Jump to Other Entries By
Use of Aneros post-Radical Prostatectomy
men's orgasm
A few weeks in
Returning after all these years
The Top Reasons to Add Butt Plugs to Your Sexual Routine
8th Anniversary of Aneros and Prostate Play
Off to a good start
Upcoming Anniversary
Pleasure with Adderall
Leaves in the Wind Upload 4
Leaves in the Wind Upload 3
Leaves in the Wind Upload 2
Leaves in the Wind Upload 1
Try again: Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects on the Aneros and Aless!
Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects
Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects
Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects
Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects
Principles of Nipple Diddling and its Effects
First Aneros Session in 2-3 Years!
Enhanced Intimacy: Discover the Best Vibrating Penis Rings by Bskys
Garden Life
Can You Stay Friends With Your Ex? The Truth Behind Post-Breakup Friendships
How to Clean Sex Toys - A Comprehensive Guide
Number 2
First Time
Admin contacts
Orgasmic training course
Orgasmic training courses
Orgasmic training course
Orgasmic training course
Testing blog
Dreamland: The Next Chapter
Aneros Rides & Tips For Advancement
Journey 2.0
Coming back after 5 years
Shifts in Focus
My Thoughts after several weeks of trying this New Phase of Self-Exploration
The Shameless Sex Podcast interviews Forrest Andrews of Aneros
Aneros and Hitachi
Anal Orgasms… 10 Years On (April 2022)
Cheating with THC (March 2022)
Nipple Orgasmic (Feb 2022)
The Elusive Aless Orgasm (Jan 2022)
A Week of Wonders (Oct 2021)
Hiatus and the Arousal Problem (Sep 2019)
Other Orgasm Techniques (March 2019)
Levels of Pleasure (Oct 2018)
My Only Regret (Nov 2017)
Recap (2012-2017)
Starting Over - New Lessons
Orgasm after radical prostatectomy
Njoy Pure Wand Session- A Must Read
Early morning Aless
Mind Blowing
Laying on my stomach session
something new…
Alone time with my 1st Aneros
6th Anniversary
crazy ride
A do nothing orgasm with the Vice 2
Vice 2 Review
My general nipple diddling routine
Progasm ICE, my old friend!
Hail To The Helix
One Amazing Date with the Helix
The delights of nipple diddling Xmas night in bed!
My First Prostate Orgasm
Blogging with my Aneros toys
The connection between Nipple Diddling and the Kegels
Another try : some thoughts, etc.
Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021 : The latent sweetness in a guy's Glans Penis and his Nipples
Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021 : The latent sweetness in a guy’s Glans Penis and his Nipples
Out of body experience
An Introduction and Invitation for Sex
See Entry Above
Cock Head Massage
My Second Tryst Part 4
My Second Tryst Part 3
My Second Tryst
My Second Tryst
Back In The Saddle
My New Helix Syn Trident
My Journey and Questions
My Journey and Questions
Super 0 the next level
8 to 10 minuet orgasms, how?
Aneros Sessions on BPH Medication
Fun With New Progasm
Spiral in the journey and thoughts
Sounding takes me to new depths
Starting out on the journey...
Aless Extraordinaire
Extraordinary session with Traditional Aneros MGX!!!
Best Super-O's to date
Post Workout Session
Pumped Up Nipples
A very powerful session with traditional Aneros Maximus
Oh my very sweet traditional Aneros MGX!!!
MGX Trident Syn Vs Something else
Sounding - How I got Started
It's Been Awhile
I Had My First A-Less Super-O Today!
Why I love diddling or strumming my nipples so much! :-) [Revised]
Prograsm ICE ride ; the sweetness of nipple diddling
Transitioning to the new Microsoft Edge browser!
A-Less Prostate Orgasm induced by Masturbation and Edging.
I want one, but can't have a handsfree
5-Year Anniversary
Another new toy
Does your prostate become "hard" and "erect" when you are sexually aroused???
Erotic night of diddling & MGX Classic ride, December 19
Its oh so quiet
An incredible Helix Classic ride with pleasurable Aless following, Sunday morning, December 13
Two hot Progasm Classic rides, Nov. 28 & Dec. 5, 2020
Amazing Helix Classic ride this morning!
A new level
First time Peridise user
Aless experience
Opening Pandoras Box - Using mind power.
Crazy Night
Anal pleasures - Part II - Tempo surprise
Things just got weird….
Anal pleasures
More Progress
Deeper and Deeper
What a home Cumming!
Semen retention, prostate milking, edging and back to basics
Progasm Ice - Round Two
First blast with the Progasm Ice
A few Weeks Away
Just had a REALLY good ride for the first time in ages.
Mind blowing
Third Attempt - Hands Free Orgasm
Buckwheat Aneros Journey First Attempt
Sometimes it’s just the best ever!
Reset and we’re back in business.
Ups and Downs
Best Lower Abs workout ever
old fart
A Powerful Quicky
HoLEP surgery?
wet orgasm
Not the best of sessions but still worthwhile
very long story...my journey back then....
Weird But Phenomenal Sensations
Hello MGX Syn Triden
Three Days, Three Sessions
Epic Sessions
First Ride of The Helix Syn Trident
Finally a 'Super -O
From the Start
Classic MGX ride
Coming along
third session, beginnings of real feelings and excitement
First real session and trying to get arousal without expectations
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss - Part VI - Rewired
first session and agreement with my wife
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss - Part V
Another interesting session
Just ordered the Progasm Classic
Calm Waters
Amazing session with MGX trident
Progasm ICE as an exercise tool : Part III
Progasm ICE as an exercise tool : Part II
The Prograsm ICE : an exercise tool!
New Positions
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss – Part IV – The Super-O
Returning to my first massager
Intermediate Successes: 2019
In the Beginning: 2015-2018
My journey so far
Diddling techniques and their affect on my Progasm ICE!
My First Week
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss – Part III
My Progasm ICE : perhaps my best ride ever!
Two, favorite models (session for Saturday morning, May 2)
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss – Part II
New Aneros User
Multi-Orgasmic Bliss
Becoming Multi Orgasmic?
I’m struck – they made it! Blog section is back and workin’? Really? Don’t dare to believe it! Congrats, Folks!
Starting Back Up
Rumel’s Ruminations – Part VI
Proteste vibrstor
Broken Classic Helix Syn
Finally have my account back!
Never judge the PERIDISE by its look or size
Newbie waiting for delivery
The nipple diddling : a powerful tool for self-discovery and pleasure!
Confused by the state of this website?
Even veteran Aneros users need the Aneros!
The BIKE banana cup : riding it or it riding me?
Diddling most nights in bed : a great help in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis
A cure for erectile dysfunction, at least for me!
Even experienced Aneros users enjoy doing the Kegels!
My SO edging exercise and practice
MGX Trident
Rumel's Ruminations - Part I
Why are my dry orgasms so rare?
External prostate massage and the cock root
The intimate connection between the nipples, penis, and prostate
9-20-2019 - Njoy Pure Wand
9-16-2019 - SR 2 – Exploratory session
9-13-2019 - MB – Pumping
9-11-2019 - SR #7 OK session – MB
9-9-2019 - SR #4 Expecting nothing
9-5-2019 - MB
9-1-2019 - MB oh boy
9-1-2019 - MB – great day
8-29-2019 - MB – 10 days later
8-10-2019 - What happened? Mind Noise?
8-7 to 8-8-2019 - Overthinking it all
8-7-2019 - Sleeping with my Mistress Aneros
8-5-2019 - First Aneros session
7-24-2019 - Vibrating butt plug
7-24-2019 – The Beginning
primera vez
Eupho Syn Euphorium Weekend
Aneros and Aless sweetness in honor of @Harper
A very cold Friday night and Saturday morning, with Aneros session following
Aneros horniness, an outgrowth for the restoration of our site
External prostate massge
Broken Helix Syn
MGX Classic Night
Progasm Night!
Diddling techniques as of January 2020
Captcha gone!
welcome Back!
Delion Julien
Such a beautiful experience to achieve in my sexual life at nearly 40 – PART 2
Such a beautiful experience to achieve in my sexual life at nearly 40 – PART 1
Exploring the beauty of embodiment
Retrograde Ejaculation
My Journey
weird feeling ill tell you about it and tell me what you think.
Rumel`s Ruminations – Part IV
Frenulum talk : Aneros session for Wednesday September 18
nJoy Pure Plug
First blog post
Forum problems
chat room
SR 2 - Exploratory session
Ah the pleasure of Anerosing in the standing position!
MB - Pumping
SR #7 OK session - MB
Dalliance upon my cock and balls, failed orgasm and ejaculation, Tuesday September 10
Diddling while wearing my jockstrap last night : Powerful meditation on my prostate, cock and Glans!
SR #4 Expecting nothing
The Aneros, Nipple Diddling, Aless, and Glans Penis Connection!
MB 9-5
My prostate and anal musculature are muscled dynamos of sexual sweetness
MB oh boy
MB - great day
MB - 10 days later
What happened? Mind Noise?
Overthinking it all
Sleeping with my Mistress Aneros
First Aneros session
Vibrating butt plug session?
The beginning
In between Super-Os
After a month of lackluster sessions......WHAM
Fuck Water Lubricant Review
A Full Dozen Of Ruined Orgasms
Been a while
When you're so tired you awaken a monster!
