• Six hours of ecstasy – 2 videos available. Comments encouraged.

    With my wife out of town, I had time available for a long session. I lubed up with internal lube, vasoline and astroglide ultra gentle gel. I popped it in and very soon was cruising with calm seas about level 5 and peaks at about 8 or 9. After about an hour and a half, I indulged myself with a wet one. The prolactin rush pretty well knocked me out into a fitful sleep for maybe three hours.
    I woke to pee and the Eupho was working its magic again. After about an hour and a half, I thought, "Gee, I should get a record of this." I set up the camera next to my bed and started the commentary, being interrupted by a couple of orgasms. I rolled over so I could display what was going on at butt level with the Eupho action. Interesting to watch it sucking in and popping out an inch or so as I came.
    After about 15 minutes I decided that was enough, had a pretty big one and called it a day for the video.
    However when I wanted to take a look at it, I could only see the first few seconds and it went away so I decided to make a second take and pretty much repeated the action.
    What with checking out how the videos went and posting them, it was an hour or so until I finally was done, getting rolling orgasms all the way, and finally pulled the plug.
    I found that the first take actually was available so I posted both of them.
    They can be found at yuvutu.com for free. Search for Aneros. The sound level was too low for the commentary on my laptop, but fine on my iPad Air. But the howls I emitted could be heard on both. Should work on a desktop with speaker volume control.
    I welcome comments as these are documentaries for permanent use.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2014at1:45 pm

      Great videos man. They really are a turn on and I love that you are able to let go and just let the toy do its own thing.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/07/2014at4:02 pm

      often tried viewing your videos but blocked because I'm not a paying member of yuvutu

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/29/2014at6:51 pm

      Last I looked, mine were public and not blocked. The other Aneros ones are blocked.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/29/2014at6:57 pm

      Just checked. Mine are indeed public.

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