• Update

    It's been a while so I thought I'd provide and update. Overall things have been going well. I've been having some very nice anerosless sessions and a few with aneros. But, I haven't had any huge breakthroughs. It seems like I can now go from zero to major pleasure in less time than in the past (anerosless). I can start p-waves almost immediately. In just a few minutes, I start to feel mini-o's and moderate dry-o's. In less than 10, I can get pretty intense orgasms.
    I have been a little frustrated that the intensity of the orgasms hasn't gone beyond a certain point. I am convinced that as good as they feel, there's more. I'm trying not to worry about this and just enjoy what I feel. I have to admit it's hard sometimes. I'd like to experience the completely out-of-control orgasms that others have described. On the other hand, when I look at how far I've come, it's hard to complain.
    I did have a somewhat unique experience today. This morning I had a very nice maximus session and have been feeling the after effects all day. I laid down for an anerosless session in the afternoon. It started similarly to others with prostate-centered pleasure. Gradually, the feelings "smoothed" out and spread all over my body. For the next hour or so, I was bathed in pleasure. It wasn't incredibly intense but was very nice. Occasionally, it would peak slightly, but mostly it just filled my body. I've felt this before but it never lasted this long and wasn't quite the same. For most of the time, there was a non-localized feeling of pleasure. It was like my whole body was feeling it without there being any particular source. Really strange but extremely nice. A few times, it felt like my body was pumped up with air like a balloon. I also felt a bunch of large muscle contractions and twitching. Nothing sustained through.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/07/2010at11:19 am

      Hello dtmsmith. I have been following your track record and you have been so fortunate. Any chance of ever doing a tube video. I have been doing aneros for some time but can't reach the famous super o. I do get incredible pleasures but nothing more and do you ever go to the chat forum. I would like to get ideas from you so I can move to the next level. Thanks do keep up us informed.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/07/2010at5:27 pm

      You won't see a video from me :-). I am on the chat regularly so look for me there.

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