• KSMO; Bringing everyone up to speed

    As some of you may know, I have been spending a lot more time with my KSMO practice than with an aneros. Several have commented that would still like to track my progress. Since KSMO and Aneros are so closely related (both are oriented around creating non-ejaculatory MMOs), it doesn't seem like too much of an abuse of this forum to blog about KSMO here.
    To bring everyone up to date…
    I first started with KSMO about 2 months ago. The very first time I made the sound, I felt something. It was a very slight excited feeling in my stomach. I actually didn't expect to feel anything so I was surprised when I did. My progress has been fairly rapid. In these two months, I've gone from being able to generate p-waves with a loud sound to being able to generate super-o's with no sound at all (just using my mind). Of course, this happened in stages. First, I figured out how to make the sound quietly. Then, I found I was able to breathe as if I were making the sound but just imagine the sound in my head. Now I can "push" very intense feelings into my penis and groin with a thought.
    I suspect my quick progress is just due to the way I'm wired. My aneros use was always accompanied by very intense aneros-less experiences. In fact, my aneros-less sessions were often much more intense than with an aneros. The same trend has continued with KSMO. I never had any orgasm with an aneros that was even 1/10 the intensity of what I've had with KSMO.
    When I first started KSMO, I mostly followed the directions and avoided ejaculation until a day after a session. I didn't always succeed at this (esp. in the beginning). Lately, I've been having one session where I avoid ejaculating, then another one the next day where I finish with an ejaculation. I'm making steady progress so I'm not hung up about doing this. Let's face it, ejaculating is fun. However, I will admit that, lately, the orgasm that comes with ejaculation doesn't seem as intense as the others I have in the KSMO session that leads up to it. The release feels very good but the sensations aren't as strong. I'm actually very surprised to be discovering this. I had always expected the "regular" orgasm to be the strongest. Maybe this will change in the future, I don't know.
    As for frequency, I tend to have 3-4 sessions a week. I try to skip a day in between each to give my body time to absorb what it learned in the previous session. But, sometimes my body has other ideas. Sessions last anywhere from one to three hours. Sometimes, I'll take a break or two in the middle of a session. It seems like this often lets me reach a higher level of arousal. After I take a break like this, I can usually get back to the previous level of arousal in a minute or two. It's really like I never stopped.
    Most of the time, I have sessions in front of the computer while looking at porn. Purists might say that this is cheating. I don't really care. The visual stimulation helps things along so I do it. Sometimes, I will climb into bed or lay on the couch after my arousal level gets very high. In this state, it becomes pretty easy to maintain the arousal without looking at anything.
    The feelings I get during a session are hard to describe. I usually get a tingling in my anus/groin and an insisting, almost burning sensation in my penis to start. Sometimes it feels like my penis will explode. Sometimes I also get full-body tingling. When I have an orgasm, the feelings build up just like a "regular" one and then reach a crescendo. It has a similar feeling to a regular orgasm except there usually isn't any penile or anal contractions. I do sometimes feel little fluttering contractions in my penis (almost like little twitches; nothing like the pumping contractions that accompany ejaculation) but not all the time. Often the orgasm causes me to lean forward (contract my stomach muscles) and grunt and pant. They also sometimes cause me to close my eyes and roll them back into my head. This usually causes a rush of feelings to shoot up my spine and into my head. When these orgasms get very intense, I end up closing my eyes, groaning/yelling and rolling my head around. It sometimes feels like the chair I'm sitting in is rocking back and forth or side to side. After these orgasms, if I completely relax, I can induce what people call a calm seas orgasm that washes a feeling of euphoria over my body that can last several minutes.
    My orgasms seem to be changing almost every time I have a session. Lately, it feels like my body is experimenting with how to channel the orgasmic energy. It's like my body tries to send the energy out of my penis (an ejaculation?) but since I'm not headed towards ejaculation, it's not sure what to do. As recently as a week or two ago, the max intensity of these feelings was almost too much to bear. Now, I'm getting sensations shooting into my stomach and up into my chest which seems to make the penile sensations easier to tolerate. These feelings take my breath away. It feels like new pathways for this energy are being created in every session. I expect that as time goes on, it will become easier for this energy to travel around my body.
    My latest session was this morning. It was the best yet. I had a phenomenal session for several hours last night. This morning, I was awakened by full-body tingling. This happens to me regularly. It seems like the half-sleep state of early morning is conducive to this. My experience is that when this happens to me, it kind of primes my body for a good session later in the day. This morning, it took me no more than a few minutes to start having dry-o's. I also had several super-o's that were the most intense yet. When I have a session at night, I don't sleep all that well so I'm a little tired today. As I type this, I'm feeling like I want to start up again. But, I should really get some sleep tonight.
    One final tidbit…
    Just a few days ago, I took the first step towards integrating KSMO into partner sex. My wife does not yet know of my KSMO practice and I'm not sure when I will tell her (a long story for another time). Anyways, we were casually messing around and she ended up giving me a hand job. While she was doing this, I focused my mind to try to conjure up some KSMO-like feelings. While they were very very subtle, I did feel something. Prior to ejaculating, I think I managed to have several very small mini-o's. Trying to create these feelings while being stimulated so directly was very difficult. And, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure that I wasn't imagining everything. We'll see how things play out in the future.
    Sorry for the length of this. Future blog entries will likely be shorter.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2010at5:23 am

