After a lengthy day of minor progress, I decided I needed to re-read and try differently. I was exhausted, so intrigued about the do nothing method. Wow - Hey Newbies - if you haven't tried doing nothing...

Had a day off and was eager to start early. Some porn and on my left side with knees bent. Trying the exercises and spent too much time chasing it- but started to feel the buildup and a very slight p-wave or two. I think porn - visual images, videos, audio is a distraction. So, finished with a super-t. Was exhausted really...

couldnt handle the tickle in the stomach any longer so prepped the area and followed yesterday's protocol. I rushed the bath and didnt get my core up as high and also had higher than acceptable expectations and a time constraint. However, I was closer than ever with fewer p-waves )missed them really(. I also tried tantric quick breathing which helps along with a subtle rocking motion on my left side. Porn was back and images only was great. It was awesome...

delayed shipping arrival didnt set the mood but was able to shift back into the mindset, however, I knew I only had a couple of hours- a big non-no when my expectations were moderately high- another no-no. All three were smaller than expected and as I remember from a few years back- and I think I wrongly assumed bigger would be better with someone who has prostate experience. Some nice audio porn from Soundcloud, set the lighting and into the afternoon trying...

hello there! I thought I'd also track my journey to the Super-O. Also, since this is an incredibly personal journey, there isn't anyone I can share with - except for you and this community. Thank you for being there for me and thank you to all the previous posters in the forums and blogs- I have learned huge amounts about my body, the potential experience and your intimate teachings. So...

-Last blog post I made mention of a stuttering issue I was having with the vibrator in the Vice. I had hoped that I fixed it by slightly pushing down the bottom section of the vibrator. While it worked well for a couple sessions, the stuttering came back and was significantly worse, to the point where it would effectively end my sessions when it happened. It wouldn't happen right away, usually after an hour or so of...

Figured I'd put my notes on my blog instead of in a Word file. These may be disjoint. Some just random. Got a Helix about a week ago and just got a Vice (BEAST) yesterday. I'm not sure yet what can be called a Mino/Micro-O, but I think I've experienced some of those. Am SURE I haven't seen any Super-Os yet!! My Notes: ------------------------------------------------ My first Orgasm type Experience )Just with Perineum Massage alone( When I started chasing the big SO, I started...

In the 8 years that I have been a practitioner, I continue to be amazed at the continual learning process involved in anal / prostate orgasm. There seems to be endless opportunity to experiment with stimulation, erotic imagery, and breathing to climb to new heights of pleasure. Each session as I learn more and more I get greater skill at coaxing serene ecstasy from my anus, cock, and perineum. The key seems to be getting the pleasure to...

Hi guys, In the 1990's or around year 2000, I had an insight into sensation in my male sexual apparatus. I had reflected on my sexual anatomy from my teens until my 40's or 50's when I got this flash of insight. Most guys focus upon their cocks and balls from their teens. It comes from the initiation that they receive when they begin to masturbate and then have their first orgasms and ejaculations of semen. Adolescence is a period in a...

Five sessions since my last blog post )all with the Vice(, all but one of them fantastic. I can pretty consistently get multiple Os now, and I start getting them much quicker. I'm currently at a point where I don't think I can progress much further, mostly because I don't think I have anywhere further to go. I can certainly improve my technique and make small adjustments here and there, but I believe I've just about reached...

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