• Hurricane Sandy & Falling in love with my Progasm Classic

    Hi guys,
    The last time I blogged on my Aneros sessions was Tuesday October 23. I did have sessions for Wednesday October 24 and Friday October 26 which went very well with my big guys, Maximus, Prograsm Ice, and Progasm Classic. Generally these days, I like to have my sessions first with the Maximus, and then proceed to the Progasm Ice, and finally the Progasm Classic. The Maximus opens my anal tract up which warms me up for the girth of the Progasm Ice which in turn prepares me for my big bruiser Progasm Classic. I had intended to blog on these two sessions in detail last week end. Unfortunately I had an upsetting distraction Saturday afternoon which preempted a much anticipated Aneros session late that day.
    Then along came Hurricane Sandy which provided another major distraction. Fortunately we here in Washington, DC were spared the brunt of this Superstorm which wreaked major destruction in New Jersey, the New York metropolitan area, and other areas of the Northeast. Also like many other Americans, my attention and concerns are focused these days upon the national election next Tuesday. I was not able to get back to Anerosing until early yesterday morning Friday. Yet despite my a week away from the Aneros, I had that constant, delicious buzz "down" there during my hiatus.
    Legend: Maximus = M; Progasm Classic = PC; Progasm Ice = PI or I
    Yesterday morning's session (Friday Nov. 2) began promptly at 7:30 a.m. with the Maximus which delivered as always a great massage to my prostate and anal canal. Recently I discovered that a few sets of extended Kegels (60 seconds) fuel my Anerosing which produce P-waves galore and lots of pleasure. I just love how the Maximus these days acts a great introduction to my sessions. As always, my sessions with my Progasm Ice delivers an uninhibited massage to my vital parts "down there." These last few weeks, I am focusing on the various nuances of massage action and the various textures of pleasure which arise both in my massaged prostate and anal muscles. When I finally got to my big bruiser and fucker, Progasm Classic, I focused upon my sets of extended Kegels which yesterday I did a good fifteen. A good five sets of extended Kegels do set in motion an effortless massage action which is beyond compare and the sustained pleasure the massage produces. Once again yesterday, I had two sets of M-PI-PC.
    In my second set, yesterday morning , I worked leisurely with my three main men, but focused for sure upon my big bro Progasm Classic. He like his younger brother, Progasm Ice, inserted easily to the hilt with both the P and K tabs locked in place. I did a few Kegels on my side and then placed my butt on a folded pillow. For a good five or ten minutes, I felt very little sensation, fortunately no discomfort. Then I did a set of least a ten or fifteen those LONG 60-second Kegels and felt the P-waves and sweet pleasure gradually build. It seemed that my Progasm Classic and I were making love in the awesomely effortless massage action that ensued. I did this several times. It was absolutely awesome! I felt that I had fallen in love with my good fucker, Progasm Classic!
    I followed up with an additional session on Saturday afternoon November 3 with two sets of M-PI-PC. In this session besides Kegels lasting 60 seconds, I threw in some Kegels lasting 3 minutes. It was amazing to see the pleasure gradually build as I held these very long clutches. Friday and Saturday's session durations respectively: 2.5 and 2.25 hours.
    Unfortunately early in the morning on Sunday November 4, I came down with a serious bout of diarrhea. I do not know if this was caused by something I had eating the day previously or my Aneros sessions. All this past week I have suffered bouts of gastric distress along with diarrhea. However all this has gone away. During this week of convalescence, actually a forced suspension from interacting with my Aneros buddies, my awakened prostate reassured me with its somnolent buzz. You see, he too is a real good buddy although out of view, out of sight in contrast to my ever present penis and his two bros, my testicles. The Aneros was created to promote good health of the essential prostate gland, which in many ways is a Grand Central Station to the flow of a guy's urine and semen! Rewiring continued also apace with slight shooting twitches or stabs of pain and pleasure throughout my body. Another noticeable process of rewiring occurred with quivering P-waves in the soles of my feet. Later on today, I hope to devote a blog entry to spin offs I have experienced from my Aneros sessions. Take care.

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