Hi guys, In the last couple months or so, I have experienced a delicious tightness in my perineum as a result of the Kegel Exercises and my Anerosing, especially with the Progasm and Maximus models. Just now this evening I discovered once again that the Kegel Exercises in men are designed to strengthen both their pubococcygeal or PC muscles and the cremaster muscles. These two sets of muscles have a direct link to a man's scrotum and his anal sphincter muscles....

Hi guys, Earlier this week I had to get my act together and meet with my tax preparer to submit my taxes before the April 15 tax deadline next Monday. As a new "retiree," unfortunately this year I was hit with a sizable tax bill. Fortunately I was able to fill out a IRS form for an extension. So the deadline has been postponed to October 1, 2013, time enough for me to make arrangements to pay my tax bill. Hence, my...

I'm enjoying a calm Saturday morning. Still in bed, checking in at Aneros chat. News on the TV. Still echoing with satisfaction of my wonderful session yesterday evening. It was a terrific time having a mutual ride with one of my long-time Aneros pals, artform. We always have an amazing energy connection and are able to share in such a way that all sensations are elevated. I experienced a combination of lovely things, -less, Helix Syn, retraction pleasures, even some new stuff...

For the past 20 days or so I've only orgasmed through masturbation once. I'm currently on an 8 day streak of not masturbating and I hope to continue this for a long time. I've tried to avoid masturbating before and found it very difficult, I usually become unbearably horny and end up masturbating to satisfy my urges. This time is different though. I've been using the Aneros during my break from masturbation and it's helping me progress with rewiring. I can...

This was a very short session. I knew I would only have an hour and a half max, but I was yearning for a session so I went ahead and had one anyway. I've been extremely aroused for the past few days so I felt like I needed it. I relaxed very quickly, quicker than usual. I had lots of small involuntary contractions all over my body, every contraction felt very nice. I started listening to Kelly Howell's 'Ecstasy' to help...

I think that I came close to a super-0, but I do not think it was quite there yet. I got my Helix one week ago today and am truly enjoying it....

Hi guys, here is a little story about my first experience with my helix. When i saw all those video, i was excited, Im used to the HFO with e-stim, but this seems much better. bought my Helix for 115$ canadian, and hope for the best 3 sessions in, nothing, some small feeling but thats it last night , I let it in, and fell asleep, had the most sexual dreams, woke at around 4am, big hardon, masturbated quickly and it was great,...

I was not going to use my Helix today, but it just seemed to call my name. This thing is addictive )at least for me(....

My third time. I was having a wonderful time. About a half hour into the session I was flopping around like mad. Then BAM. My left heel came down on a piece of furniture next to my bed. Ouch. I need a bigger bed or need to learn not to move down on the bed when some good action is taking place....

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