• The best yet

    Thank you J4, you are an inspiration.
    Over the last few months I have had many sessions.
    Most of them have been as dead as a dodo.
    About 6 or 8 weeks back I had the best session overall up to then.
    Mini involuntaries as I call then were present.
    Then back into death valley, nothing at all.
    This morning I read J4's latest post and blog.
    I had some time to myself so I decided to have a session.
    Nothing, not a sausage.
    This afternoon I was presented with another oppertunity.
    Started with Helix.
    Got the mini involuntaries going.
    Switched to Mgx after an hour.
    Some mini's again then two glorious
    pleasure pulses or waves from the prostate.
    Wow, they only lasted 1/10 of a second each but Wow.
    To achieve this involved some intense fantasy and a lot of nipple stimulation.
    After a further 1/2 hour I was getting tired and finding it hard to concentrate so I finished by hand.
    Hard work but my best so far.
    Can it be repeated and built upon is the question.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2010at9:18 am

      Congratulations Voyager!!! Relax on this plateau and enjoy the possibilities here, while, without expectations, being open to any surprise call to take off to further heights!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2010at11:40 am

      Fantastic Voyager! It seems like a number of us long term grinders are making some progress! 😀 It's interesting to note that like in your post, in my most recent sessions, a second evening attempt typically seems to turn up way better results. Where as the first one is nothing to write home about. Usually dud, or close to it. Keep at it friend! This should be good incentive for you to keep practicing regularly. 🙂

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      04/20/2010at4:50 pm

      Something I didn’t mention in my first post is that my breakthrough session was actually the second session of the day. Probably a three hour night session at that. I only have double sessions a handful of times a year.
      I know your journey well enough to NOT say “just relax and let it happen” or “be patient and good things will eventually come”. It’s not going to be quick with us. Progress is incremental.
      My body has been telling me big things are going to happen for a couple of months. I could get an intense sensation and keep thinking to myself “how much stronger does this have to get to overload my pleasure circuitry?” For me, the answer was “quite a bit”. But I was in this phase for months. Success didn’t just come out of the blue, it just wouldn’t push over until finally one day it decided “all right, I guess I’ve denied you enough.” I don’t get why it took me so long at all. Relax, contract, breath, change models, change positions, hypno music, full moon parties with my SO – I’ve had so many sessions of such various consistencies.
      You have to keep logging the hours so you can be there, with your Aneros in, when your body starts giving it up. The only advice I’ve got is keep all those practice sessions fun and do not try to give yourself hands free wet orgasms. You’re probably hardwired real good for traditional pleasure and that means extra time – that doesn’t mean it has to be hard work though.

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