Hi guys, I am sorry that I don't blog entries much recently. I still have Aneros sessions three to four times a week. It varies though. Lately I have been working with the following Aneros models in the following order: Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic. Now often in sessions I experience Super-O's and MMO's. Also I have the capability to self-induce such by stimulating my nipples. It is so sweet! Like @goldenboy, I enjoy wearing a cup and jock to bed many...

Had an ok session last night. Was getting small shots of bliss, no orgasm, maybe a couple small small ones. On my side at one point and I had a few involuntary PC contractions, I assume, which were very powerful and involved my abs as well. That was new. Felt like my heartbeat kicked them. I pulled the plug and went to sleep only to be awoken three times to very hard erections with major contractions. I can almost tell...

Since Aneros claims that the eupho is perfect for use during sex I figured it would be my duty to give it a try. My wife had been asking about sex with the aneros in for a while. So with the addition of the eupho to my collection the time was fitting. Monday night knowing we would be I left the eupho laying on her night stand with a note that said "you can use this on me". Fast forward...

Been working at it four nights running with minor events and glute shakes. Trying to get my relaxation on. Last night was more of the same, nothing mind blowing yet. I tried on my knees next to the bed and ended up grabbing my cock and got excited till I had a TO. That was rather intense. Woke up at 4AM with a hard cock and experienced a bit of an aless with some precum. Today might be interesting because...

Tried it for the first time. Had a relaxing bath and inserted. Felt full like I needed a poop. Got out of bath and dried off removed it re lubed an it went in easier. Getting used to the feeling of having it in!! Just going to relube it again. Relived it but had to sit on loo!! Removed it again and will try again in the next while. Not unpleasant but the full feeling makes me feel I need the loo....

So, Ive had my helix syn for a few weeks, one of which i had to leave it at home while on vacation with the family and three grandchildren. Didn't look to be any opportunities for alone time in 1200 ft cabin. I've been hitting it off and on, with a few minor episodes of goodness. Twice, I've fallen asleep with it, only to wake up at 3 AM having a wonderful time for 10 or 15 seconds. So I know my wires are...

Since I said I would review the Eupho Trident, I went ahead and picked up a Eupho Syn . I want to put some hours in with the syn version, before I try out the Trident version. It will give me something to compare it to in my next review to see if the Trident version really is better. This may be jumping a little early since the Trident version has yet to see my ass, but I really think...

First post to test the system. I did this last night and it disappeared into the intertubes. ...

Last night I was taking the Maximus Trident for another spin. My Penis would go from flacid to rock hard and back multiple times. This is pretty normal for me. I also leak precum in fairly generous amounts. It does not matter erection or not. I know every guy is different. Anyone else out there leak alot? Or have alternating erections? For non leakers do you ever dribble prostate fluid? ...

Hi guys, Since July 4 last week, I have had several sessions that were so powerful and pleasurable that are hard to explain. So after my session this morning, I will try to explain some of my recent Aneros and Aless experiences. This morning I had a session which lasted a good 1.25 hours with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic. Maximus has joined MGX and Helix Classic as Aneros models which start most of my sessions. I have worked with Maximus fairly intimately since...

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