It has been TOO long since I've done several things: 1. Had a session 2. Written a blog entry 3. Made an audio recording of one of my rides Well, I accomplished all three today. I had an unexpected day off from work due to severe weather. So, I took advantage of the alone time. I had a session and did an audio recording of it. I sent it to Euphemistic to post on his audio session site. It should be up tomorrow. So, got...

So I had a session last night and I have come to the conclusion that I now have strong kegel muscles. I have been doing them through out the days and the ending results makes me tighter and firmer down there. So when I grip my progasm ice my prostate is really happy. I slide my guy in and just let it set for a few minutes then started to use my kegels. I was then pushed with powerful punches of...

On October 19th 2013 my journey had officially began not really knowing what I had had gotten myself into but I consider it a forced blessing because of how I got into this. Well I am really kicking myself for not doing the blog sooner because I have not truly documented this experience on step by step basis and I cant really describe what I have have experienced there have been a lot of firsts for me first ride,first less...

I grew up in a devout Christian home raised on the belief that if my friends where doing something fun that there must be sin behind it. So growing up i didn't get to experience things that the other youth did. No sex,drugs,drinking,smoking none of it. Only thing I had done to that point was jack off. I plan on having sex once I am married. So to get from that to here it took something BIG to happen. Well...

Hey guys. Here to tell about another one of my crazy nights/morning. So I really like taking breaks from my aneros toys cause that makes my body and prostate crave them more. So I took two days off and last night was my reintroduction of prostate play. As I'm coming up on 8 months of aneros usage I have learned so much like knowing when to take breaks or when not to ride. So I cleaned out and lubed up....

Well, I haven't taken the time to blog for a while but I HAVE taken the time to use my beloved progasm. I have had a number of very satisfying sessions with it. Lately, I have been using it in the mornings as I get up and get ready for work. I will lube it up and insert prior to taking my shower...

So the past few weeks, I have actually had some time to myself to explore my body with the aneros. And with that, great results have happened. I have achieved some great orgasms with the use of my progasm. I don't know if I would classify it as a "super-o"...

I received my classic in the mail yesterday and had a great session so I thought I would start a blog to share my experiences with others. After using a MGX for a while and not getting super great experiences I ordered and received my classic yesterday. I had to order from HIH since this model is not offered at aneros anymore but hey I still got what I needed. After taking it out of the box and examining it, I gave...

So i just ended my 12 day hold off from cumming expedition. Wheew I am beat. I have never seen so much cum before in my life. I am still getting tingles shooting through my body. I was a HFWO with my legs up in the sky shaking like crazy. I can't believe I went 12 days with out cumming. I still feel like I can cum again but im tired as hell. I may have to shoot a load...

Thanks Aneros! Thanks for renewed prostate health and the awakening pathway opening to ecstatic universal energies!!! Thanks for hosting this astounding planetary community of fellow journeymen and women!! So deeply connected through this path to such dear geographically distant friends in our interpersonal energetics ecstatics garden blossoming endlessly, and so, to quote another and remind us all of ALL: "The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities, but to know someone here and there who thinks...

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