• sleepless

    Well, I tossed and turned most of the night. I had a lot of pent up energy. I think I woke up at least 10 times with very intense p-waves. The pleasure would build to an extreme level in my body, then subside. No contractions. I tried my best to let it take me but I was torn between this pleasure and getting some sleep. I probably should have masturbated to try to calm things down but I didn't really feel like it. This morning I'm feeling pretty aroused. Hopefully my lack of sleep will be compensated for by some fun today.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/25/2010at12:15 pm

      I was just rewarded. An incredible, pumping, full-body orgasm that lasted at least 10 minutes. I stopped it on purpose as I have to get moving for the day. I don't think I'm done yet though.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/07/2011at5:00 pm

      You know, I'm very much into dreaming (I've been saying that lately on the forum) and I swear I might have taken such pleasure waves into the dream world where I was getting SLEEP aaaaaand experiencing P-WAVES at the same time! What a concept! I encourage you to explore that possibility. Try relaxing and let your body fall asleep as you experience P-waves. What happened to me is that I started to dream and P-waves got more intense, but I didn't know I was sleeping.

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