It never ceases to amaze me how two back-to-back sessions can be so different, I honestly don't think there's common denominator that determines how a session goes. I'm just coming down from an epic session which was so far removed from the sensations I normally experience, I have to share it with you good people. I worked late last night right into the small hours, I had a fitful and restless sleep, all four hours of it. Woke up really tired but...

I have recently started working again after four blissful months of very little to do except concentrating on my aeros sessions but concern was mounting, after some epic sessions of late my previous three or four sessions had been pretty much duds, enjoyable but nowhere near the intensity I had grown accustomed to, I resigned myself it was a symptom of fatigue. The situation was beginning to worry me, was this it? Had I peaked? Would I ever experience a...

I've recently been away on assignment working up to 16 hours per day, feeling mentally and physically tired, even so I've still found time for a few sessions with my ever growing collection of Aneros's. Unsurprisingly most of the sessions were duds, not a lot to report, hardy even a p-wave. The combination of exhaustion, being in unfamiliar hotels and rushing totally and utterly killed any sensation, what this reiterated to me was the need for a quiet space, somewhere without...

Hi there I am fairly new to this about 3 months in ,no momentous moments yet but a lot of pleasure,my question is once i get the involuntries going i experience a pulling in and what feels like a clamping of the Aneros which at times feels a little uncomfortable ,do i relax the grip or just let the Aneros have it's way.?...

I love to lie flat on my back on a hard surface. I get the most amazing abdominal muscle contractions along with heavenly sensations in my ass. I could go forever. I just have to pull my toys out in order to get other things done. Never want to stop. My butt is buzzing just thinking about it. ...

I have been riding on a helix trident for some time ,it feels like a finger up me , after the first big O , I changed to a progasm now I start with the helix ,then move to the progasm, to finish me off, this only happened because I read all the forums about super O's ,nipple play ,positions ,porn ,now I have a hour to 2 hour play with about 5 muscle O.s then the P -O's .did...

Hi new to this 3 months in ,no super O yet but interesting sensations while sitting usually during meditation,i have a gradual throbbing /pulsating feeling i my perineum area without the Aneros inserted,is this the start of prostate awakening and the re-wiring process ?...

Three days since my last session. No Douche, Lube up and insert MGX. Why this model? I don't know, I find that my prostate chooses which model to use. I get a tingling sensation 'down there' when I'm selecting my 'weapon-of-choice' the decision making process is out on my hands! I lay back on the bed with a pillow under my hips and back and watch some soft-core porn, soon my mind wonders away from the porn and to the tickling sensation...

Does anyone who has had Lazer prostate surgery ( HoLEP) use the prostate messagers? Since my prostate is smaller, I'm thinking a larger device might work better. Ideas? ...

Hello everyone My last session went so well and I could manage to take 2hours without any interruptions. I went back home from work and had some aless going on during the day, so i decided to do sport first and then ride my new MGX Trident. I restarted my journey with the Helix Trident some weeks ago. I love the shape and was thinking that because of that, it hits the right spots so I should go on with it as...

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