I'm new to Aneros and Blogging so please bear with me. This is sort of a prequel if you will. My first Aneros, the Helix is scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday. I'm a 51 year old Bachelor with no partner at the moment. Not really sure why I'm just getting started with sex toys at this stage of my life. I'm actually new to any sex toy, having just ventured into the Fleshlight world a couple months...

Nights here in Maine are quickly cooling off; and, the extra quilt on the bed last night provided a welcomed coziness. I awoke very early this morning; and, in the darkness, my hand wandered down to my newly shaven, velvet-soft perineum, scrotum and penis. Before long, one of my fingers pressed firmly into that sweet spot in front of my anus; and, as expected, my prostate soon awakened. I then moved upwards for some nip brushes ---...

I have recently been experimenting with semen retention, as I have not had a traditional orgasm in about 2 weeks. During that time I have been enjoying the new found energy and overall orgasmic sensations that can be subtle through out the day. Each night when I go to bed I like to just lay still and focus my attention on my swollen balls. I can feel the electricity or qi that is pooled up in this...

Since my last blog, circumstances have meant that I couldn't use the Aneros devices, so all my sessions have been "-less". There have been good sessions and not so good sessions. I'm still preferring to use what I'm calling the "stick man" position: flat on back with arms and legs slightly spread. I must have made a mental association between that position and having a session, as within a few seconds of taking up that position I usually start to feel...

Hello All! I figured that after 5 years of off and on Aneros use I would finally de-lurk from the forum and start a blog of my journey. My journey began during my senior year of college as I became curious about this piece of plastic and claims of multiple orgasms and biofeedback loops. I was studying anatomy and physiology at the time and was very aware of the bodies capabilities for learning new "tricks." After reading Brian Mayfield's posts...

Great session today that, as so many do, ended up creating even more questions in my mind. I started on my left side and got some great pulses going and then switched on my back. Had a good 1/2 hour of sustained high level pleasure. Then something odd/new happened. Usually, I get involuntaries that feel great and that feeling turns into what I'd describe as a warm, expanding, internal orb in my midsection. It feels like the helix actually...

As I said in my last blog post, I'll continue to report on my progress, warts and all. I think I may have been too tired last night and started too late. I did everything much as I'd done the previous session, got up a nice buzz, but never was able to get over the hump into an O. I fell asleep fairly quickly too. I awoke about 4am, tried a session then, got nowhere, removed the Maximus, then dozed until...

With the increasing ease that I'm now finding in getting into sessions, it occurred to me that the [I]old hands[/I] might forget how difficult it was to start with. With that in mind, I urge new users to share their experiences, good and bad, in the forums, by blogging, or in the weekend chats. I know there are a lot of you out there lurking. It's good to know that "it's not just me". This isn't me signing off -- far from...

As I'd cut off the curl on the tail of my devices, I thought I'd try using one of them whilst sitting. Bad move. Not much movement and I felt a little sore inside and out afterwards -- that's with taking it gently too. You might get away with this with the shorter models, but not with either of mine. Yesterday's only session was an Anerosless one, but it was interrupted by a phone call (wrong number) at a critical point....

I was able to reproduce exactly the same effects as yesterday, with the added bonus that when the first O subsided, I was able to trigger a second one, during which I fell asleep. On waking at about 4am, I removed the Maximus, pottered around for half an hour, then went back to bed. I slept until dawn and, feeling refreshed, gave an Anerosless session a go. I put myself in exactly the same position as I had with the Max (flat...

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