Hi folks, especially hi Turnrow, Bro! Your post just interrupted another beginning gooning state upcoming when listening to „What A Difference A Day Makes“ performed by Rod Stewart, oh how right he is. I was leaning comfortably back on my couch and closing my eyes from time to time. Upcoming involuntaries tried to adapt themselves to the rhythm of the music and that meanwhile well known whole body arousal was starting too. Curious about any new messages in my Aneros...

When I first got the helix syn, at the end of June, my sleep was totally wrecked for about 4 weeks. I have an app that records sleep cycles using the motion sensor. I had been high 70-80% and dropped into the 40-50 range. Lately I was back up into the low 70s. FF to Monday, when I picked up a tub of Shea Butter. I've had two sessions and am back into the 40s on my sleep. I've noticed...

I had a nice long session Sunday afternoon. Actually, even before my session I had some very enjoyable chats in the chat room, including one with a guy who was having a nice A-less session. He was kind enough to share what he was experiencing with me, and reading his descriptions created a sort of echo of the sensations in me. I wasn’t able to perpetuate them, but it was still enjoyable. I really enjoy hearing/reading...

I had another session. It wasn’t so much a session as a marathon, or maybe two sessions on either end of “retaining.” I dunno, define it how you like. I got my Progasm Red Ice and Eupho Trident in the mail. I tried both, as well as using the Helix Trident, during this session. I like all three! I’m still very inexperienced, but they are all very different. I started Thursday evening with the Eupho Trident. ...

Hey guys I just purchased a Helix Syn and already had two sessions. I have not reached the super o but am starting to get some p waves and have powerful ejaculations at the end of my sessions. I usually lay on my back and wear boxers during the session since I like the tightness around my balls. I was just wondering if I should go naked and what to try so I can get that mindblowing super o. ...

I just realized that my last blog post never went through. Usually I write my posts in some other editor because sometimes web forms screw up. Like this time…. when I chose not to take precautions…. Go figure. So I’ll be brief and try to recapture most of what I tried to say before but much less verbosely than usual because I’m tired and don’t remember everything I said anyway. So…. Session 5, two days ago, Monday morning. Not a...

Today’s session was better than Monday’s, but still not quite as good as either of the first two. I think the main reason these last two have not been as good is my level of arousal. I think I must have been more aroused the first two times. I was more aroused today than on Monday, and that helped, but I was also tired. I went to bed late last night, I woke up early this morning,...

In my previous post, I talked a little bit about how I define success. The session I was describing was not, in fact, all that pleasurable. And yet, I consider it a success anyway. Why is that? What does “success” mean, and how do we define the criteria for achieving it? I began learning to play the violin almost 2 years ago. At first I learned quickly, because there were many “easy” basic things to learn....

I started my session this morning after exercising, bathing, and practicing my violin. I also checked my work email and went over the more important messages to make my life easier when I got to work. That may have been a mistake, which I’ll get into later. I lubed up, shooting a little Shibari in as pre-lubrication and applying a dab of Boy Butter H2O on the Helix to ease insertion. I mentioned in an earlier post that...

I had my second Aneros session this morning. Let me preface my recounting of it with a few admissions of guilt: - It was a very long session. I went against the advice of more experienced users who recommended sticking closer to 30 minutes. All told, I had my Aneros in for 3.5 hours. - It was not actually my second time using the Aneros. I slipped it in one other time between this session and the first as a...

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