• CoasterRider

    I'm new to Aneros and Blogging so please bear with me. This is sort of a prequel if you will. My first Aneros, the Helix is scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday.
    I'm a 51 year old Bachelor with no partner at the moment. Not really sure why I'm just getting started with sex toys at this stage of my life. I'm actually new to any sex toy, having just ventured into the Fleshlight world a couple months ago. Maybe I'm getting more adventurous as I get older, I don't know.
    I was asked in Aneros chat how I got interested in them. It started with reading about prostate massagers on the FL site. My only previous "butt play" was a finger touching, then entering, back there during a BJ. I was intrigued by the sensation, but being straight wasn't sure.
    After reading more about the Aneros and others, I decided my new, more adventurous self was ready to try something new. After researching the reviews and forums, I ordered the Helix last Thursday night. Since then I have spent some time in the chats and forums to learn how to prepare and what to expect. Thank to all chat members who have offered advice.
    Looking forward to my delivery on Wednesday, and my journey on this new phase of my life.

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