So, I had my first session. Showered, cleaned, lubed, ready to go. I initially inserted it while laying on my side, then i turned onto my back laying normally. I started doing some deep breathing while contracting, as if when i breathed in, i contracted. They were intermediate contractions, nothing small or big. After about 30 minutes, I think I had my first p-wave. It didn't feel like any orgasm, but it definitely felt like a wave. A strange feeling occured during...

I decided to experiment on sunday evening. I started with the Maximus for about 1/2 hour. I then removed it and launched into an anerosless session. I wanted to see how starting with the Maximus would influence what I could do without anything. Well, the Maximus felt pretty good. I was able to have several dry-o's. Nothing too intense but still very pleasurable. What was most interesting is that the anerosless session after I removed the Maximus was quite bland...

So my most recent progress in my Aneros journey happened today. This morning I woke up in bed and decided to just have a quick and not terribly focused no-Aneros session in bed. The difference was, for some reason I got the idea to imagine something rubbing against my prostate. A ghost Aneros so to speak. And I was very surprised by how much pleasurable sensations started being generated there! Later in the day in both my no-Aneros arousal builder...

It started early yesterday morning with about 2 hours of laying in bed, very relaxed. I'd call this a warm-up or "priming the pump". I spent most of the time in a very pleasant orgasmic state. Nothing too extreme but definitely erotic and orgasmic. I got up and spent another hour or so looking at porn. During this session, I had several pretty intense orgasms. They were typical for me during this kind of activity. All of them were focused in...

I wanted to update as I have not posted anything in a while. I've had several really good anerosless sessions in the last week or so. The sensations in my stomach and chest are getting stronger. I've felt some in my head too. I've been keeping my tongue on the roof of my mouth as was suggested in my latest thread. I can't say that it's doing anything, but it's a nice place to rest my tongue. I'm finding more and...

I had a short but phenomenal session this morning. The intensity of the feelings in my abdomen and chest were even higher than a few days ago. It took me very little time (a minute or two) to reach the same level of pleasure that used to take me 20 minutes a few months ago. It's almost like my body is poised and ready to take off at will and it's my conscious mind that's holding it back as opposed...

I am currently having the *best* orgasms of my life. When they hit me, I am paralyzed for minutes. Right now, I'm between them but I feel another one coming soon. Holy shit! This is amazing. I knew this would be a good night because all day I was on the edge. Here it comes...

If you've read my latest thread, you've seen that I had some success with maximus + eupho on saturday. It's taken quite a lot of willpower but I have not ejaculated since then. The toughest times were in the shower (you know, soap, rubbing, etc.). I was very busy with other things yesterday so not much happened. I didn't have any "out of the blue" after effects. This morning, I woke up in a content and relaxed state. As I laid...

I recently bought a maximus and started a thread about it. I wanted to update my blog. The first session was accompanied by full body sensations I'd never felt before. The second was as well but not as intense. This second session was the next day and in the evening. I think I forced it a bit because I was anxious to see what would happen and I was tired. I ended the second session with some anerosless activity and traditional...

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