Well, I've given Aneros a first exploration. What explains my taking to it so quickly and my current supersensitivity without it in? I suspect that fifty years of sensual exploration may have a lot to do with it. And my current geezer status with the ED and shortage of semen may have been leading to the facility with dry orgasms. Although I could get what i thought of as female orgasms with nipple play. Just didn't gealize...

So today I tried using the Aneros while in a bath. I thought it would deeply relax me. Turns out it works pretty good. It's so easy to get in to/hold the right position )on my back, legs bent( while in my bath. On top of that the warm water made me relaxed me very well. BUT One problem with it. I use water-based lube, so it dissolves in water. So I had to stop after like 30mins because the device was getting uncomfortable Session Summary: Positive: -...

TL;DR: * Continuos, building orgasm * Arching back up non-stop * Moaning is genuine now, and not 'acting' * Rectal muscles & prostate pulsate upon possible orgasm - similar to Super-T * First wet-dream * Similar orgasm outside of sessions * Still picky/reluctant to actually use Aneros The decision was made: the next time I have a session, it would be with the Progasm and nothing else. It's too bad my sphincter muscles haven't been comfortable with it since this time last year (read: ring of fire) -...

Had a pretty annoying session. I was in my room, enjoying my aneros. But I wasn't home alone, so people constanly disrupted me. This really made me stressy and annoyed. + my arousel level dropped to zero. On top of that the water-based lube seems to dry out too quickly, which causes discomfort. Didn't get any P-waves or anything, coudn't even let it autofuck me because I wasn't relaxed enough. Session Summary: Positive: - None Negative: - All...

Session was better than last time, I was more relaxed. Progasm started to autofuck me real good about an hour in to the session. I felt I was about to orgasm, but my mind was like: "ERROR IllegalArgumentExpection: Prostate not registered as OrgasmProvider" (forgive me, I'm an IT guy). I did however get a good P-wave out of it. My muscles were getting tired after that, and I couldn’t get them to spasm so nicely anymore. I grew impatient and just jerked off to a...

I have been on this journey for 8 months. I have loved every minute of it. There has been ups and downs but I have trailed through it all and can't wait for more to come. Scratch that don't want to detour feature pleasures so I will take on what ever Aneros has to offer. But as I have been with aneros my techniques has really advanced. I have coached a few people via the chat or email. I now...

Well, my wife and daughter went off to visit another daughter and my grandchildren for the day and night. Around midnight Friday, I was wondering how my regular reflexes and possibilities were doing after the previous day's hypersensitivity. So down in my lounger, I undressed, lay back, put my laptop on my belly and found nice a porn of sweet young things making love. (xvideos.com; search lovers orgasm over 10m to get ones by orgasms.xxx, who specialize...

Welcome welcome welcome, on my blog. I'll share my experiences here about my journey to become "rewired". About me: I'm a 20yr old gay guy, so I've had my share of anal play. This will hopefully be an advantage on my journey. Start of Phase 1: Initiation So I unpacked my first aneros (Progasm), I tought it would be larger but it wasn't (thankfully). So after lubing up the aneros for the first time, I inserted it and it went in smoothly. I hear some novice people find...

I could get used to this. Exchanged help with someone in chat by taking turns listening to each other at bedtime which made me happy. Many mini orgasms overnight and on awakening. Had my usual dose of monatomic white gold sublingual. Practice and a demonstration of exchanging energy remotely on chat this afternoon. Then someone reminded me that it's been a long time since last I jacked off and it was healthy to do it occasionally. I began another session,...

Well, I gave it a rest for a couple of days, and tried the peridise again. After about half an hour of just letting it happen and settling in, I was howling at the moon. )Quietly, my wife was asleep in her room( I was having a super-O every pwave, my consciousness expanding to fill the room, locked with a hard belly for about 20 seconds, and either getting harder into it if I did anal contractions,...

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