• Aneros Resonance and Harmonics, Session for April 11, 2013

    Hi guys,
    Earlier this week I had to get my act together and meet with my tax preparer to submit my taxes before the April 15 tax deadline next Monday. As a new "retiree," unfortunately this year I was hit with a sizable tax bill. Fortunately I was able to fill out a IRS form for an extension. So the deadline has been postponed to October 1, 2013, time enough for me to make arrangements to pay my tax bill.
    Hence, my mind was far away from Anerosing for a good five days. There is a time-honored saying about absent lovers, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." That same could apply to guys into Anerosing. A guy like me who has an awakened prostate and enjoys a regular schedule of Aneros sessions craves the Aneros when circumstances takes him away from his "love" object. So when yesterday morning rolled around, after an absence of a good five days, I was really horny for the guys on my Aneros Team.
    I have gotten to the point that I prefer my larger Maximus and Progasm models to my smaller Helix models. When I began Anerosing early last June, it took just three weeks for my prostate to awake. This happened during the beginning of another infamously hot and humid summer here in Washington, DC. It happened on an early Sunday morning with P-waves emanating from my prostate and spasms of involuntaries.
    It got better as I began to use the Maximus last August and then both Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic a month later. Oh yes, I had get over the discomfort of these larger models. Things got much better last October when I discovered that both Progasm model were created especially for the Kegel Exercises. The Kegels in conjunction with the Progasm both toned and firmed up my anal musculature. In the process, I learned to do Kegels of varying duration and strength, and even of greater sophistication and subtlety. A major spinoff is tons of pleasure.
    A month or so ago I discovered the technique of just letting go, riding the Progasm in no-hands fashion as a guy would ride of bicycle, and fall into the sheer joy of Aneros autof**king. When that happens, my anal musculature and sphincters, and certainly my prostate, are thoroughly massaged and worked over. I get horny just thinking about all this!
    But yesterday morning, something amazing happened. It seemed that my Male Axis of Sexual Pleasure was vibrating out of sheer pleasure, almost like electricity. Relatively few men have experienced their male G-spot. But quite a few men have discovered that their prostate is their G-spot through the stimulating of their prostate whether through their prostate being massaged by a medical professional or by stimulating their own prostates through a prostate stimulator such as the Aneros! Quite a few men discover that their prostate is the seat of their manhood and that their penis, testicles and ancillary sex organs are subsidiary to this seat.
    But mostly all guys look upon their penis as their "sexual organ of contact" whether for masturbation or various forms of sexual intercourse, e.g. vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse with a partner. Mostly all guys discover very early in life that their penis is capped by a glans and at the base of their manhood is their scrotum containing their testicles or "family jewels." Many guys enjoy stimulating or teasing their glans. They discover that pleasure arises in their glans, travels down their penile shaft and ends at the base of their penis and their testicles. Through masturbation they discover that this current of pleasure is circular, very much like an electrical circuit.
    However some years ago, I devised a theory called the Male Axis of Sexual Pleasure. Of course, this male axis is his penis. This male axis also has poles at each end. At one end is his glans and at the other end is his prostate along with his testicles and ancillary sexual organs. The upshot of my Aneros sessions is that, while I still enjoy stimulating my glans, my Anerosed and awakened prostate, just loves to get into the act as I masturbate now. I am rediscovering what I experienced during the glory days of my early adolescence when masturbation along with orgasm and ejaculation was so near and yet so exciting!
    Now to a description what happened Thursday morning:
    Sequence of models used: Progasm Ice — Progasm Classic — Maximus — Progasm Black Ice — Progasm Classic in Blue.
    Duration: ca. 3 hours.
    I began my session with Progasm Ice. It has gotten to the point that whenever I insert Progasm Ice my prostate immediately revves up as an engine in excitement! Now all is required is just three 60 second Kegels and I am in business! Also it takes just a few minutes before the pleasure builds up and then Aneros autof**king happens. It is amazing now to just let myself fall into Aneros autopilot and let my Aneros buddies take over. Some amazing things happen when I do that, such as focusing my attention on the sensation of long Aneros fuck strokes. However, yesterday morning it seemed that a current of sexual pleasure was traveling from my prostate through the shaft of my penis to my glans. I call this phenomenon Aneros Resonance and Harmonics. This phenomenon continued with even more intensity with the Progasm Classic with his rugged, masculine traction. Oh boy! The sensations engendered by my big bruiser were leading me to something grand, something absolutely exciting! Finally Maximus with his length massaging the entire length of my prostate brought forth intense sensations of a different sort. I must strive to enter all this in a much fuller way in future sessions.

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