Mental imagery : Aneros session for July 23
Recovery from a food illness and surviving the heatwave here
Can you forget your Penis? I struggle.
Long Journey
Maximus Classic + Helix Classic Syn ---> Sweet, powerful Aless!!!
introduction, my journey so far -
The intensity is sooooo extreme
July 4 Aneros session : Amazing Aless following
Nippleless Experiment; first day
Nipple Play; helpful or not?
Your body demands you pursue your Aneros journey
Another test : respond if you can!
What I did during the two week Aneros blog section outage?
Nice short session with Helix Syn Classic which left me with Amazing Aless
A test
Feel the exquisite pleasure (The intimate nipple diddling Kegeling experience) Plus athletic cups
A Few Days with Aless...Helix Syn Trident...and THC
A powerful 20 minute session which has produced powerful Aless!
The Nipple Diddling Kegeling Connection
Beginning my tenth year in my Aneros journey
First time
Couch time
Sweet, timeless memories about jocks and cups (inspired by goldenboy)
what was this?
The Nutty Buddy Cup is Ideal for Diddling and Kegeling (with a shout out to @goldenboy!)
subtleties of prostate stimulation
Cheating on my Aneros toys
Nipple diddling while wearing a BIKE CUP (inspired by goldenboy)
new toys
Some new firsts since last entry
My Experience Using The Aneros Vice
Getting some erection benefit
The Energy is swirling
The Energy is swirling
Super-Os on a plane
Musings and Tempo
Long time listener, first time caller
latest encounter with Miss Helix
Abstience makes a better session
Long time since my last entry
Starting to have multiple, multiples
Incredible A-less session today
Right before work!
Right before work!
Helix did less than peridise for me now
Rumel’s Ruminations – Part V
Coming back after almost 4 years
New highs.
Contraction Technique Improvement
2:18 and I wanted more
Full speed ahead
A Cockring Out Of Energy
Minor Progress (I think)
Blog Introduction
Keeps getting better
Rumel`s Ruminations – Part III
New high today
A Briefs pleasure
A-Less Awakening
Anthem and my Prostate
Abstinence did play a role in my prostate play quality
Taking off
I'm walking, la la la, I'm walking, and bliss occurs, I'm walking ...
Too Much Bladder Pressure?
A new level
Waking up
Arrival of the Trident Eupho and Maximus
Slow and Steady
been a bit
The beast awakened and unleashed
New Areas
Some reflections
Was it real? NSFW
YES! The PC muscles are the biggest contributor!
Physical Chastity - My First Experiences
Calm Blue Ocean
Shaking in the Calm
What a strange session ...
She's so nimble!
Major Breakthrough!
What a day!
The Vice
And On Into A New Day!
Don't throw in the towel!
Extended Practice Time
A short break helps
New experience
Experiments & Hypotheses
Okay session today
Exciting progress!
The Tempo is a TRUE treasure
Relearn, Rewiring for 2019
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 5) : Super hot Aneros session II, Wednesday February 6
Best session yet!
Introducing the Helix Syn Trident!
Excited to Keep Going
Dressing my cock up in cellophane (Day 4) : delicate, sublime, yet profound urogenital sensations
An Unexpected Surprise!
Session 6-Success!
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 3) : Super hot Aneros session, Monday February 4
Dressing up my cock in cellophane (Day 2) : Kegel sweetness!
The first few days
Dressing up my cock up in cellophane ; Aneros session for Saturday February 2
In the Right Direction
My trip to California...and the all day orgasm in Wine Country...
Bringing my Progasm Black Ice out of retirement, sessions for January 27 & 29
past week +
Nipple diddling, Kegeling, and jocks and cups!
What a weekend. Probably fifty SO's
MGX Classic, Progasm Junior, and Maximus : an amazing combo : Sessior for January 24
current findings & updates
Amazing things happen with Aneros when you are relaxed : Session for January 20, 2016
My lifelong archetypal fascination with jockstraps and athletic cups
Baby Steps
Finally the Tempo works for me...
Aneros session with an old buddy, Progasm Junior, January 19 with a major discovery!!!
Beating my meat and diddling my nipples with Kegels thrown in : Aneros foreplay, Saturday January 19
After two weeks, finally an Aneros session!!!
Pleasure generating pleasure
The consolations of a jock and cup on cold winter's nights
Starting Again
Wake Up Call
Close call
Extra good session today!
Celebrate a Dallas Cowboys win...then do it again in the morning
still here but less riding Kegel helps?
Long time, great session
SR how long is too long?
Wearing the Maximus
Eupho Trident...I think I love you...
Took a break...came back to be broken...
Electrifying session
My Christmas present to myself. (out of order)
New Year Eve and New Year's morning celebrations
Watched a blue sunrise
A while later
Another great Progasm Ice session
Aless all over my body
Stroking to a dry orgasm
I have no words
Christmas Eve...with the family...
my personal experiment. good strides made
Euphp Trident vrs Mgx Trident
2nd super o
Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident, Progasm Ice...How do you think this went?
Night Night...Good Morning...
Some progress
Hugging my blanket
Ride 3 - Blog 1
First super O
A New Level
mgx trident vrs helix trident
Rumble in the Jungle
Kegeling and Diddling in a Jock and Cup
Smash Brothers then Smash Prostate
Tried to recreate the night before.
It was almost spiritual tonight
Re-wiring: Closing The Circuit & Welcome, Bad Boy!
Another crazy session
The First Night
Another step in the climb to bliss
Chain orgasm and p waves
An Interesting Physical Connection.
Multiple dry Os
Dry orgasms and audio
I was given another puzzle piece.
SR, Leaking and a Morning Session with the Eupho Trident
Few short sessions recently
Having hard time.
latest encounters
SR Day 10, 500 Kegels and the Florida Turnpike
How to choose your jockstrap size and your cup size correctly
1000 Kegels and the Eupho Arrived
My first blog post
End of Weekend Aless
Interesting couple of days
Minor progress after 1 week even if I was cheating
After a busy Work Week...Weekend Explosion!
Fighting Against a Super-O
Session 11/27/2018
The Drive to Work
Got to ecstasy faster tonight
Start of new chapter
I thought I had super O'd. Today was something different.
Prograsm Ice = Butt Marauder
Eupho Classic, Wow again! Saturday morning session, November 24
From Frustration to Exquisite Bliss
Welcome Back to the Journey
First session in 72 hours
Eupho Classic, Wow! Monday morning session, November 19
A smooth operator.
My Favorite Lube is No More.. Need suggestions?
Deep Aneros "liquid" penetration : early Friday morning session, November 16
Mornings seem to be better
first time with hypnaerosession (blew me away)
my journey so far
short and pleasurable session (still no O)
Deep Aneros penetration : early Monday morning session, November 12
Wish I'd had another hour.................. or three :-)
Breakthrough and realization
New nipple diddling technique applied to Thursday November 8 Aneros session!
Aneros Progasm How I have Missed You
Just keeps getting better
Taken by surprise!
Three days off. Sessions getting more prostate focused.
A slow motion or bullet time session
An Aneros/Body Synergy
A Great Ride, literally!
saw doctor
Good session last night
Good session
The Joy continues
Losing its lustre
PS-New first time
GREAT session with the Helix Trident this morning
The Progasm Ice
Sessions 11 and 12
Helix does it tonight
The Joy of the Sexless Marriage
Progasm Black took me further
Its not called Eupho for nothing
Sometimes it's just right
Another awesome session
Sessions 8, 9, and 10
Still buzzing
Making sure the blog works.
I went places today I never expected
Releasing a bit of tension
Underwear unveiled (my take)
Progress updates
Foreskin Awareness Party Featuring Steely Friend Tempo
Back to the future
Session 7
Session 6
Second Time
Session 5
Session 4
What Is Success?
Session 3
Session 2
Sunday morning Aneros session, September 9
Am I two timing my Aneros devices?
Down the road
Aneros Eupho Trident Review
A flirtation
Aneros virgin: 1st time use
A bit of a slow recovery
When you just can’t stop.
Time to move on
Friend or Foe?
First Entry
What A Blissful Morning - Was für ein glückseliger Morgen (en/de)
A quest!
Now I can produce Super-O's and MMO's in Aless
New Things
Low Testosterone Again and Considering Circumcision
Blissful Erotic Hypnosis Pushed To Next Level By Re-Wiring
The power found in ordinary (BIKE) jockstraps for sexual arousal (my experience)
What was this?
The aftermath of a Super O?
Reaching orgasmic levels
A quantum leap with Tempo : Thursday August 2 session
So Close
Aneros Tempo : the nipple diddling and prostate connection : Friday July 27 session
On Ramp
"Edging" while wearing my BIKE CUP in bed overnight, July 27
Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic all the way : Sessions for July 25 & 26
Why I love diddling or strumming my nipples so much! :-)
A sweet masturbation session after six weeks of semen retention/chastity
Interesting night
Eupho use during sex!
The beat goes on
First time
Press on Regardless
Eupho Syn session with Andrew Christian Jock Strap
New Things
Tons of Precum
Aneros auto-fucking and Super-O's : Session for Wednesday July 11
July 4, 2018 session : many happy returns
Different Product
Switched off. Switched on!
An Aneros auto-fuck session like none other! : Sunday July 1
An overnight of abundant genital and anal activity, June 24-25
Maximus Trident Review
Pole For Next Aneros to Review
Helix Trident Review
4 Days of constant pleasure!
Progasm and helix at the same time
Diddling my nipples in the middle of the night before my PC!
