Today in the short session I had I felt something different. Well, not a different feeling, but one with a different outcome. Generally I use my nipples when I'm frustratred and get nothing from sessions, as nipples make my prostate move. Problem is I eventually ejaculate. Today I had not time nor privacy enough for a proper session so I I tried to try a bit of helix syn. As usual, I felt nothing for half an hour, so I went back...

Hi guys, Early this morning we had a low of 44 degrees, so I wore my sweats to bed last night and had one of my most soundest sleeps in months. I woke up at 7:15 a.m. thoroughly rested and listened to the news on the radio til 8 o'clock. Since I had such a great session in the noon hour yesterday, my body hankered for another session this morning which lasted about an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It...

Hi guys, Sunday morning, yesterday, in the hours following sunrise, our first true autumn weather arrived with blustery winds which cleared away the days of high humidity, cloudy, and drizzly weather. By mid morning, we had bright sunshine and clear skies with hardly a cloud in the sky. When I arrived back home yesterday afternoon, the apartment felt cold. I woke up this morning feeling like an icicle. I had to wait for the noon hour for the temps to rise...

Hi guys, This morning I woke up about 3 a.m. this morning. But since there was little of note on the radio to listen to, I decided to get up soon afterwards, and prep for a session. This morning I rode in order, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It was a real good session. It began around 4 and ended around 5 a.m. I began with MGX. MGX and I have become real good friends since he of his own accord became...

Hi guys, Once again I slept about four hours last night and woke up just around 2 a.m. this morning. So I listened between various radio stations, mostly WAVA-FM, an evangelical radio station which offers evangelical preaching and conservative political commentary. The preaching I hear on that radio station is mostly good, despite the ranting and raving of some preachers, who try to emulate the prophets of the Old Testament. However I have little patience for the conservative political commentary...

I'm very frustrated because I was writing a big post and suddenly the site refreshed somehow and I lost everything I wrote. So I'll be very short now, I'm sorry. - While having sessions I end up in a point where I feel very tense and I feel some kind of urge. Problem is that I end up ejaculating. - Nipples have a noticeable impact in my prostate, but if I keep using them I end up ejaculating. I have premature ejaculation,...

Hi guys, These days I am waiting for the apartment building engineer to come to my apartment to perform his semiannual inspection which just takes a few days. Alas, I learned some months ago he is the building engineer to several apartment building! Also I received a notice a good twelve days ago of his visit. So I do not know when he will come after all. This morning I awoke just after 5 a.m. and listened for an hour NPR Morning...

Hi guys, My Aneros sessions are now settling into a new normal since that early Friday morning session nearly three weeks ago when I experienced a solid series of Super-O's and MMO's! That one session has revved up my Aless many fold, that constant Aless buzz centered in my Prostate and quivering anal musculature, so sweet. Yesterday morning I had an hour's session with both Maximus and Prograsm Classic. Since then just that irrepressible Aless! :-) I dedicate this blog entry to...

Last night was my third straight night having a Aneros session and my tool of choice was my Progasm Ice. I had used my Helix Syn for both previous nights. What differed last night is that I dedicated my entire session to the 'Do Nothing' method. This is the second time I tried this and the results were pretty well the same; nothing. My theory was to completely let my prostate do all the work or at least...

When I've started writing this blog days ago, it has been many months since I had a "good" session. By good I mean getting something more than the background pleasure. I had a good session yesterday. Like most of my sessions, when I have them during the week, it happened after dinner, because before I was at work. This brings a problem - I'm tired. Most of the sessions I try at night end up with me falling asleep, and today the...

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