It has been a while since I have emailed; couple that with the fact that it has also been several days since I have MMOed. My desire is at a fevered pitch. I have been so very busy with work eroticism was forced to the recesses of my mind until there is a lull and then it flares like a blast furnace. When it does erotic thoughts of our anticipated meeting teased my consciousness and tantalized my...

I have not updated in some time and I want to get this very important message to you. I have a session 2 or 3 times a week when I can have a couple of hours to be alone with myself. Knowing oneself this is the point. Each session does get better than the last. I now get into an orgasm very quickly and just mostly stay in an orgasmic state for an hour or so then let it go...

Hi guys, I really wanted an Aneros session today since my session on early Wednesday morning, March 30 went so well. Please remember that I hadn't a session since New Years Day almost three months ago. Wednesday's session unlocked all the good Aneros feelings which regaled me so much previously. But first I had to run a couple errands this morning. I had my session early this afternoon. I used the same lineup of models as I did on Wednesday. The four models...

Hi guys, Today I am celebrating my 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just did not feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age. I decided to have a birthday session, nevertheless as good luck for the coming year...

Last weekend was the first “down time” weekend in our house in several weeks. The relaxed time paved the way for some together time watching TV and cuddling on Saturday night. That kind of contact in a relaxed environment always translates to intimacy in bed later in the evening. By 10 PM there was no doubt that when we both got in bed later that night, sex was in the offing. I am lucky in that...

There are certain things that just go together, like milk and cookies, beer and pretzels, baseball and peanuts and movies and popcorn. Beyond food there are also things that elegantly complement experiences in my life. The matching of the complement and the activity makes the experience seem even more enjoyable. While the food related examples are ones that I have certainly enjoyed, there are some emotional / sensual ones that also resonate with me. Examples are sitting by the...

Sometimes I pinch myself to check that my life is real. I feel so lucky that I have this ability to experience extreme seemingly relentless pleasure that I do. Yet other times I wonder why I do this to myself, suffering the agonizing yet ecstatic ache of intense arousal all the time. Yesterday I had a very very sexy chat with a female friend on line. It was the kind of detailed intimate discussion of...

The well spring of my sexual response flows from the depths of my aroused mind, from deep in my anal canal and under the base of my cock inside my groin; the desire that inspires those responses is a result of real time visions, recalled images, personal intimate memories and imagined fantasies. My desire and response are fickle. Orgasm may choose many different paths as it exerts its power over my body. The mental images may be...

(This was just posted to my blog at - thought I'd re-post it here, too) March has been kind of a strange and thrilling month for me, bate-wise. Ever since getting re-wired to have prostate orgasms with the Aneros massagers, all of my bate sessions have been enhanced with those great sensations eminating from my prostate. Some give you a mild, buzzy sensation and waves of pleasure (called p-waves by Aneros fans). Others approximate the feel of a normal orgasm,...

I've thought about starting a blog so many times. This incredible family of devices has taken up so much of my thought and effort in the past four years. There is so much to say. First, some basic info about me and my style of play. Late 30s. Northeast USA. Happily married. Heteroamorous but newly cock curious (you can read my forum posts to find out more about that). Routine = Coconut oil. Nest. Must create a restful, comfortable environment. Mostly clear mattress. Lots of...

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