My Journey to Aneros
A “rude” awakening
Session for Tuesday with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic : Wow, huge auto-fuck action and an amazing Aless afterward!
Erotic chastity & the eroticism of athletic or chastity cups ; taking a short break from Aneros :-(
Follow your Aneros auto-fuck wherever it leads you! : Saturday morning session, June 15
Have you ever separated your goods?
A happy chappie again!
Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic, Wow! : Sessions for June 10 & 12
Aneros equilibrium, Aneros resonance, Aneros fishing, etc. : Session for Saturday June 9
Aneros sessions for Sunday June 3 and Tuesday June 5 : ah, so sweet and powerful!
Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Life is wonderful! ©GGringo
When life just gets in the way.
Different Approach!
Jocks & Cups, Kegels, Aneros, etc. --> Going deep and Sexual touch!
One session a week. What’s that like?
Kegeling and diddling while wearing my BIKE CUP in Aless! May 12 session.
A major Aneros discovery this morning! May 10 session
Imploring the fates to help me rejoin the Aneros Forums I
Aneros password trouble IV (for my Aneros buddies)
Aneros password trouble III (for my Aneros buddies)
Announcement: Password trouble II (for goldenboy, GGringo, Turnrow ... et al.)
Announcement: Password trouble
MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic are so awesome! Session for Friday April 20
27 days, no ejaculation. How did I get here?
Out of a relationship, into a new journey
Aneros, revisited
Breaking the Routine & Small Jitters
MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE give me stupendous Aless! Session for Monday April 16
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way III-IV : Aneros sessions for Thursday April 12 and Friday 13
Back at the gym again
A departure from my normal routine.
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way II : Aneros session for Wednesday April 11
Good sessions or just so-so, there’s always something to take away.
Continue search for Super 0
Possible Discoveries or Stupid Theories
Super horny for Aneros : Session for April 5
Blog Premiere & Session @ New Place
Back to Aneros
First impressions on the MGX Trident
Beginning Anew - Day 4: Progress
Beginning Anew - Day 1: First Impressions and Take Aways
Nutty Buddy Cup all the way : Aneros session for Thursday March 29
New Adventure
Beginning Anew - The Start of Something Grander
Taking a Break!
My well is filling up.
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Palm Sunday Fizzle Failure, March 25 (day 21) : Approaching my SR goal and beyond!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Saturday March 24 (day 20) : Why my BIKE CUP feels so good!
Back at Day 1
Definite success
Friday 6.30am. SR Day 13
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Friday March 23 (day 19) : there is exquisite power in wearing an athletic cup!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Thursday March 22 (day 18) : There is power and sublimity in my Aneros tools!
Thursday 3.30am. SR Day 12
Rising Pleasure (Repost)
Best-Laid Plans / Got to be Flexible
Session 3, New Sensations.
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Wednesday March 21 (day 17) : Aneros session during a snowstorm!
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Tuesday March 13 (day 9), etc.
Rising Pleasure
Where to begin?
A New Level; The Wonderful World of Dry-Os!
A New Position!
Some alone time and an in depth session
First moment, first aneros experience, first time.
SR & Athletic/chastity cup challenge (days 4 & 5) : Plus Wow! Maximus! Session for Friday March 9
Helix Syn/Eupho Trident Breakfast Combo
Athletic Cup and Aneros Communion : SR challenge (Day 3) & Aneros session for Wednesday March 7, Wow!
Athletic cup & SR challenge (Day 2) : Aneros session for Tuesday March 6
Athletic cup & SR challenge! Session for Monday March 5 (day 1)
Progasm Ice Never Dissapoints
Retro-blog: My first success with my Aneros Helix in 2012.
Chuckjo Graup Chat February 7-8, 2015
First thoughts on Eupho Trident
Prostate Milking 3.0
Aneros session while wearing a BIKE CUP no. 85 supporter unit! March 1 session
New exciting sensations from the intersection of a jock, cup, and Aneros! February 28 session
Dealing with strong, insistent Aless
Jockstraps and athletic cups zero in on my man area, so does the Aneros!
Tuesday morning session, February 27 : I really needed it!
An abortive Aneros session, Thursday February 23.
Overnight Sensation!
Prostate Milking Session 2.0
Staving off the flu with the Aneros! Sessions for Sunday Feb. 11 and Tuesday Feb. 13
A Good Morning Indeed
Dialed In
Center of the Universe
A-Less After Session
Tempo, my spark plug to a stellar Progasm Classic performance, January 22
Early Saturday evening session with Tempo and other Aneros buds, January 20
Don't Get Discouraged
Anniversary synopsis
Tempo, my spark plug to great sessions : MLK day session, Monday January 15
Returning with My Story
First use of the original Helix
Tempo, MGX, Black Ice -> Sweet Aless, Monday January 8
Tempo Aless, January 6, 2018!
Aneros sessions, 12/25 & 12/30 : Aneros/Aless Mindfulness
My first aless session
New to blog
Re-wiring: Closing The Circuit & Welcome, Bad Boy!
My thoughts on male chastity, and jockstraps and athletic cups, and Nov. 21 session
Two incredible Aneros sessions, Mon., Tues. November 13 & 14, with powerful Aless
Another HFWO - my enemy can't leave me
Dildo vs Aneros
Still here with an adjustment onto the back and new audio
A note on my Aless Sessions
Overnight Sleeper
Being rewired
Cancelled Session turns into Successful Aless!
A highly unusual session early Monday morning, November 6
Saturday evening Aneros session for November 5, and an Aless that won't quit
That delicious anal-prostate tingle & Aneros Tug-of-War technique : Sessions for Oct. 28 & Nov. 1, 2 & 3
With un-be-lie-va-ble A-less, involuntarily starting on Saturday morning, right after awakening, this weekend began in an awesome way.
Breakthrough in Aless Session
Full ejaculation
A matter of size?
Rare Sunday session, October 22, with foreplay shaving my scrotum
What is a Super O
Aneros Classic all the way! ; Free, easy, and deep! : Aneros session for October 21
Aneros sessions for October 16 and 18 : It's getting cold!
Week In Review
A relish for the Aneros : Sessions for October 10. 12, and 14
What led me to Aneros? Today's session, 10/9/17 ; An Aless that won't quit!
My morning routine to collect energy from heaven and earth to nourish my body and soul, sometimes leading to Aless sessions
Working with Aneros Sweetness : Aneros sessions for Sept 29-30 & Oct 7 ; Athletic cup Aless!
Cold is hot! Cold water can be such a turn on. Meanwhile it belongs to my morning routine.
Aneros Full Court Press "grabbing" my Prostate: Session for Wed. Sept. 27
good vibes
My thoughts on...an Intro
"Labor" Day session, September 4
Dry orgasm
ANEROS use with no prostate
Aneros subtlety and the Kegels : daily sessions, 8/30-31 & 9/1-2
An exciting, new and developing appreciation of Progasm ICE, August 26 & 28 sessions
Felt My Aura
Aneros Full Court Press with Kegels ; Kegeling in Athletic Cup in Aless, August 23
new toy
Video Submissions for Male Squirting
Priming the Aneros pump with Kegels and Reverse Kegels, Session for August 15
Fire it up! Blissful Aless featuring Muze, visualized bondage, prostate edging, precum milking and finally classical edging in slow-mo
O what a ride.
Aneros Full Court Press today, August 4, along utmost Aless
July 12, 14, & 15 sessions : Helix Classic joins my front team ; diddling sweetness ; dressing my cock!
Awesome Aless every morning since two weeks now, adding breath-control and slow-mo stim to my member ...
Aneros session, July 6 : ever deeper propelled by nipple diddling
The Adventure and The re-Discovery of my Eupho Syn
Awesome Aless every morning for about a week ...
new beginning
Even deeper, more intense Aneros penetration and "hooking" session, with Nonstop Aless!
A old pal making me squirt
Two Extraordinary sessions for Saturday June 24 : a wow with the sleek Progasm ICE (in honor of GGringo)
Session with the great Progasm Ice
Aneros "hooking" around my prostate : Sessions for June 17, 19, 20, and 22
I'm scared. Will this feeling go away!?
An update
Session with the great Progasm Ice
Aneros sessions for June 8 and 10, Mindful Anerosing, etc.
Deeper Aneros penetration with effortless Kegels, Aneros session for Monday June 5
Aneros sessions for Monday May 29 and Saturday June 3
A clean bill of health, a celebratory Aneros session, and sweet, powerful Aless following
Edging with 3 ruined and 2 full orgams, drained to sexual low, Aless finally back again with NSFW fantasy about mean torment
Let me give you a short look at my last Aless day.
A "new awakening" for my prostate : Monday May 8 session
The second part of the video
Day 35 - end of 5th attempt
Another Wild Ride with my Bad Boy - Awesome Progasm Ice and Aless session
Day 35 of 5th attempt
Foreplay, April 29, 2017 session : E = m^2 : Aless!
Aneros "replacement" at rehab center with heightened Aless!
First post-op Aneros session!
