• Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016

    Hi guys,
    Today I am celebrating my 67th birthday. I observed it in part with my first Aneros session in over two months. There are two reasons for this long hiatus between sessions. First, we had a rather cold winter, and second, lingering affects from the flu. I just did not feel up for sessions on cold winter mornings. I felt despondent about thrown into old age.
    I decided to have a birthday session, nevertheless as good luck for the coming year in some many ways, especially as to my general health.
    The major take away from this morning's session that after long Aneros usage, you never quite forget how so good the various models feel working away in you. I call this Aneros muscle memory.
    I used my most favorite Aneros models this morning: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic.
    Helix Classic for a long time has been a session opener. I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012 with Helix Syn which I believe is a good introduction to anal play for guys totally unfamiliar to that experience as me. I like Helix Classic better because that model provides more direct stimulation. This morning I opened myself up to new sensations from Helix Classic and was richly rewarded.
    Next Maximus worked his magic in same fashion. The pleasure grew as the session progressed. With both these models, I began with lying on my side with my legs in sitting fashion, but switched to lying on my back with my butt placed on a pillow. Lying on my back, I've discovered, provided even more direct stimulation to my anal musculature and prostate.
    After a breather of 5-10 minutes, I continued with Tempo which enables me to sit at my PC. I was grateful that the old feelings came back, especially with a model as Tempo!
    I concluded the session with quality time with Progasm Classic which performed greatly. With Progasm, I experienced mini-O's and was on the verge of a Super-O.
    Now I am reveling in feelings from Aless, just like old times. That is the beauty of Aneros muscle memory when after a long absence, you come back and it feels like a duck to water.
    Take care,
    P.S. I add this!
    "Hi matt1008, [matt1008 is a longtime Aneros user] "I can't wait to read your book when it is published, hopefully next fall.
    "Also I want to thank you once again for telling me about Aneros on Bateworld.com Sept./Oct. 2011. The various Aneros models, I have found, have promoted good, vibrant health in me and even my Bate. There was a long time that I didn't bate but once or two per month. Now it is once or twice a week for me. I allow myself to get horny through "abstinence" and then in my bate sessions now, I have lots of edging. When I finally cum, I shoot loads of sweet, thick cum. Also the sweetness of my cumming/orgasm lasts about 2-3 minutes. It is awesome! I credit all this to my Aneros sessions!"


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/30/2016at4:52 pm

      Happy Birthday Thom! Nice to hear you are back "in the swing" of things!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/30/2016at5:50 pm

      Thank you, goldenboy!
      A good friend from took me to a birthday lunch in my neighborhood.
      Right now it is late afternoon as I relax. I am sitting at my PC and am experiencing one after another a series of chairgasms which are a manifestation of Aless. I am savoring the chairgasms and Aless!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/30/2016at6:02 pm

      Had one just a few days ago in this chair! Wild!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/30/2016at7:52 pm

      Hi goldenboy,
      I believe you have been the Aneros journey for about two months or so. You are making great progress!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2016at2:55 am

      Thanks! Yeah, you're right. I can't believe what I have already experienced with Aneros. I do feel that there is more to come! I am starting to get a little 'antsy' about this abstinence thing. Got up in middle of night with semi-hard erection and had to pee. When I got back to bed, it developed into rock-hard one and was really starting to ache with precum. Felt like some Viagra. Fortunately, didn't last too long and is starting to subside.

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