Started with 15 minutes guided meditation. Nice relaxed session. No hard on. Caught myself chasing feelings when they built up, trying not to do that. I did pretty good one time, trying to just stay where I was. Kind of a overall "warm" feeling sort of thing. Couldn't stay there long, but at least I tried. I think when I get aroused feelings I build or chase them. I need to NOT do that, so trying to just let go...

Hi guys, I was inspired by a provocative thread that I saw this evening on Aneros Forum entitled: "Nipples connected to the Glans?" It got me really horny! However a very cardinal rule to be followed in Aneros sessions especially for beginners is "Penis not." So for a very long time, actually years, I concentrated on my sessions and kept my penis out of it. But in Aneros Directions for Use which was among the original instructions, when you have gained facility in...

Hi guys, Wednesday September 4, yesterday, @fred27, posted a questionnaire on how we conduct our individual Aneros sessions. That questionnaire caused me to serious thinking and reflection overnight last night. As many of you know, I started my Aneros journey early Sunday  evening, June 3, 2012, with Classic Helix Syn. I added other Classic models to my sessions such as Maximus, Progasm, Progasm ICE, Helix, Progasm Jr, and MGX. They served me well over the years. In September 2016, I had major breakthroughs with Super-O's...

Well writing my last blog entry I got horny again. Went took a pill and had another quickie with the flesh light. It was really good, pretty strong intensity, not super hard. Not surprising since it was such a short time. Since I'm planning on SR maybe that was in my mind to just go ahead and get another one in if I could. We'll see how long I can hold out now and get back to the Aneros. ...

I have not had a proper hard on / orgasm since getting my Aneros. I was missing it and set out today to have a good old fashioned masturbation session. I took a pill at 9 am, I also did some nipple play, I can't believe how amazing they are now. I am getting much more arousal from them and find myself wanting to touch them every time I take my shirt off. I wanted to stretch it out a...

8-29-2019 Back from the beach and a 10 day break from sex, aside from looking for bikini clad babes on the beach with my cousins. Spent the first night with the Helix in. Some pleasant feelings before going to bed. Woke up and spent time playing around, not really a session. Nipple play etc. I was thinking of no masturbation till I had a proper session. I tried the vibrating butt plug again for an hour or so. Tried the...

08-10-2019 - (forum post) I had a really amazing session the other day, and in the midst of my blissful feelings, my mind wandered away. It was almost like a detached brain thing and I was trying to go through the checklist to figure out what feelings I was having. As I think back on that, I think, what the heck was I doing? (Shhhhhhhhh) be still brain. Then afterwards I was trying to think back on what happened and compare it...

8-7-2019 through 8-18-2019 I had several sessions that were only so-so, I think I had expectations from the awesome overnight session. These were frustrating for me. I did spend a lot of time reading posts in the forum trying to figure out what the magic bullet was. I have now discovered there is not one and I need to just ride the waves however they come. My frustration led to desiring a traditional orgasm at the end of a session. As a...

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