First post-op Aneros session!
anal weed supositories
Witholding for 10 days, going to about 22
Day 22 of 5th attempt
Strong dry orgasms feel good
New product HYPE
Day 19 of 5th attempt
Day 16 of 5th attempt
Day 15 of 5th attempt
An example of the best session I can achieve (yet)
Day 41 of 2nd SR-Challenge: Ending with SR by cumming from old fashioned masturbation
Something's Changing
Day 40 of 2nd SR-Challenge, one night left: Nothing special hitting the home stretch ... finish tomorrow or go on?
Day 10 of 5th attempt
Day Two and Three with Progasam Rise and Fall
First day with my progasam
Day 8 of 5th attempt
Entry One
Day 36 of 2nd SR-Challenge: 2 hours of precum-milking with magic wand at perineum
Day 35 of 2nd SR Challenge - Precum milking all night long the night before
Day 6 of 5th attempt
Starting Up Again
Day 2 of 5th attempt
Day 31 of 2nd SR-Challenge: Flow, like a river. Don't fight it. Just let go and go with the flow.
The unavoidable ejaculation
Day 1 of 5th attempt
Day 13 - last day of 4th Attempt. Day 0 of 5th attempt
Day 29! of 2nd SR-Challenge: First time experience of SuperO right after awakening ...
Day 28 of 2nd SR-Challenge
Day 11 of 4th attempt
Day 7 of 4th attempt
Ten weeks of enforced abstinence from Aneros! :-(
Pushing too hard!
Day 4 of 4th attempt
Day 1 of 4th attempt
Day 16 - end of 3rd attempt
waking the sleeping giant
Day 12 of 3rd attempt
Day 11 of 3rd attempt
Day 10 of 3rd attempt
Day 9 of 3rd attempt
Day 7 of 3rd attempt
Day 6 of 3rd attempt
Day 5 of 3rd attempt
Day 4 of 3rd attempt
The Plateau again - how to kickstart something else?
Day 2 of 3rd attempt
exquisite aless
Start of 3rd attempt
Day 3 of 2nd attempt
My Journey
Day 2 of 2nd attempt
Tantra 12 Jan
Day 1 of 2nd attempt
Progasm Delight
Aneros MGX Shower Time
Still here... enjoying the ride and shared my secret
Devilish little Eupho Syn teached me oh what a lesson!
Eupho Syn's first entry!
A Syn-ful New Year
I kissed myself! And I liked it!
New Years Eve morning session, December 31 : incredible Aless following
Experience to date...
up the tempo
Christmas Eve morning session, December 24 : Kegeling in athletic cup in Aless!
Aneros sessions December 20 & 21 : Kegeling and Aless while wearing a cup
An enjoyable session, despite the winter cold, Monday December 19
Aless in an athletic cup in post-session, Saturday morning, December 17
Back In The Saddle
Super-O (but wet)
Thursday December 15 session : the sweetness of well-plowed hole!
Aneros sessions for Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 & 14 : Feels so good!
Prostate, cock, Glans, masturbation, jocks, cups, etc. & the Aneros
Nothing To See Here
Day Off
No Sexual Activity
New Ride
All by myself! What A Wonderful World! An Aless Saturday Morning Of Bliss
I Wasn't Going To
Torn between two dominas (Part III - united dominas creating a new level of bliss)
Let the journey begin
Torn between two dominas (Part II - Confession)
Torn between two dominas (Part I - Shibby)
Thanksgiving morning session, November 24 : Athletic cups on my mind!
After the cold snap, an awesomely sweet session : Tuesday, November 22
Dripless Session
Aborted session, Monday November 14 ; Transformed, completed session, Tuesday, November 15
My first super O was Aless
A change of pace
The sweetness and power of an Aneros autofuck, Saturday session November 12, and wow! That Aless!!
All Cried Out - Aless Session Going Frenzy - Super-Os On A New Level, WTF!
Aless during Election Day and the day following
A Slight Idea Of A Super-T
Sudden Super-O In A Chair
The Plateau - There and not further
Late Sunday afternoon, early Monday morning sessions, Nov. 6 & 7 : overdoing it (temporary)
Previous week, general notes
What a wonderful saturday morning, starting the day with Aless
Saturday morning session, November 5 : Quality time with my Aneros devices and in Aless!
An Addiction or Not?
Friday morning session, November 4 : Luminous genital energy and sweet chairgasms
Wednesday and Thursday sessions, November 2-3 : A "developing" Super-T! Oh yeah!!!
Nov 1
October 31 & November 1 sessions ; Some corrective measures ; Glorious chairgasms
Super, Super O
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016
General intro
Relentless Aless ; That Aneros Itch : Sessions for Friday and Saturday, October 27 & 28 ; Series of Chairgasms
Amazing Thursday session, October 27 followed by irrepressible Aless!
It could've Danced all Night
Sessions for October 25 & 26 & Interacting with Exquisite Aless
What a wonderful world: Aless out sudden and spontaneously!
Time to blog!
Aless on my mind, and wow! An amazing Sunday afternoon session! October 24
It's gotten cold! Saturday afternoon session, October 22
Savoring irrepressible Aless, Thursday October 20 and early Friday morning session, October 21
Captivated by my prostate only
The Noisy Cricket
on my way
Actively working with Aless : Tuesday evening, October 18 & two Super-T attempts
Tuesday morning session, Tuesday October 18 : Savoring the Aneros and Aless!
Was that something?
Tuesday morning session, October 11 : Tug-of-War Technique and Aneros Elasticity
October 10 Columbus Day session, with super hot Aless following
Early Saturday morning session, October 8, Wow that Maximus!
Boy, that awesome f**cker, Progasm Classic! Friday morning session, October 7
The Obstacles in my Path (2013-present)
My beloved Energizer Bunnies, Maximus and Progasm Classic, etc., Wednesday October 5
A "normal" session : wonderful Aless following, Monday October 3
A New Beginning
Session 30/09/2016
First Results (2012-2013)
The Search for Something Meaningful
Friday & Saturday morning sessions, "Average?" : But wow! What Aless!
Nothing on Doing Nothing and Butt Buzzin
Wednesday morning session, "This magic moment", September 21
Monday morning session: "Really into you!" : September 19
First SuperO - They do exist'!
Edging-less Progress
Aless a day following the breakthrough & Saturday midday session: Wow!
First Aless Orgasm
Energizer Bunnies Maximus and Progasm Classic: Super-O's and MMO's!
Two great sessions, Sept. 13 & 15, 2016
Discovery and Reality
Surf Bordt Surf Bordt
Sweet, pulsating Aless = Sweet, pulsating prostate?
MMO or SUPER-O - Either way, I reached a new plateau
The reassurance of Aless!
The Art of Edging
another suprise
Shaking All Over
Brand new newbie today
Shower Surprise
Making use of Knowledge
Building the Anticipation
Discovering edging and aless
More Milestones reached - the pleasure is getting stronger and stronger
Wow is all I can say!
Natural Movement
Friday morning session, 8/26/16, wild rides with MGX and Progasm Ivory!
First MMO
Thursday morning session, 8/25/16 ; Oh, the sweetness and power found in Aneros sessions, Aless and the Kegels!
Darwin, Answer This
Tuesday morning session "quickie" 8/23/2016 ; Kegels do work! Yeah, especially with Aless! *
Jock pouch foreplay ; Super hot Monday morning session, 8/22/16 ; Noontime Bating/Session Climax *
Bating and edging preludes ; Awesome Saturday session ; Amazing Aless following!
One Step Closer - Involuntary Convulsions.
Aneros subtlety has power! Friday morning session, 8/19/16
Session 18/08/16
Early morning's Kegels, Thursday morning Aneros session, post session active bliss
Session 17/08/16
21-day Challenge
Test -- Bating
Sessions for Monday and Tuesday morning, 8/15 & 8/16/16
Bating and edging session Sunday afternoon, August 14
Gotta take the Bad with the good!
Saturday morning session, 8/13/16, with bating and edging sessions following
Porn, an Addiction or Not
I have not bated like this in a real long time, 8/12/16 masturbation and edging session, noontime
Friday morning session before dawn, 8/12/16 *
Harnessing Aless for masturbation and Super-T's *
Another Day in Paradise!
Superabundant Aless --> Wednesday morning session, 8/10/16 --> Oh, that sweet Aless!
A couple of GGringo's perceptive comments worth treasuring
Oh that Aneros feel! Early Monday evening session, 8/8/16
A Transendence to a New Level
The Trouble With Holidays
Aless and Kegels in a jockstrap and an athletic cup
What my body wants, very early 8/8/16 session *
Missed by one stroke! No, not golf!
Edging Side Effects??
a-less pleasure
Super-T attempt late Saturday night, 8/6/16
Taking an Aneros breather, Saturday morning, 8/6/16, but practicing Kegels *
Third Super-T attempt, 8/5-6/16, making some progress
Revitalizing my masturbation sessions and aiming for the Super-T shoot! *
A darn good, solid session, Friday morning, 8/5/16
Second attempt at a Super-T, late 8/4-5/16 session, again with caution!
A New Experience
Last night - I got there
Cautious Super-T experimentation
Focus on the Penis during Aless: An meditative exercise (A work in process)
8/2/16 session, Eupho Classic, Tempo, and Progasm Classic: Wow! *
Nearly a month's hiatus from Aneros and then Wow! Sessions 7/30 and 8/1
Major breakthrough! With or without Aneros?
First Session
Prostate surgery (prostatectomy) and using Aneros
Beginning The Journey...
Hitting the Super-O...and again...and again.
