I first thought about this in the context of things at www.dick.net and posted this first quote over there: "50th Anniversary and more So grateful for now entering 8th year of glorious ecstatic orgasmic energies mutual prostates/Gspots loving adventures practice with my wife, the crown of our erotic life together, and later this year celebrating our 45 years of happy hetero-marriage, and over 30 years parenting two wonderful accomplished sons, and 50th Anniversary of my Youthful Gay Exploratory and all I learned and enjoyed...

There are several perplexing, wonderful and amazing side effects of MMO beyond the incredible sensations that it stimulates. It is all a part of rewiring. For me rewiring has sharpened my sense of pleasure, enhanced my sensual observation skills and has elevated my mental state to one of being aroused 90% of the time. But perhaps the most perplexing and wonderful aspect of MMO is the fact that when I finish a robust 2 hour session of...

Hey guys I know it's been a while since I have wrote a blog but with work and riding my time is really consumed. But I'm back. Here to tell my new knowedge of what I have learned and the new things I do in my sessions to get me t the high peak of orgasm. Firstly I now only ride on the weekends. That came about because I am always taking long persion breaks fro riding or cumming or doing...

So this morning I had another couple of mild mini-O's. This is two and half months since the last time it happened. It's been I think, four days into this round of Aneros sessions, with two of those days also using my Feeldoe More after the Aneros session. Today was just an Aneros session with my Progasm. As of last night I've been rather horny, easily aroused, and my prostate quite sensitive. So that has been quite helpful. The two...

Hi guys, I believe that most guys from their earliest years until they arrive into the adult years are very much focused upon their penises. I think that most guys experience in their earliest years the tactile pleasure the penis has for them. I know that was my own experience. For me, it was discovering the sensitivity of my glans penis for sure at age five when I began to have vivid memories of the sheer textures of pleasure that I could...

I hadn't entirely given up on seeing where I could go without nipple stimulation, but it wasn't really on my mind this afternoon as I started a second session. The first was heavy on nipple stimulation and was very good as a result. I can't remember much else from it as it seems to have been mostly eclipsed in my mind by the session this entry is about. I do know that I got my penis involved...

Hi guys I got my helix 2 weeks ago and did 5 sessions so far. For each session I put no pressure on myself. I try to have no mental representation of what a Super O could be and try to listen to my body. I tried several positions. The one I prefer is on my back with a pillow under my back/butts. After 2 or 3 sessions, I could feel the variation of pressure on my prostate when I varied the strength...

Three nights ago I sustained one of the most intense tempo sessions I have ever done. It started at 3 am from having gone to sleep with my tempo inserted. The tempo session was two and a half hours of hard relentless anal spasms and deep prostate orgasms and cock lurching pleasure. When I pulled the tempo from my anus it made a wet sucking pop; my desperate orifice did not want to release it. Yet...

I was recently chatting with a friend here about my own MMO experience and the much sought after achievement of rewiring. My experience has been that it took three interrelated practices or skills for me to achieve the pleasure of MMO or Super O. First was relaxation, or letting go of my daily worries, distractions and tension. Second was the development of mind / body awareness and mind / body control. The third and most fun aspect was...

Aneros And Penile Semen Ejaculation As others have mentioned that when you have a penile semen ejaculation through either sex with a partner or through masturbation, you ejaculate then go through a refractory period of time where your sexual interest declines and you cannot raise an erection and you feel less than interested in sexual activity. This certainly so with myself. This period can last from a couple of days to a month or more. But give me a break fellas,...

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