• My observation over the years

    I just wanted to post a few observations I have made over the last few years of Aneros usage. Ok I have used my Aneros massagers in many different ways. For awhile I used e-stim. I would usually attach 2 electrode pads to my penis and vary the current. It does create many great sensations. I also bought a stainless prostate massager and turned that into a trode. The current was directly on my prostate. Very different. I have used a vibrating prostate massagers which also gave me some very different sensations. There have been other variations such as manually manipulating the Aneros to apply more pressure to my prostate. One thing I have found though is that there is nothing like using the Aneros prostate massagers all by themselves in the way they were intended. They by far give me the most intense pleasure of any method I have used. Quite frankly I prefer using them all by themselves. Every so often I get an impulse and try e-stim only to confirm what I already know. E-stim numbs my prostate and so does using a vibrating prostate stimulator. Numbing isn't what you want to do. You want it to sensitize the prostate, not numb it. If you haven't had your first super o just stay the course. It's ok to experiment but your best results will come from the Aneros tools alone. LL


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/24/2010at10:38 am

      Hurray Lining Large Indeed!!! Your journey's revelation here is the KEY to the MALE WHOLE HEALTH ECSTATIC possibilities, as my journey to is revealing!. All the very best to and for you brother.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/24/2010at10:39 am

      *…my journey too is revealing!" Wish we could edit our comments to rid the typos…

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/24/2010at10:41 am

      I'd be very interested in the range of orgasmic sensations and dimensions you have experienced. Maybe they are all in your blog here or in Forum posts?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/24/2010at4:52 pm

      Not all are here Artform. It's hard to put into words what one feels while using these devices. There are also times when after a particularly excellent journey that I really can't recall all the emotions and pleasures I experienced but just that it was in the excellent category. One analogy I used was…it's like getting stoned and trying to describe the experience to someone who hasn't. I haven't been here in awhile basically because I haven't needed the support I needed when I was in my learning stage. It's still nice to drop by and say hello to the people I have made contact with over the years. The very best to you also. LL

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