Waves of Pleasure
New Sensations
Still enjoying it!
My First Time
A Voyage of Discovery
Progress or not?
Away on a trip
Progress in the Bedroom
Still here and still letting Aneros use me any way it wants
Saturday morning, 7/2/16 session, oh those Aneros smaller models
Wednesday 6/29/16 session, there is always Aless sweetness no matter what the session!
Re-Wiring Reversing?
Monday, 6/27/16 session, the power of Aneros subtlety *
6/25/16 session, rediscovering Helix Syn and Progasm Jr
Fathers Day session, 6/19/16 p.m.
First encounter with the Progasm Ice
First Blog
Friday 6/17/16, Feeling well "fucked" after morning session
6/15/16 Noon Session, Aneros & Aless Chi *
Do Nothing Technique & Those Awesome Kegels = Aneros Power & Sweetness, 6/13/16 session *
Still new to this
Morning sessions, 6/10/16 & 6/11/16 = Sweet, powerful Aless! *
Session just after sunrise and aftermath, Wednesday 6/8/2016 *
Still new to this
New to this
Aneros session for Monday June 6, 2016 with Aless Afterglow *
Late Tuesday night session, June 7, 2015 *
More on Kegels, Reverse Kegels, Aneros & now that Prostate "Itch" 6/3 & 6/4 sessions *
Kegels, Reverse Kegels, and Aneros -- Wow!!! 6/2/16
Memorial Day morning session, 5/3016
Memorial Day morning session, 5/30/16
waxing the car
Aless for Friday May 27, 2016 and updates
More on Kegels and Reverse Kegels, 5/27/16 morning session
On the shelf - with nocternal relief
Aneros session for Saturday morning, April 22, 2016, Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Saturday morning May 22, 2016 session with Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Saturday morning May 22, 2016 session with Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Redesigned web site challenges and Aneros session
Session 04/05/16
Background and before the Aneros
An EMail Never Sent
Most important update
Aneros session for April 1, 2016
Birthday Aneros Session, March 30, 2016
Prostate Massage and Hand Job
Dream, Fantasy and MMO
The Challenges of Being a Hypersexual Man
Suspended Between a Man and a Woman and Reality and Fantasy
Busy March
Some basic info and some sexy thoughts
Prostate Massage Orgasm
Memory of Frotting
HFWO, still at it but a week's break
My first bllog entry
It Owns Me
Sixty Nine
Vice Job
long layoff and transitioning
Small Success!!! First Dry Orgasm!!!
Prostate Milking?
Time to Travel
A Long Held Secret
Tempo and Masturbation
My Male - Male Fantasy
smart cock
She'll be coming 'round the corner when she coms...
New success!
desire and new technique
back in action
Progress -Trying new things with my sessions
First Session
Yet another Corner Turned
Still on the Journey
Recovery from the flu & New Years with Aneros!
Finding Higher Orbits
taking a break
Orgasmic Symphony
An Amazing Night
A Less Nirvana
New Beginnings and big sensations
moving in the right direction
Achieving Aless sweetness while wearing a Nutty Buddy athletic cup
The Burning Question
learning the hard way
Just Checking In
It's All In The Wrist...
Just like riding a bike...
Riding Eupho
keeping track
My Journey with Prostate Massage
Aneros sessions are cumulative & you have Aneros tipping point[s]
Aless while wearing the Nutty Buddy Athletic cup
Kegeling & Reverse Kegeling refinements, session for 11/5/15
My New Reality
Yin & Yang
More Spinal Orgasms
Orgasmic Confluence
An Aless like none other, the rest of Thursday October 22, 2015
Prom night
Weird Science!
Pressing the Prostate
After cold snap, Aneros pleasure!!!
Helix-syn delivers another great night.
Spine Tingling Excitement!
Continuing with Aneros Tug-of-War
Stumbling upon Tug-of-War technique
Aless while wearing a Nutty Buddy Athletic Cup
Rewiring: Aneros sessions 10/11 & 10/12/15
Turned another corner?
Egg )or some other protein( on face...
Expanding the Envelope
Knowing my moods
Think I realize now why it's called "Riding"!
First involuntary twitches during a Dry-O
The beginning
Aneros muscle memory
Comfortably Numb
Super O and then..
Prostate Massage
Wife finds Ice Buddy
Bringing it On
A*N*E*R*O*S is happening!
Steady progress / Lube Observations
Monday Monday
Pee-hole stim continues...
Hanging on to Syn
Dry–O Joystick
My sexual awakening
Embracing "The Way of Aneros"
September 9
My Aneros Adventure
Short Session big results
Came Back to my calling
My Sexuality, My Fantasies and the Tao of Eros
Sleeping with syn
My Two Orgasmic Worlds Join
Found Reliable way for me to get Dry-O's with Helix
Well, I guess the Helix does work!
So Far Best way to Warm Up Prostate
Dry wet dreams
Finding Bliss
Reliable Quick A-Less Dry-O's & more
Another positive evening
Couldn't resist the call of the Helix.
Progress- mini-Os
Met my new friend Helix-Syn
News from the newbe
Ice is my new best friend
Short Session
A quickie and anticipation
Another mini-O after months and months.
Not so Silent Seduction
My Fantasy During A Less
The Erotic Bridge Between the Reality and the Forbidden
Three weeks away from Aneros and wanting it so bad!
The "Golden Years" Are Here
The Sexual Ecstasy of an INFJ
Right path? Wet orgasm, no touch
Interesting progress
First Super-O !
Tantric sex
Getting better
Metaphysics and the Ring of Fire
Memories and Fantasies
Session for July 8, 2015
Third time is a charm?
Helix classic- new arrival!
Mind, Body and Soul
More and more Aneros and Aless pleasure!
Thoughts That Inspire My MMO's
Afterglow following my first Super-O, July 4, 2015
Good and bad
Celebrating Independence Day 2015 with Aneros
Second time around
Long way to go
Reprograming apparently will be a long process
Super O Plateau
Continuing Journey... starting to make sense
Seasons of My Sexuality
Dream O?
Cock Craving Continued
All is not lost... coconut oil discovery
A LGBT poem, written by a retired, straight teacher
Kundalini stuff
Cock Craving
Another super-O
A masturbation session that was absolutely hot!
Aneros session for Thursday June 18, 2005
Aless session while wearing a jock and cup
Maximus . . . Optimus
Sleep paralysis, not enough orgasms
Amazed, and disappointed
The Road to Enlightenment Is Not Always Paved, Even, or Straight
Quiet after the storm
The Heart Chakra opens, and a super-O!
Quiet, but nice
I felt every drop
Thanks to Linghaman I Found Peridise
Quiet at last
Bit tired
Had Penis corona Dry-O.
Almost super-O again
Corona Stim & Dry-O's
Things are moving fast
Disappointment followed by Euphoria at the Tony Awards
It happened at last!
I'm on the edge. The slightest movement can push me over.
Lurid Fantasy
Sweet, powerful Aless now after sessions
Still so close
Beginner Prefers Progasm to the Progasm Jr.
An awakening?
A Night of Bliss
Golly! That crazy gizmo really works!
so close.....
Not sure what to call this one
The beginning
More thoughts
Unique Sensations
Concentration & Abstaining
Still blocked
Blocked again?
Anal Orgasm
Long week
No sleep
Back on track
Still not working
21 day challenge
Fantasy and Super O
Now it's not working
Another day
It's working!
My 21 (actually 23) Day Challenge
Exploring further
Some pain today
Second session and more
Super O and Ejaculation
Austin's great aneros adventure
Weak week, strong end
my first entry
Crossing the finish line
A fight worth losing
Edging both with Aneros and also in Aless
First time in years, and first time ever
Rolling Dry O's?
Aneros session, April 12, 2015
Coming up on three years with Aneros!
Aless & Foreplay in the Nutty Buddy Cup
Frustration with Vice last night
A recent masturbation session
Mistakes Can Have Good Results
Step 2: Go back to step 1, dumbass.
Help! Stalled and where the F$*K is my sweet spot???
Tell me what you remember about...
The next day... A-less butterflies...
Definite Progress - 2
Progress - 1
Butterflies got the best of me..
First session
Past Anal-Play History and Introduction
Odds and Ends
Starting Notes
Runaway Freight Train
The Glans Penis, Prostate, and Maximus
Mr Fix-it
Third session - a quickie
Fourth session - some lessons learned
Second Session - ugh!
Sweet, vibrant Aneros energy!
Vice Vice Baby!
Newb's First Session
Awesome Session
A rose by any other name.......
A rest stop adventure
Back With a Vengeance
Lessons learned
Orgasmic Bliss ... An excerpt from my novel
Boom! goes the dynamite.
Nap time
Time to kill
Walk this way
The Helix attacks
The consolations of Aless
Helix arrives
Aless foreplay, a hot Aneros session, Aless postplay
Quickie....or not.
Oh, Progasm Classic & Maximus, you guys send me!
Marathon session
Used the Helix Syn 3 times already
Great New Couples Aneros Practice Techniques
Intense A Less Session
Powerful, continuous powerful Aless
Mixing Aneros models up in sessions
My thoughts on pornography and Aneros sessions
Empty Balls Church Bells and Erect Cocks
Six Mile High Club, Reprise
Tempo's debut
In the beginning......
Further Steps
A-less and Aurora borealis, Five miles up!
