Last night my wife and I talked - I reminded her we last made love in March and here it is late October. She reminded me of her perimenopause into menopause phase that she has been stuck in for the last 5 or 6 years, and that it could last another five years, maybe more. She said to be honest she has no interest in sex other than private masturbation. I told her from my perspective the...

Regardless of what model I use I get to the BIG SO faster lying on my stomach. Lying on my back gets me there but slower and with less intensity....

This wasn't a bad session just not as good as some I've had especially with the Progasm. Think I'm going to take a week off and see what happens next time. *...

One, I need to take a break. I've had a session every day for the past four days. This is an interesting device. Definitely applies more pressure than the Helix, not quite as much as the Progasm. You can definitely tell the PS-New is there. It seems to reach higher than the Helix too. Not sure about the Progasm. Good device. *...

What follows is a summary of the session that followed the one in my previous blog, they could not have been more different. Apologies if it comes across as being too descriptive, I was just trying to capture the vigorous and sensuous experience. I actually left some bits out! Bedtime couldn’t come quick enough. I had prepared everything in advance so that no time would be wasted with the preliminaries. There only remained the decision of which implement to use. The...

Hello all. I’ve had a couple sessions since I last found time to write. I won’t take a lot of time to write out all the details of each session, but I would like to state some observations I made. With both sessions, I started out laying on the couch. I like the natural positioning of my body when laying there. It lends itself well to using the Aneros. I have noticed that the angle of my...

After a lackluster session two nights ago with this device, it sure got me there tonight! It definitely does it much more gently than the Progasm Black does. Progasm gives me these deep, throaty moans and when I hit the big SO there is no doubt it's the Progasm putting the pressure on my prostate. Helix is less intense and feels more like a traditional O without the ejaculation. I've got an afterglow burning too. Nice! Wife and I are...

My wife and I have been in a statistically sexless marriage since about a year after we married. In other words, less than 10 times a year. The novelty of say sex on a week, or twice a month wore off. And then from say 8 times per year with the start of year two we have gone down to 2 to 4 times per year during the last 10+ years. At first I was so...

My wife told me, after she and her first husband broke up she was shopping around for a dildo. A friend of her's told her," Don't get anything bigger than average as anything smaller may not satisfy you anymore". Well, that's what I found with this session. Helix took me pretty high and had some great SO's but not like the ones the Progasm Black has given me of late. Helix certainly is more mobile but it just doesn't quite hit...

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