I was sitting on the couch the other day watching football, when I got the Aneros shivers. You know, sudden pleasurable feeling and shaking as your body's muscle memory reminds you have good this is. The night before my Progasm had taken me to new heights of pleasure for a REAL long time. I felt the warming down below and closed my eyes...

I recently acquired an EVI. One had also been acquired for mrs. a!! We have yet to be able to have the joint session planned to explore her use of hers. BUTT!!! I could not resist an opportunity this morning to try mine, and after the deep relaxation of my anal sphincters needed for a peaceful transit of this girthy girl up into my canal...

I have carried on with my temporary ejaculatory abstinence, as propounded by Chia in "The Multi-Orgasmic Man". I am even more aroused than I would otherwise have been, and I have learnt to love that feeling of horniness, instead of being frustrated by it, and then NEEDING to have a short wet orgasm to quench the fires. I still love my wet orgasms - occasionally - but in between times, I get aneros-less random p-waves, mini-Os and even the odd...

Hi guys, The last time I blogged on my Aneros sessions was Tuesday October 23. I did have sessions for Wednesday October 24 and Friday October 26 which went very well with my big guys, Maximus, Prograsm Ice, and Progasm Classic. Generally these days, I like to have my sessions first with the Maximus, and then proceed to the Progasm Ice, and finally the Progasm Classic. The Maximus opens my anal tract up which warms me up for the girth of...

Hi guys, Today being a federal holiday, I began my Aneros session later than usual around 7:45 a.m. and concluded it finally at 11:30 a.m. in a record time of 3 hours 45 minutes. Legend: E = Eupho; M = Maximus; PC = Progasm Classic; PI = Progasm Ice. Today's total sequence of Aneros models: Two sub sequences: )1( PI-E-M-PC )2( M-PI-PC. Since I am getting more and more adept at using both the Progasm Classic and Ice, I began this morning's session with...

Hi guys, The Aneros prostate massager was invented initially as a medical device to enable men to massage their prostate without having to go to their doctors to do it for them. The Aneros was developed to control and shrink BPH )Benign Prostatic Hypoplasia(, an enlarged prostate condition in men which may be a precursor to prostate cancer. But men who use the Aneros, it has definite positive spin offs who promote general good health, even sexually to men. This blog...

Hi guys, Last week I suffered a severe bout of diarrhea and minor gastric distress which caused me to stay away from the Aneros. In my convalence, my somnolent prostate reassured me his buzz and rewiring continued apace. However, early Saturday morning, I felt well enough to resume my Aneros sessions. Legend: E = Eupho; M = Maximus; PI or I = Progasm Ice; PC = Progasm Classic Saturday morning I had essentially two sets of the above models: )1( M-E-PI-PC. )2(...

Friends, I have learned so much on this journey. And I have so much more to learn. My most recent, crazy-wonderful experiences have led me to a place I never imagined. As my friend, artform, has explained, my body is having cellular based orgasms generated by my cells' mitochondria. I know, sounds loony-toony. But, hey, how many of you really believed your behind could be the source of such wonderful orgasmic bliss before YOU started this trip? I now can call upon my...

I have been not using my aneroses for two weeks now and have not ejaculated either as my wife got sick and I had no time and now I am sick too. I am that sick that I have had a high temp and shivering and all that. I just feel I would be better of dead! I had surgery planed but they canceled it because I was sick. BUT HERES THE THING...

It's been a while since I've posted up a blog, figure I should keep my progress as current as possible. I've felt that since I've been abstaining from Aneros use )and sex with the wife( for a few weeks, the desire has been lacking and there hasn't really been any reason to post )though I do get urges and 'less sessions in the interim(. Looking back on it though, I probably should have done this a few times last week...

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