About three days back if I remember correctly, I was napping on the couch. And I started having a dream that there was some sort of dildo shaped vibrator pushed in my ass with just the end sticking out. And then within the dream I started massaging my perineum with my fingers. And as I laid there I felt this slowly and gradually building pleasure just like in an Aneros session. And it started to get really pleasurable. And...

As some of you may know, I have been spending a lot more time with my KSMO practice than with an aneros. Several have commented that would still like to track my progress. Since KSMO and Aneros are so closely related (both are oriented around creating non-ejaculatory MMOs), it doesn't seem like too much of an abuse of this forum to blog about KSMO here. To bring everyone up to date...

Hello again, Since my last blog i have made a big breakthrough with my progasm. I did say that i was putting it away for a bit, but i went on live chat a few days ago & got some positive feedback, so i decided to try to put this into practice. My last few sessions have not produced any super-o's due to wanting to piss & a bit of discomfort due to overdoing things a bit, it can get quite...

Hello to all, First I would just like to say, I am not in any way claiming any special knowledge or insight in these matters, they are purely my own experiences & observations. I count myself very fortunate to have a very understanding/loving partner, and the amazing progress I have made in such a short space of time. I have been using the helix for about 6 weeks now, about 20 sessions, I will try not to digress too much (see my...

Well, I have no idea what just happened, but I know one thing, it was amazing. I ended up just rolling around for a while, moaning, groaning, groping, and cumming. I didn't get a single p-wave the entire time I was at it, but I definitely had about three distinctly different sensations I am reluctant to call orgasms. The first was a feeling deep inside, creating a serious sensation to urinate, but eventually the sensation turned into a fullness and constant...

Today I returned from my first day of work after using my progasm. I work challenging midnight shifts in a very difficult, and very mentally demanding and spiritually draining career field. I found that today, a twelve hour shift passed in what felt like four hours. While I don't get paid for the hours, the boost from my first aneros experience yesterday more than made up for the lack of overtime pay. I got home and began reading some blogs and...

[B]Introduction[/B] Two days ago, I thought I had experienced everything. I found in the last hour that I still have much to learn. At a very young age, I discovered masturbation. I lay in bed one night at the age of eleven, and began itching my flaccid penis. I had not yet begun the journey into puberty fully, I suspect that I was just on the precipice, as puberty was rather uneventful for me. However, this night was different. I found...

Generally when I use my Aneros toys I start with my Eupho and move on to the larger ones. Each one gives different sensations. Usually I'll use one and after a period of time it'll get played out so on to the next one and so on. Today after using the Progasm I thought I'd give my Eupho another ride. I just didn't quite feel done. Boy was I right. Today this thing launched me into an extreme orgasmic state....

Thank you J4, you are an inspiration. Over the last few months I have had many sessions. Most of them have been as dead as a dodo. About 6 or 8 weeks back I had the best session overall up to then. Mini involuntaries as I call then were present. Then back into death valley, nothing at all. This morning I read J4's latest post and blog. I had some time to myself so I decided to have a session. Nothing, not a sausage. This afternoon I was...

Wonderful News!!! It seems as though during the last two weeks I have scaled the heights to the next plateau. I have, for lack of a better term, had “an attack of serious pleasure”. Achieving a break through milestone I wondered if I would ever see the other side of. Call it a series of mini o’s or dry o’s, I don’t care. I found a new level of pleasure, one that my body could not tolerate without some...

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