LLevo escasa una semana de usar mi aneros progasm la verdad toda via no e sentido nada de diferencia a mi antiguo consolador pero la diferencia es que es a manos libres , lo que no se es cuanto tiempo puedo usarlo o cuantas veces al dia, semana, mes , no lo se pero tratare de averiguar e leido muchos testimonios de gente que tiene muchisimos horgasmos y esa es mi meta de poder llegar a tener muchos orgasmos...

Greetings! I know I have stumbled on something very special (or at least special to me) when I get as enthusiastic as I have become. Thus, I feel compelled to write about this, my experiences with and surrounding the Aneros. I have only been toying around for about a month(ish). After the first week I was expounding to those I knew (and wouldn't think less of me for it.) The virtues of this wondrous little device. (I believe...

Hi everybody, Sorry that I haven't updated my blog for a while! Today I had one of my best Aneros sessions ever! I used olive oil mixed with some water based KY and it made my HELIX to swim inside me very comfortably. and that's why I was able to suck it even deeper without getting any pain.. (which is the worst thing to happen) KY by itself gets sticky after a while :P I'm definitely changing back to olive oil!...

It is raining gently here in Maine; and, I can feel the cool air blow lightly through my window. As things wind down for another workday, I am partially reclining in my chair --- thoroughly enjoying the residual effects of my early morning mgx session. I have warm, slowly pulsating waves moving upward and outward from the base of my penis. My whole body is alive with energy; and, I am relishing every moment of it! ...

Ok, even though I've always told myself that I'm not going to be results oriented with my Aneros, it never fails that as soon as things feel good I find my mind not only enjoying the sensations, but also wondering if I'm finally going to cum. I'd find myself contracting harder and faster, and while it would feel good, I certainly hadn't come close to an orgasm. On the forums B gave me a polite reminder about the "less is...

As Saturday and Sunday my wife is working from 11:00 to 20:00 I have quite a bit of time to myself. :-) I tried adding a shower before the session and some erotic videos to watch to help with my arousal. The trouble is I find if I have an erection my thoughts keep going towards a penile orgasm. Old habits die hard! (sorry for the pun) I found it very difficult to sense the delicate feelings I am learning to...

Well, it was an hour well spent. No dry or wet O's to speak of, but enjoyable. First, I think I need more than an hour for a session, or at least have available more than an hour. Because by the time I think I got into the right mental and physical frame of mind I was already having to check the clock every so often to see how much time I had left. The first half hour...

After a good day sailing, I thought it would be nice to finish the day off with a session. Although I was starting to get the pulsing feeling against my prostate. I did not get very good contractions. It could be my nerve damage causing this, but I did not feel the Aneros being drawn deeply into my rectum as has happened before. Another thought is perhaps I was too concerned about the time. Although I spent an hour and...

Decided to have a session this evening even though the temperature is quite hot and it is very humid. Did not make any progress as I was to hot and uncomfortable. So I learnt again that relaxation is the key. Made progress in another way though. My wife now knows I have my Aneros. Which is something I would once have kept very secret from her as she is not very adventurous. She has not made any comments but she [I]may[/I]...

After my Sunday morning session I spent some more time reading the wiki and postings on the forum. I had 3 things I wanted to try differently. Firstly my position. Lying on my back I did not have any support to lift me off the bed and stop the handle touching the bed and stopping the Aneros moving freely. So I placed pillows under me at the base of my back to lift me. Secondly I did not think I...

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