• My beloved Energizer Bunnies, Maximus and Progasm Classic, etc., Wednesday October 5

    Hi guys,
    These days I am waiting for the apartment building engineer to come to my apartment to perform his semiannual inspection which just takes a few days. Alas, I learned some months ago he is the building engineer to several apartment building! Also I received a notice a good twelve days ago of his visit. So I do not know when he will come after all.
    This morning I awoke just after 5 a.m. and listened for an hour NPR Morning Edition. Then I got up, bathe, shaved, and dressed, and then I got my coffee and pastry from the 7 Eleven. After breakfast and my coffee, I had nearly an hour’s session with Maximus and Progasm Classic. It was absolutely awesome!
    Both Maximus and Progasm Classic this morning were again Energizer Bunnies! They kept going and going in their massage action! I did very little but rather focused upon the energy of pleasure emanating from my excited, vibrating prostate and anal musculature. Right now as I type this blog entry my Aless feels as though these models were still there in action! This morning’s session was similar to my breakthrough session of Friday September 16!
    Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      10/05/2016at11:56 pm

      @BigGlansDC do you feel your rewiring process is almost completed? It’s been quite the journey for you!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      10/06/2016at12:26 am

      I believe so, @GGringo, but there is much, much more to experience!

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