So I wake up in the middle of the night as usual. I feel the warmth of a man next to me. The memories of last night come flooding back. I glance over at him sleeping soundly. I dont have a clue of what time it is, there are no windows in here, but it feels like its really early in the morning before sunrise. I do notice he's only wearing his underwear, and only...

Some things I've learned about my emotions and helping others heal emotionally • Need a sense of safety to feel emotions • When safe enough, emotions come up to awareness and can be accessed • The presence of someone who is trusted and comfortable with witnessing emotions facilitates the expression of emotion • I can access my emotions when alone if I'm centered in myself and feel safe enough • The safety of the setting facilitates the expression of emotion • The contrast between the safety...

With my wife out of town, I had time available for a long session. I lubed up with internal lube, vasoline and astroglide ultra gentle gel. I popped it in and very soon was cruising with calm seas about level 5 and peaks at about 8 or 9. After about an hour and a half, I indulged myself with a wet one. The prolactin rush pretty well knocked me out into a fitful sleep for maybe...

Hi guys, This morning after bathing, shaving, and dressing, I sat before my PC and immediately fell into the bliss of a strong, delicious Aless. My body and psyche had tricked me into thinking that it was time for an Aneros session. Indeed, just about every morning if I have time on my hands, I have an Aneros session first thing in the morning. Most mornings they tend to be long and leisurely. However in a few minutes I have to leave...

Great news ! My lovely wife and soul mate has decided to contribute to the experience here to help others understand, learn and grow ! Look for future post from awired50sbabe for insight coming soon! Cheers !...

So when chatting a little while ago some interesting topics came up. I challenged myself to stretch my imagination a bit and here's what I came up with. So generally I'm not into men who cross dress. I dont have a problem with it, its just not something I am usually drawn to. Maybe because so many men are not able to pull off wearing what could be considered "womens" clothing well. Well my mind was changed...

I am in Seattle visiting my daughter and son in law. They have a great place out here; it is a tri level modern house with four bedrooms, one of which has total privacy on the lower level. That is where I am sleeping. I am here without my wife as I came to California on business and this was a side trip as long as I was on the west coast. I have been here...

Last week I wanted to test myself. I went a whole 5 days with out riding or having a wet orgasm. The only thing I allowed was a less rides that came by just building up energy. It was rough but I learned a lot about my sexual appetite. Firstly I learned that i watch to much porn. I consume a lot and even though that porn does not always kick start my sessions it is always a factor in the...

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