Well, I'm going to start a blog to see where this experience takes me. I'm going to purchase my first Aneros product, probably today. I'm planning to buy the Helix as my starting point. I have previously stimulated my prostate with manual stimulation. The first time was quite enjoyable and it felt wonderful, but no big Super O or anything. (Still trying to get the lingo used on this site.) The second time, a few months later, I...

I've had the Eupho for 9 months or so but never had much luck with it. I hadn't used it for many months until a few weeks ago. For some reason, I decided to give it another try. I've used it 2 or 3 times so far in these last couple of weeks and the sessions have been amazing. Yesterday's was the best so far. My body starts reacting immediately upon insertion. I only had about a 1/2 hour yesterday...

I've started reading "The Multi-orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia. Last night I decided to experiment with generating sexual energy and seeing if I could circulate it. Generating it was really easy. Drawing it up to my head was also not very difficult. It was much more difficult to send it back down (the book says this is common for men). After about a 1/2 hour, I was able to get a sense of the circulation although the feelings in the...

So tonight I experienced more progress in my journey and new sensations. I had a feeling my Aneros session was going to be good, as my warm up arousal building no-Aneros session looking at porn while rubbing my nipples generated some mighty nice pleasure sensations. But here's what was different. As I started my Aneros session after inserting my Helix, I just relaxed and breathed the first few minutes. Then I started rubbing my nipples and working with sexual fantasies. And...

It's been a while so I thought I'd provide and update. Overall things have been going well. I've been having some very nice anerosless sessions and a few with aneros. But, I haven't had any huge breakthroughs. It seems like I can now go from zero to major pleasure in less time than in the past (anerosless). I can start p-waves almost immediately. In just a few minutes, I start to feel mini-o's and moderate dry-o's. In less than 10,...

So, after my dry-o (see my comment on my last entry), I got into the shower. I immediately started to get intense p-waves. I could hardly stand up they were so strong. I had to hold onto the shower door. I was just standing under the water as it hit my back (the water wasn't hitting my penis). I slowly became erect. It felt like I might have my first hands free wet orgasm. Unlike other p-wave/dry-o feelings, this...

Well, I tossed and turned most of the night. I had a lot of pent up energy. I think I woke up at least 10 times with very intense p-waves. The pleasure would build to an extreme level in my body, then subside. No contractions. I tried my best to let it take me but I was torn between this pleasure and getting some sleep. I probably should have masturbated to try to calm things down but I didn't really...

The full moon must be affecting me as I've been having p-waves and mini-o's all day. About 2pm I decided to lay down and focus on the feelings. I started off without an aneros. The session started like others usually do. I was having intense p-waves, mini-o's, and some moderate dry-o's accompanied by all sorts of involuntary contractions. At some point, all the contractions stopped. I relaxed and just let things happen. Slowly, my whole body began to "glow". The...

I just wanted to post a few observations I have made over the last few years of Aneros usage. Ok I have used my Aneros massagers in many different ways. For awhile I used e-stim. I would usually attach 2 electrode pads to my penis and vary the current. It does create many great sensations. I also bought a stainless prostate massager and turned that into a trode. The current was directly on my prostate. Very different. I have used...

I had a phenomenal anerosless session last night. The orgasms ranked as some of the best. All were mostly without contractions (unlike the one from the morning). I had another amazing session this morning when I woke up. Very intense. I ended it with an ejaculation. Now, about 45 minutes later, I'm having a series of mini-o's that will peak as soon as a focus on them. Today should be fun :)...

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