I wanted to provide an update on what's going on. Most of this is anerosless/KSMO related but I thought it would be interesting to some. Also, the KSMO forum is not nearly as active as this one. In fact, most of the responses I've gotten from people there are from people who frequency this forum. First, an aneros update. I tried my helix again a week or so ago after not having used it for a few weeks. The session was...

Yesterday I was already having many dry O's with the Progasm. Up until the past week I'd been more or less exclusively using my sphincter muscles as contracting my pc muscles(too hard) made me urinate.I guess it was a disadvantage having been already acquainted with pc muscle exercises and fitness, only now I realise it's the very slight pc contraction that has maximum effect. It's definitely different from say training the biceps. Amazing all the different sensations you can experience...

As the title suggests, I can't have a session for 2 weeks as I am studying (and sometimes partying ofc) at home during easter. I think that paradoxically, not having a session might be able to aid me in my progress. At this point it is necessary to try to define where i am in the rewiring process and what I do during a session, both for myself and also to make it more relatable for fellow aneros users. (presuming...

So I bought my Helix a couple months ago. I had been curious for a while but finally decided to pull the trigger and get the Helix. I had never really tried any sort of anal play but I wanted to make sure I got something that had new guys in mind and the Helix fit that bill. When the Helix finally arrived I was very excited, I abstained from masturbation for a few days so I was ready...

I haven't blogged for a while because I've been off in the land of KSMO. At this point, I'm generating much more intense feelings with KSMO than I ever have with an aneros. The feelings are similar to my aneros-less sessions but KSMO seems to bring them on much more quickly. I did, however, try my helix with my KSMO practice. I have to say that my initial experience was an either-or sort of one. If I did my KSMO, the...

I was awakened this morning by an erotic dream. It left me very horny but still sleepy and relaxed. As I laid in bed, I focused on the images from my dream and let the pleasure build in my body. I found myself experiencing floating bliss almost immediately. My entire body was floating and tingling. The feeling was much less concentrated in my prostate area than in the past. It filled my head, hands, feet, everywhere. Once during the session,...

I decided to experiment. Around 11pm, I retired to my bed with the helix and the hypno CDs. I've had the CDs for a while and listened to them with an aneros, but never used them with one. The CDs got me quite relaxed and I did get some p-waves. But, for the most part, the session was a dud. I also wanted to see what would happen if I slept with it in. I dozed for another couple of...

I spent a couple of hours this morning. The session was similar to the last one. The main difference was that I got a lot more body spasms. In the past, I would get little twitches here and there. This morning, I had several occurrences of extreme shaking. Two times, my right butt cheek and leg violently spasmed for about about 30 seconds or do. I also felt stomach muscles quivering which I never had before. These spasms were not...

So last night I had another Aneros session. And several times I reached these peaks of pleasure where my anus would start involuntarily spasming, which would induce the MGX to auto-fuck my ass. Wow! This has happened before in the last two sessions. And when that happens, the ridges on the MGX stem really add some nice vibrations like stimulation to my anus kicking up the pleasure even more. But what I'm really posting about is I had one experience in...

I had an interesting and extremely nice anerosless session last night (this morning?). I basically sat and watched TV while intermittently looking at erotic pictures and focusing on my prostate. As before, I was able to "pump" energy into it and hold it there. The feelings were extremely pleasurable. What was new this time was that most times I did this, I got a glorious rush of pleasure that traveled all over my body and made my head spin. I've...

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