• A dud

    I decided to experiment. Around 11pm, I retired to my bed with the helix and the hypno CDs. I've had the CDs for a while and listened to them with an aneros, but never used them with one. The CDs got me quite relaxed and I did get some p-waves. But, for the most part, the session was a dud. I also wanted to see what would happen if I slept with it in. I dozed for another couple of hours without anything significant happening.
    I'm not disappointed. I've had so many good experiences that I feel lucky. And, I expect to have many more. Perhaps this experience taught my body something that I'll make use of later.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/19/2010at4:40 pm

      A dud session is not unusual. Your still in the learning process. Keep on truckin

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