Eating My Own Cum
A-less Energy Moving with Chuckjo2000
Pleasure Continued
No Aneros: Better Developments
The Start of Something Good
The first session.
More Admissions
Taking cat for a hare
Touched for the very first time
Testicular Orgasm?
My Second Encounter
Launching an A Less Session
Ravished/Ravaged by my PG ice and loving it )the Ravishing and the PG
Recovery from bliss
Another mild mini-O
Super O has arrived
Aneros Kegels and Reverse Kegels
Thanks Drummel what a combination!
I can't help it I was wired this way
He's distracting me
Maximus in tandum with Progasm
Vice and more
Maximus v. Progasm
About 40 hours of Aneros session time now, time to share again
Covert Tactical Operations
Aneros autof**k strokes: Relaxation and subtlety
I'm held in his Vice
Maximus came through
Aless while wearing a jock and cup
More on Rewiring
Lets talk about the Maximus
Sweet, Smooth, and Silky
Eupho Syn came yesterday
After My Fifth Session - keeping in touch
More mini-O's
I've always been an adventrous sort
Peridise's turn
Orgasmic Triad
What can I say
Fifth Session - Taking a slightly different approach
Aneroless ejaculation
Fourth Session Busy busy - no fun
My Ride Gets Even Better
Silent Seduction
Why She's Not On Board...)part 1(
Outside in and Inside Out
Third Session, before during and maybe after
Taking time to open up - between sessions
Second Experience
My first attempt
NEW HEIGHTS: I haven't touched the ceiling yet
A bit about me before my first experience.
Oh Aneros! You really send me!
Deeper & deeper, subtle & delicate Aneros sweetness
A Wonderful Session and a Fantasy
My Most Enjoyable Session So Far
The Aneros autof**k & Aneros surfing
Mission to Pre
The liquid energy of Aneros pleasure!
Slow and Steady
I'm BacK!
There's definitely something happening down there.
A-Less --- NEVER Far Away
Some sensations
First time with my wife
Starting my journey
Aneros edging: Go deeper and deeper!
MMO with Tempo and Female Erotic Massage
What a Great Day
Andy`s Journey
Getting more and more into the "do-nothing" technique
Sweet sexual energy surrounding my Aneros models
Daily practice.
Happy Birthday Lucifer
Butting In
Erotic Shower
A Very Vice Ride
Communication and Expectations
Shy Guy
Mini-O of a different calibre
Revisit the Big Boy & Vice Sex
Just Joy, no Pain
Guess that was a Super-O!
Aneros horniness, session for Aug. 5, 2014
Another twist in the road of my journey - last edit
Eupho Sym rear view video -- comments welcome
Always Learning
Pro Job
Alone In a Hotel Room
Back to the Helix Syn
20 O's
Time for a change
Burning arousal in one go
A Fantasy and a Reality
Not what I expected
Joy & Pain )Round 2(
Emotions and orgasms
Six hours of ecstasy - 2 videos available. Comments encouraged.
Spreading the word
Awired50 Couple Adventures
Aless & Kegels : CONNECTION!
New insight
Surprising New Interests
Forbidden Fantasy
Vice Love
Fantastic Session
Joy & Pain
Vice Lovemaking Session
What Mantak Chia says about sex between men and being a gay or bisexual man
Saturday Morning Syn
Thought I Was Here Before
Second time around A-less
Going A-less, First success
My new Progasm
Curious about the Tempo!
Encounters with remarkable people
Checking back.
Progasm Jr and Tempo -- A whole new level for couples!
Back to Aneros!
Happy to meet you, Mr. Progasm! Video available. Comments encouraged.
Well, THAT was quick!
Posted a video of a peridise session with commentary. Comments encouraged.
Mr. Moon
Making love with the Vice !
Mood Setter
God and Aneros
Recharge Ride
Nice peridise video
Peridise is a tricky little devil.
Best Feeling Ever
Paraphimosis woes [Updated]
Aneros under the Stars
Breathing meditation - revised
To All of My Aneros Friends
A Poem I Wrote to Me Making Believe I was my Wife
Abstaining session
Coming up on my 2nd Aneros anniversary: Lessons learned
Rainy Friday morning Aneros session, May 16, 2014
Beyond ...
Vice Orgasm with Wife
Sexy Massage
A-Less Sessions
Probing for ecstasy
How it started
Care and Feeding of Vaginas for Guys
Life Before & After Aneros
Unforgetable Syn Experience!
Afternoon Delight
Sunday Session
Aless and more
The key is 'excitement'
Coconut Oil Job
Alternate Blog Location
Progress Report
Erotic Sexual Spasms
Vice BJ & Handjob
A Session Worth Writing About
update on experiences
Possibly the best handjob of my life
Fueling for the race
Talk About Prostate Massage
Great session and a new idea
21 + 1
The Mystery of My Sexuality Part 3: Orgasm
Working again
What has aneros-use ever done for me?
Anal Pleasure: My Sexuality Part 2
My Intentions
In a Haze
New Observations
Today's Experience
The Mystery of my Sexuality: Part 1
Quality Time
Solo Session with Milovana and blindfold
My Wifes Experience of Orgasm
First blog
Journey Observation
Orgasmic Chat
The Urge
Today's Session
Aneros Audio Concentration Erotic Webtease !
Sexual Yin and Yang
Pelvic relaxation
New Revelations
A Sexy Weekend
OMG! Never Felt Anything Like This!
The Return
Another Vice BJ
The Mystery Man Strikes Again
Homoerotica from my Memoir / Novel
Blowjob with the Vice
Til The SUn Cums Out
Another fantastic session with the wife
Coming out
A Night In a Hotel Keeping Tempo with Tempo
First Session
Those who know
Awired50 Vice Journey
Energy Transfer Perhaps??? Or just my crazy mind...
Life in the Endgame
Intro...a little about me and my blog...
A Sexy Post to My Wife
Happy Anniversary
Sexual experiences with Mrs Con
The Power of Breathing
50th Anniversary of Gay/Bi Youth: memories celebration sessions
Fantasy, Reality and MMO
So Fulfilled
Mild mini-O's
From the Glans Penis to the Prostate
Broke the Ceiling
My first 5 sessions with helix
My Experience of a Super O
My Nipples
Aneros And Penile Semen Ejaculation
Trying to Lose Control
First test drive
Private Penetration
sleeping with big red
It Was About Her
Aneros Foreplay
Letting Go
Pleasure & Pain
My 1st session
Presidents Day Morning, Savoring Aneros Electric Eroticism!
Full of love & cum
Dark Side of the Moon
Stimulating the Prostate to Orgasm (II): Probes, Prostate Massagers, and Vibrators
Stimulating the Prostate to Orgasm (I): General Advice
Stimulating the Prostate to Orgasm )III(: Dildos and Thrusting
My Aneros Autof**k is now liquid f**k motion!
Mental trampolines and smoke rings in my mind
surprise! - further steps
Chat Inspiration: Morning Coffee
Erotic Cock Massage
Beyond Expectations
What Prostate Orgasms Are
How I Discovered Prostate Orgasms
No Sleep
Aneros Springiness and Mushiness
My Response to Lingaman's 01/07/2014 Blog Entry ["Her Orgasm Delivered with Love"]
Penis Envy
Silly Me
Savoring Aneros Foreplay and Afterplay and Aneros Downtime
A little R and R
Two is better then 1
Lying on my Right Side, with a Variation
First possible Anerosless Super-O last night!
More Aneros positions: Sitting, Standing, Lying on Belly, and Doggie
Take Me Higher
Do Nothing Aneros Technique and Two New Aneros Positions
Further Journey
Aneros Foreplay with Jockstraps and Athletic Cups
Progasm Lover
first success - Super T without hands
Single pulse
Change and Transformation in my Aneros sessions
Spa Day
Tempo and Progasm Classic, the Cadillacs of the Aneros line!
things to come?
Back to the helix syn
Recent Aneros Milestones
DJ's school daze volume 2
Her Orgasm Delivered with Love
DJ's school daze volume 1
Back to the Eupho Syn with trepidation
Sunday Ecstasy
Teeth + Orgasm = Bright Smile
My Less Session Last Night
It's a blog
Wedding Band position astounding developments!!!
Nipples and Fellatio
My Fantasies
Getting closer
Blown away!
Fourth Audio Recording Posted
3rd session
My Rewiring
Fa la la la la aaaah I'm Cummin'
Looking for direction
Box Lunch at the Y
Reprinted From Lingamans Log 2011
"The science of orgasm".
This and that
Wicked fingertip
The New ME
Fun at Mayo Clinic
1st Experience
Super O in a Hot Wet Pussy
Long time, no aneros
Homoerotic Reality and Fantasy
Abounding Orgasms
So many drops
Interesting ...
Mr. Helix
Opening Up
I'm pissed
Routine ecstasy
Thank you, Lord!
First Session: Ahead as planned
At the internist's office
The prequel
My 2nd post.
Ya cain't never tell ...
Session 3 - more vibrant prostate and dildo
I'm So Thankful
Session 2 - Similar to Session 1, except..
Session 1 - Auto Contractions
First real eupho ride.
Third Recorded Aneros Session is Posted
My Breathing Meditation
Song of Men
Eyes rolling in the back of my head and staying with it
Thanks, friend
Just joining
I want some!
A first step
So, what's going on?
Phase 4: Bathing during Aneros use
Super-O: Kind of, sort of, maybe?
