Hey guys. Back again with another crazy ride. I wasn one of my crazy breaks from riding and cumming again. 8 long nasty horny days of not cumming. But I did play around in my ass a lot. Like for me after a hard days work I just like to take a nice hot shower and just dig up there and play around. I was in the chat a few days ago and we were conversing about finsting. I brought...

Hi guys, From almost the very beginning of my Aneros sessions more than eighteen months ago, I have been using the Aneros position of lying on my back with a folded pillow to support my butt. I also used four pillows to support my upper body and head. That position has worked very well as training for my Anerosing. I say this because this position works especially for active Anerosing. Then shortly after Thanksgiving last, when I began using Peridise and Tempo...

I've had numerous sessions since my last entry, with varying degrees of "success". Let me start out by saying that all of the sessions have been pleasurable, and I really enjoy having my helix inside of me. After the success of my MMO session, I couldn't wait to have more. In my next session I had the leg/body shaking feelings, but I just couldn't get off with dry orgasms. It felt great, but after the my last experience...

Hi guys, Those who know me at Aneros Forum, or have chatted with me in Aneros Chat, or have read my blog here know that I have an intense jock and cup fetish which began in puberty when I had to buy a jockstrap for 7th grade PE. Sexual arousal is key for successful Aneros sessions in the same way it is for sexual intercourse or masturbation. In a way, one could say that Anerosing is intense male masturbation. I have two...

Hey guys been gone for a while but I'm back. I have learned a lot on this journey and it has changed me into the man you see in the chat and forums post then nowledge i now know. I have progressed so well that my sexual appetite has changed and so many new things get me off. Weather is a wet orgasm or not a orgasm still happens and that never happen before Aneros. One example is edging. Edging is...

First blog, I have been using the Aneros Progasm for about 3 weeks now and I love it. My wife has played with my ass for over 20 years and she bought me this for Christmas. I have had many Super Os over the years. But i have never had one without touching myself, until recently. I didn't like the way it felt when I was sitting down. The upper knob always hurt me, so I tried to bent it...

I tried several toys in the past with low success but also low engagement. My experiences weren't very good and that's why I want to reassure people with this blog. Problems I had: - don't feeling much, when the toy is inserted. - Unability of deep relaxation - bad conscience - don't taking enough time Despite these problems I achieved my first success yesterday. Although not everything was perfect! I have to admit, that I'm not the guy who falls in deep relaxation and trance. I also...

So i have been having no rest time or free time to ride due to being back at work. Even tho i deal with little kids not having them for a full week had us teachers back up so no fun for the O luver. lol Today tho I was able to get a few minutes in after a hard days of work but had still had many other things to do. I didn't even have a chance to get fully...

So oddly enough, after my blog post, which was the last time I had a mini-O or dry-O of some sort. I haven't been able to reproduce it again yet. But what has happened is that with almost every session I get right up to the start of the orgasm. Basically I'll get one pleasurable orgasmic pulse, and then it's done. It never feels resolved like the mini-O's I had did. Sometimes this occurs once or many times in the...

Hi guys, Yesterday morning, guys, I experimented with positions and experienced some really awesome new Aneros sensations. For as a preliminary word of explanation, in the Peridise Full Set, there are four Peridise models labeled from left to right: P1, P2, P3, and P4. They are equal length but P1 has the largest head. P1 is the suggested model for Peridise beginners. In my sessions since Thanksgiving I have been using P1 and P2. To be brief, I experimented sitting with some of...

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