• Fathers Day session, 6/19/16 p.m.

    Hi guys,
    I arrived home from church exhausted from conversations with friends. In a way that was good although I felt famished. I changed out of my church clothes into casual summer clothes. I bought some light refreshment and went to Rose Park to enjoy the warm, yet dry weather with a glass of coke. Then back to the 7 Eleven for more groceries returning to my apartment.
    I saw that @GGringo had posted a blog entry about his first session with Progasm Ice. So I prepared for a late Sunday afternoon session with Tempo and Progasm Ice. Tempo worked well once again on my right side and on my back. However, I fell asleep with Tempo still inserted. When I came to, it took a minute or two to realize this. Fortunately I exercised caution and withdrew Tempo. When I did this, I had intense, yet pleasurable Aless.
    Then I worked with Progasm Ice, first on my right side and then on my back. I used Kegels and Reverse Kegels with Progasm Ice in a couple sets. Progasm Ice performed much better than ever before. So I will add Progasm Ice to my regular lineup of Aneros models. I should do the same with Progasm Ivory.
    I must say that for the last month or so after each session I have that satisfied, well-fucked feeling that comes with Aless, to be ever savored as I work with Aless and that well-fucked feeling. It is so beautiful and makes me glad that I am a man! So that is my salute to Fathers Day!
    Take care!

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