. Even Better people I feel welcome in this brotherhood.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/12/2013at7:51 pm

      Ben, really cool to hear you had your first 'less' session, and as you may have figured out by now, there is much more in store for you, as your rewiring process advances…I can remember my first 'breakthrough' moment, and the thrill of just wanting to tell someone what had just happened to me. I had been mentored by a member and I was so proud to get in touch with him to tell him the good news. Your last statement ties it all up, Ben, when you said, 'I feel welcome in this brotherhood.' Glad you found us too.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/12/2013at8:38 pm

      Congrats man. As Chuck stated that urgent feeling to voice to the world of your new discovery of pleasure is such a good thing. You are so on the right path to great feelings and new happens with your sexual journey.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/12/2013at10:41 pm

      Welcome, welcome, welcome, dj!!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/13/2013at11:58 am

      I'm happy for you, dj. we're all lucky. Your hopeful comment about the future reminds me of the last words in the film, Now Voyager! "don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars."

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/21/2013at10:33 pm

      Congratulations dj on your great very early LESS session!!
      This demonstrates the extent of your natural openness, energies levels, current wiring and rewiring direction, and your greater potential as your journey is progressing in its unique ways!!
      And this great group of fellow friends attests to the great support and joy at your success, the signature of this amazing mutually adventuring community mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
      all the very best energies at all levels and connections throughout our Aneros journeys here all
      as we rewire
      we are all reconnected

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/21/2013at10:33 pm

      Congratulations dj on your great very early LESS session!!
      This demonstrates the extent of your natural openness, energies levels, current wiring and rewiring direction, and your greater potential as your journey is progressing in its unique ways!!
      And this great group of fellow friends attests to the great support and joy at your success, the signature of this amazing mutually adventuring community mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
      all the very best energies at all levels and connections throughout our Aneros journeys here all
      as we rewire
      we are all reconnected

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