      Thanks for your elaboration.
      I've taken your method of exceeding the 20 minutes. I've got a 4 sec KeySound(KS) which I stop and start so I get it exactly right. I put on a slide show of sexy images at the same time to build the Chin Chi and to avoid becoming too seflconscious I put on my own Brainwavegenerator sound. This is on the 'Shumann Resonance' which is on 7,8 hz which blocks out the keysound I'm making for the neighbours and also coz I use a method called xbox I can listen to the brainentrainment thru the boxes instead of only being able to listen and be effected thru the headphones and putting my brain in the meditative/completative frame of mind which also relaxes and is thus conducive to KSMO practise.
      I start off loud and as the 20 minutes pass I do this softer and softer until after the 20 minutes I'm just going thru the motions with my body and mentally making the sound. As you stated I end up building up this feeling, like a ball of energy, by just breathing in and out(even without thinking ks) and experiencing the similar ab contractions as with the Aneros which I'll refer to as 'orgasmic reflex'. Then as I focus on the feeling it feels like that whole area explodes.
      Especially at night (as I'm trying to get to sleep) the echo effects are extreme and often accompagnied by moans, perhaps coz I do chacra breathing at night, anyways….I however haven't yet experienced what I have with the Aneros apart from the 'orgasmic reflex'. The KSMO is far more energetic, but I haven't experienced the dry orgasms that you have yet(except a while back but that can be due to the druginduced Super O with the Aneros the previous day).
      I was wondering if you can explain how you get from this euphoric energy to dry orgasms at least if our semantics are the same, dry orgasms for me means it feels like your ejaculating but nothing comes out?
      Also it was my understanding that if you did the KSMO you could bypass the traditional ejaculatory path?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2010at11:54 am

      Hello dtmsmith, 🙂
      No worries about the length. I rather think it is interesting to read all of the details. It makes me wonder though what is the difference between men that find the KSMO versus the Aneros path easier and more fruitful as far as results. Keep blogging about your experiences. I think it is likely helpful for men in their Aneros practice. And opens their eyes that this experience of MMO's can be created in other ways.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2010at2:54 pm

      I'm using the term "orgasm" to refer to any pleasurable feeling that starts small, builds to a peak, stays there for a time, and has a sense of release. What I'm calling dry-o's and super-o's are generally not accompanied by a strong feeling of ejaculation, at least for me. As I said, sometimes I feel slight twitching sorts of contractions, but they're very subtle. Even so, the pleasure I feel with these is extreme. I will say that once I had these feelings along with significant contractions, but this only happened once. And, the intensity I've been getting recently is at least as high, if not higher, than this session with the contractions. So, I really don't know if I've moved past the point of getting this ejaculation feeling or if this is still in my future. I'd be very interested in other people's experience.

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