• Do Nothing Technique & Those Awesome Kegels = Aneros Power & Sweetness, 6/13/16 session *

    Hi guys,
    Yesterday afternoon, Sunday, we began a stretch of dry weather with lowering humidity. This morning, Monday, we have refreshing cool and sunny weather with low humidity. I got up early as I often do to bathe and bathe. I dressed and took a longer than usual constitutional to enjoy the fine weather.
    Upon arriving at my apartment at 7 a.m., I had a session with my favorite models. This morning I decided to use the “do nothing” technique with each of my Aneros models first on my right side and then on my back with a pillow beneath my butt. The “do nothing” technique took over and it seemed the most natural thing in the world. And yes, I threw an occasional Kegel or two just to keep the fire going.
    Also I performed the Kegels and Reverse Kegels with these models in a determined fashion as well as Tempo which I ride while sitting at my PC. It is just wonderful!
    Now as I type this entry post session, I have Aless power and sweetness like no other, powerful sexual energy from my alive prostate and “well fucked” hole.
    Take care!

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