Phase 3: Session Disruption & Discomfort
Phase 2: Successful P-wave
My learnings of using Aneros
So; experimentation and Mark Twain's Remarks on the Science of Onansim.
Phase 1: Initiation
What a day
This is absurd
Angels at the gate or aneros psychotherapy
More miscellaneus
a first time for everything
Second ride, Helix Syn
Huge Mistake!
Distance makes the prostate grow founder
Chemistry of the Mind
less a blog
It came. I came. 8>0
My Body Craves it
3 days in the hole
my new blog
Holy fucking crap!
Today's Blog
Conversations with myself
The Mapping of Greater Orgasmic Responses
Like a virgin ...riding for the very first time.
Today's Blog
Session 4
session 3
Session 2 peridise
And away...we go!
First package
Further info on the start -- my history
Second Session Recording Is Posted
What is it?
Starting my journey
Recording Number Two
miles to go before we sleep
its only just begun
After Shocks
As time goes on...
Found something fun
My experiences
love juice
Thanks ALL: prostateawakening>energiesawakening>remoteenergiessharing>communitygarden
I Have Been Reborn
Should Really Take a Break
Last Night Pounding
Surrender and Take It Like the Man that You ARE!
Vacation Sessions
Good feelings
The journey begins
3 nights of bliss
Progasm Enough Said
Something new ahead
Newbie Needs Super O Tips!!!!!
Just A Warning
Session #? Oh boy, definitely onto something here.
Dirty talking helped!?
Amazing Session
Coming Clean and liking it in the end
So Excited
Something different
Silently Screaming
Session #4, a huge leap.
The Beginning
Pro's & Con's
2nd stage of prostate awakening...?
still dry
Breathing is key
Expectation and effort
Eupho Syn: Sweet Delicate Autof**k Action
Odd new involuntary massaging
on the path of success
Ahhhhhhhhh, so calm
3 times the charm
What a surprise
It hurts but still feels good
Thank You Rumel
First one with my wife
Less session contemplating a good Zen reminder for Anerosians too
I did it again!
Polishing The Knob
Up Up & Away
Finally another mini-O!
Should i say something?????
First time and beyond
Going through a phase?
Great Saturday Morning
Draining the Tanks
I had to quit
Almost fainted...
Trustworthy Friend
Getting into the Autof**k [Action]
A Edging Nipple MMO Session
My two new friends
Very very good orgasm
Summer Rides
I couldn't stop if i could
Laser-like reflections amplification for Couple's SUPERSuper-Os hyper-linked!!!
My Aneros Team[s]
Only Dry O's
Aneros DeVice, Oh fuck yeah!!!! A review!
why me!!!!!!!
A Seismic Shift
Super-O or Simply Super?
My road to discovery
Last Night
Progasm is great!
The Before Times till The Now: The Sleeper Has Awakened
Will I Ever Be The Same
Eupho Syntillations Throughout All Dimensions of ALL
Ending in fireworks
Dream Record
I love my body
Can you say MARATHON?
Last session, some very nice feeling, close to an O
Re-wiring is still happening...
Drip, drip, drip
working out
More Helix
New toys. Maximus,Vice, Peridise set
chaste week
Double the pleasure
Prostate discovery
Analogous Quote
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Rule Breaker
Summertime, and the livin' is easy
5th, 6th and 7th sessions, no super-o
Baby Steps
Test Drive
First Thoughts
Lawnmower Man
The Awakened Prostate : A Celebration of National Masturbation Month
First anniversary with the Aneros, 6/3/13 (A work in progress)
Bliss Restrained
Whats best?
4th session, I think my prostate is starting to live
my journey
Apartment renovation finally completed, May 9
That Delicious Tightness in my Perineum
Aneros Resonance and Harmonics, Session for April 11, 2013
Oh, gluttonous prostate.
Refraining from masturbation has been a catalyst. Late night session blew my mind
A very sensual session... feel like I made love to myself?!
Almost, I think
3rd session in, still no succes
Another day
Oh, yeah.
Mini Orgasms?
Quite a happy surprise
Never Far Away
Astonishing session but a disappointing finish...
Things are really hotting up. More sensations! Possibly an orgasm?
-less on demand
Welcome home
Less is More, More is Less
I can't believe it's real.. my first super O!
Powerful session
Entering the Aneros Afterglow Earlier Today: Session for April 6, 2013
Our second adventure
Main Quake and Hundreds of Aftershocks
Day 1
Progasm Classic in Blue est arrivee!!! Sessions for March 31 & April 2
Ah, and just to add...
No more Aneros for now!
Progress, progress, progress
A Week of Amazing
The Examined Chat
Ninth session )day 25(
Amazing session!!!
The consolations of heavy duty Progasm Classic autof**king, sessions for March 23 & 25
Day 1 - 22
The beauty of large and relaxing into it.
TRUE Aneros autof**king: Session for March 21, 2012
Now I understand it
Aneros Carnal Knowledge, Session for March 19, 2013
Can't get enough of Aneros lovin', Sessions for February 11-14
New Sensations!
Session with leg in plaster - aneros-induced healing?
Week of Revival
new experiance
Longest O yet!
Junior's Got Talents!!!
Sitting Multiple Orgasms
The Cat Who Caught the Canary
We don't have to try - it's always a good time
The best night ever so far
Multiple super O morning
Surprising new peaks
Tantric Tummy!
Less is More!
Recovery from a brief illness : Sessions for the week of February 2-9
More Progress
Practice makes perfect
A new Synsation
Sprinkles and Tips
P wave evenings
A new train of thought
What to choose, where do I start....disappointment looms.
My first ramblings
Afternoon Session
Product Review: Progasm Jr
Drifting through deeper levels of relaxation
Final Thoughts of Peridise
prostate stimulation
Pleased that progress is resumed
Perpetual Lube Machine
2nd session
Progasm Ice Multiple super Os
Peridise has helped the rewiring process for me!
hi guys. finger multiple orgasms)timnall(
Martin82's Aneros Prostate Self-Massage
My now "Three" Progasm Buddies which I love and adore! Sessions for January 23-26
Aneros Autopilot, Long Autof**k Strokes, and Focus: Sessions for January 19 & 21
I treated myself to the beginner Peredise set... amazing!
Reliability of being MMO
Is it Squirting?
Those \"long\" Aneros autof**k strokes: Sessions for January 10-18
Prime prove con HELIX SYN
Progasm ICE First impressions
Surprise Attack of Spontaneous Dry Orgasms
Eupho all night orgie!
Week 4 part 2
Another big leap forward!
Reminiscing About 18(mm)
It's a different experience every time
Week 4
My Aneros Team: A Show and Tell
Aneros Autof**k Stroke Focus: Sessions for January 5, 7, & 9
Strange new things have happened.
First super o!!!
An Amazing Athletic Cup for the Kegel Exercises and Anerosing
I'm an Aneros lovin' it! Session for January 4, 2013
A New Year! : Aneros Session for January 2, 2013
Steady progress
Continued success
Year End Sessions for December 27, 29 & 31, 2012
Aneros...does nothing??
)Quick( actually steady progress
Variety Pack
Arousal isn\'t limitless
A Vital Connection: Christmas Eve a.m. Session, 2012
My first two or so Super Os at last I think.
Steady improvement
Nice improvements!
Eupho again
A Boxing Day treat
Aneros Focus: Sessions for December 19, 21 & 22
Quick progress
Euphos back! Just like that!
Second Week of Training, or "What 20mm has done for me"
Celebrating darwin's voyage of discovery!!
Increasing sensations
The Progasm is Absolute Pleasure!!! Sessions for Thursday December 13
Getting into the Zone of Pleasure: Aneros Sessions for December 15 & 17
Revisiting the Eupho
Sweet and Subtle
Nipple stim and patience
Week One, or 22mm of Pleasure
My most successful position?
Back to back dry Os and then beyond!
A Really Good Time With the Maximus: Session for Tuesday December 11
Going All the Way with the Progasm: Sessions for December 5, 7, & 8
The Awakened, Anerosed Prostate and the Kegel Exercises
Back to back Dry Os
New sensation that one never expected
Something new, incredible and unexpected
New feelings without Aneros
Drugs and a great session
Finally some progress!
First ever Dry-0
Training Regimen
I'm a Progasm Slut! no. II: Sessions for November 30, December 2 & 3, 2012
Up to speed
last nights session was a disapointment but this morning.
Chair orgasms
Aneros normally fucks me, this morning aneros made love to me
Full body clench
Those Subtle Aneros Feelings and Delights! Sessions for November 23, 24, 26 & 28
I'm a Progasm Slut: Session for Wednesday November 21
Greedy deep throat different session.
Supple nipps and a morning session of bliss
Cum Crazy!
Dangerous Over-Indulgence
explosive ending and strange spasmming session
Dry O zone! Back in the saddle!
Time for a sleep over
The Dame is not so sweet this time...
Perfect Place of Rest
Definite Progress
Its all gone Dead. Not happy!
Dame Syn
Im getting there. Wherever THERE is
Back on the Blog
Both Progasm Ice and Progasm Classic Rock: Session for Monday November 19
The Helix Syn )Re(-Joins My Lineup: Session for November 16, 2012
Models MGX and Helix Classic Join My Team!: Session for Saturday Nov. 18
First post
Swiftly run to peace
Less is more!!
