• The Proverbial Quickie

    Well, it was an hour well spent. No dry or wet O's to speak of, but enjoyable. First, I think I need more than an hour for a session, or at least have available more than an hour. Because by the time I think I got into the right mental and physical frame of mind I was already having to check the clock every so often to see how much time I had left.
    The first half hour nothing much happened. Good relaxation, some good minibuzz. The 2nd half hour was good.
    I was using contractions and they felt really good. During one period I incorporated some nipple play, and with the warm buzz in my behind I really felt like I wanted to cum. In fact, I even started to get a hardon. That was enjoyable.
    And, after that the contraction periods were all enjoyable. I mean, they felt so damn good; I can still feel a buzz and the session ended over a 1/2 hour ago. But here's my dilemna; how to I take something that feels SO GOOD and have it overcome me in the form of an orgasm.
    LOL, it's almost making sexually frustrated to have such great sensations but without a culmination. I'll remain patient, hoping that I'm overrun one of these times. But man, when I'm in the groove contracting fairly hard on the helix, it can really create a warm, fulfilling, and tantalizing buzz. I hope that that feeling ISN'T the 'dry orgasm' people are speaking of because their is no peak or climax…no satistaction or release (and I'm not talking about ejaculation). But darn if it isn't pleasurable.
    The other thing I'm starting to wonder about is if I should use a different device. The helix feels good, creates a little buzz, etc., but doesn't send strong feelings through me unless I'm contracting really hard and sucking the thing pretty far in. Could this be an indication that my prostate is 'higher' and I should be using a longer Aneros? Maybe I'll pose this on the boards and see.
    BTW, interestingly enough, there was very minimal twitching involved. Just a little on my way to the start of feeling really good, but after that hardly any of note.
    Always interested in feedback.

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