Hi guys, I arrived home from church exhausted from conversations with friends. In a way that was good although I felt famished. I changed out of my church clothes into casual summer clothes. I bought some light refreshment and went to Rose Park to enjoy the warm, yet dry weather with a glass of coke. Then back to the 7 Eleven for more groceries returning to my apartment. I saw that @GGringo had posted a blog entry about his first session with...

Well, last night I had my first encounter with my new Progasm Ice and and here are a few details. First, I lubed up, lubed the monster and slowly started inserting it. My anus, being used to the gentle curvature of the Helyx Syn started questioning my sanity as I was gently pushing it in further. Not a comfortable feeling at all. Eventually, it slid all the way in and now my rectum was screaming "who parked a...

My first massager was the Helyx Syn bought 6 months ago. Although I feel I have made great strides with my 3-4 weekly sessions, I have yet to achieve the Dry-O and Super-O levels. Even being at the level i am, I feel I am way ahead even if this is all I would ever get from my Aneros experience. I feel better, I discovered feelings I never knew I had before and from a health point...

Hi guys, I feel well-fucked after my usual 1.5 hour session with Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. I have never had that kind of sex with a gal or guy in my life. Although I am a confirmed bachelor at 67, I have enjoyed masturbation over the years, but my Aneros sessions lately have sent me into orbit. This morning with each of my models, I first used the "do nothing" technique letting my body take over. Once again, I...

Hi guys, I wanted a session first thing this morning, but couldn't. I had to send out some e-mails, most of them with a large Presbyterian church library where I am volunteer here. While I was composing and sending these e-mails, I had surges of sweet Aless that wouldn't quit. My sessions and Aless in recent weeks have been very powerful ever since I discovered how wonderful Kegels and Reverse Kegels are when performed with my Aneros models. Fortunately outside of sessions,...

Hi guys, Yesterday afternoon, Sunday, we began a stretch of dry weather with lowering humidity. This morning, Monday, we have refreshing cool and sunny weather with low humidity. I got up early as I often do to bathe and bathe. I dressed and took a longer than usual constitutional to enjoy the fine weather. Upon arriving at my apartment at 7 a.m., I had a session with my favorite models. This morning I decided to use the "do nothing" technique with each...

So this is my first blog. I got my Aneros Progasm Black Ice about 11 days ago. I have had a couple of sessions and I will tell you about it! First of all I am completely new to anal play. I have been reading A LOT of stuff on this website about tips and ideas and so on. I have tried a couple of different things so far but no MASSIVE results yet. My sessions usually, so far, lasts between 1...

Hi guys, I had almost identical sessions yesterday morning and this morning with my favorite models: Helix Classic, Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic. They seemed perhaps routine and lackluster, but oh, they produced sweet, powerful Aless which I am savoring as I write the blog entry. However, today I celebrate an important anniversary. Thirty-eight years ago today, I came to live in DC. Previously I had lived in Wheaton, IL had studied and worked at the college there. I was twenty-nine when...

Hi guys, Just six hours after my late evening session Tuesday night, I had a rather short session just after sunrise yesterday morning Wednesday morning. I used only Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. With the exception of Tempo, these three are my favorite Aneros models. They perform exceeding well with the Kegels and Reverse Kegels. All I can say is that this short session reinforced the previous late evening session. I was rewarded with powerful Aless for much of the...

So this is ny first blog entry. I got my Aneros Black Ice about 10 days ago. So far its been a little bit frustrating. Although many times I have pleasurable sensations, no orgasms. The best feeling I get is sometimes between like 4-6minutes after inserting the Progasm I do the "Do nothing" method. And I will have this deep numbing and tickling feeling deep inside me which feels amazing but its not nearly as intense as a "traditional" orgasm that I...

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