Hole New Horizon: Dancing with Big Momma EVI!!!
The virtues of temporary ejaculatory abstinence versus quenching the fires of horniness
Hurricane Sandy & Falling in love with my Progasm Classic
A Tightness at my Aneros Sweet Spot, Session for Monday November 12
Aneros spin offs to date, November 2012
Now my Eupho with his Big Bros, Session for Saturday November 10
Sparkles and Bubbles
I am sick but my butt never stops!
Abstinence and Diminishing Arousal
Something New
Where I am at roughly on the Milestone list
All good intentions now relised
Orgasmic Links at Another Astounding Orgasmic Level
Second Time is the Charm, and I am Sure Every Time Will Be
Anerosless dry orgasms in sex
Maiden Voyage
1st Session
Anerosless Ecstasy and Auto-Thrusting
Dan Tien and the Perverted Gremlin
Directing Energies
That Aneros sweet spot: Sessions for October 20 & 22, 2012
Personal Journeys
Maybe not so old? Dry orgasms and non-orgasmic ejaculation
Weekend Alone - BIG fun!
Chat to the max!
Who I Am, As I Am, And What I`ve Discovered
Inspiration for title Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum: Session for Friday Oct. 17, 2012
Kegeling and my Aneros BIG Buddies: Session for Wednesday October 17, 2012
Greetings and Salutations
Kegeling and the Progasm: Sessions for October 13 & 15, 2012
My Three Big Really Good Buddies: Aneros Session for October 10 & 12, 2012
The Progasm Classic, Maximus, & Progasm Ice : My Big Buddies : October 5 & 8 Sessions
Crazy shit happening Anero orgie happening
Aneros Automatic Autof**king and the Kegel Exercises, October 3, 2012
My three good buddies: Aneros session for October 1, 2012
Maximus and Progasm: Aneros Session for Saturday 29, 2012
Trying different Aneros during one session
Rolling Balls and Tingling Foreskin
Spring 2012 - Fully Immersed
My main men, the Maximus and Helix Syn, Aneros Session Wednesday morning September 19, 2012
Winter 2011 - More Learning
Fall 2011 - Early learning
The Aneros Maximus Rocks!!! Session for September 17, 2012
Retrospective on One Year Anniversary
Not quite getting it...
Do I really know what I'm doing...?
A New Year --- Off and Running!
Aneros Session Early Tuesday Morning August 28, 2012
Synsational!! The wild skills of this Aneros Synpinnacle to date!!
Long Overdue Aneros Session, Saturday Afternoon, August 25, 2012
Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum
Gradus ad Aneros Parnassum
Peace, calm and time
Reverse Edging
Rewiring Complete
Purchace Aneros and bits.
For olds times sake...
Zero to Hard without noticing!
In the beginning
Bigger and better
Today I did it!
Something else?
Purity and Icicles
Back in Black Progasm
After a long holiday hiatus...I'm back!
A brief update
6 Stages of Aneros Development
No doubt this time !!!!
Morning Joy AND So Much More!
Fifth: Awesome but... there is more I'm sure
Third, partly with my wife
Messages to self
Aurora Anerovis
Second try: this time I was prepared
My First Time
It's been a while...
The Joys of this Day
Electric Juice
Where's the off switch? (Revisited)
Better late than never
Quick time and interruption
Close but no cigar
An appeal to new users
So much, so quickly.
Slow but sure
excitedly confused
Did lightning just strike?
Natural Jelly
Unbelievable 3-WAY VMI !!! can you imagine
Calming down now
Where's the off switch?
New sensations
Chat session explosion
Pete's progress continues
A session this evening!!
Nice but cleaning up was messy
this journey is insane
Desperately seeking involuntaries.
First Helix session
Maximus, take three
Helix ordered
Trying too hard vs. not at all
The story so far...
Return of the Jed...Super-O
Another fun session...
I continue to be amazed...
It was bound to happen...
I think I may have broken something...
Great sex
From the start to recent - A chronology of pleasure
Never Ending
Praise Be for the Man I Am!
Don't Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good
What a lovely Saturday afternoon!
The Proverbial Quickie
Don't rush
Weather too hot
Sessions 2 and 3
In the beginning ......
This isn't a fork in the road, it's a spoon
3rd Time the Charm?
My Second Date
1st Session Ever
3 Sesiones, anoche un avance!
The Journey So Far
Now, time for some fun
Time for some learning
My first ride
Something New
Helix Session
The Begining of my Journey
Three year Anniversary
Far More Than Ever Expected
Test Post
Ultimate Male/Male (Particularly for Straights!!): Virtual Mutual Intercourse
My Recent Complete Physical Exam
Can't get over the EDGE to Dry-O due to STRESS I THINK
Consiguiendo el PROGASM
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 8
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 7
A Naked Bag and a Helix High
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 6
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 5
Waiting for my Helix
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 4
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 3
product inserts
from Paradise Lost to Prostate Found
Session 3 -- No handle dilemma
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 2
Awakening ?
Session 2
My very first session
Me, Myself and my Aneros - The introduction.
The waiting time
Tailless Helix
Eupho and "Boy Spot"
An open insight Into a personal aneros journey part 1
Mapping Orgasmic Energies and Energies Exchanges
First session ever!
First entry
Super-O's are really really weird
One kind of O lost, but another gained?
Progress is at hand
Peridise finally delivered
Experiencing Super (A)rousal
J4's Vice Review and General Update
Distracting negative energy
Best Eupho session ever
Sessions 8 and 9
Session 7
New title
Session 6 (5.1)?
Session 5
Session 4
Bought two more
private erotic chat
It came, I didn't. :-)
It will come today
Will it come today?
pure pleasure
want more
Getting started
a full day
Problems of (Non)Ejaculation
Off to the races
and so it begins...
The last few days...
The best laid plans...
Starting the experience
Eupho "discovered" and other changes
Energy experiment
Energetic movement & pleasure
Something wild and wonderful is happening...
A new height
My observation over the years
It continues
The load that wouldn't stop ;)
Chat sessions are fun
Back down to earthiness! Erections return!
It appears to be permanent...
Taking a break gives new focus
New pathways???
a marathon day
A middle-of-the-night romp with myself :-)
Maximus + Eupho
Learning to enjoy the Feeldoe More
A singularly amazing orgasm
floating bliss
I just had a 20 minute orgasm!
The Ice man com
Prostate excitement!
Oh My!
First time
Kundalini awakening continuing?
Interesting experiment and results
The next step?
Amazing 24 hours
A very quick update
Aneros as teacher
out of control
constant o's
Holy crap!
Awesome anerosless
helix again
Just saying hello
A year later, dreams have come true…
The Road Less Traveled...
Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 3
Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 2
Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 1
5th Session
Fourh Session
Third Session
helix seems to be the ticket
Second Try
My First Try
new-ish experiences with helix
oh man!
back to it
Hidden pleasures-my story
spontaneous involuntaries
A plateau + a good session
instant response
more rewiring!
into synthesis
My all-round, round the clock fuck, memoirs of a rapist
A phenomenal day
Galactic Virgin: Present in the Presence
Imp's Ideas
I dream of incredible progress.
KSMO; Bringing everyone up to speed
Hidden pleasures-my story
Hidden pleasures-my story
the Hell?
Let down? I think not!
The first hour
New levels
The best yet
At Last
Peridise regained
2 weeks without session
Helix Noob
Busy with KSMO
Erotic Dream
A dud
More newness
The beginnings of bliss?
I'm on no sleep :-)
In retrospect
MGX rides again
Mediocre session with helix
New toys
Another phenomenal session
Summary So Far
A new experience
Strange Energetic Sensations
1st and 2nd Helix Sessions
The Amygdala Experiments: VaVaVaVOOOOOOMMMM
Home & Away
Anerosless, edging, and porn
First Super-O?
New Year, New Breakthroughs
New Year, No Fear
I'm surfing again...
Is this supposed to be funney...?
Anal experimentation with a beautiful woman.
Experiences of a Self Deluded Fool
Eros and the Tale of the Phantom Tail
My Peridise experience
A New Decade
Did something just happen...?
...and so it begins.
Ten sessions, two dry-O, variation and kitchen appliances
Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 6: Solo & Partner Soft: Reprise of the earlier Male Clitoris Massage
Becoming a seasoned vet
A change
Latest developments
Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 5: Solo Soft: The Master Organist and The Sultan of BagJazz!
Ticklish Affair
In the family
Finally - my first session
Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 4: Solo Soft or with Partner – Are you ready to play your Mangina?
intimate moment
Less is More
On Your Marks ...
The Driving Force
Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 3: Solo Soft – The Wheel of the Galaxy – Full Penis Retraction
Just ordered my first Aneros - why I decided to give it a try
Where I'm coming from
Let u know what is going on
Three Nights Running
Another step
Best session so far!
Best position?
The right fantasy counts the most! ;)
Super E/Super Erection, a new term
Making progress!
Return of the Eupho
Like a dog
Arrival of my Helix, first session was better than I thought!
At Home Again
3 Weeks Into The Journey
A Weekend by the Sea
New discoveries
A Do-Over
The Joyous Benefits and Art of Soft (and Semi-Soft) Penis Sex with your Female Partner: Part 2
Eupho Review
BPH and the Aneros user
So Much To Talk About
My First Two Super Sessions
Morning Super-O
Sessions Four
Kundalini the serpent hiccupped and sent me to hospital.
no-Aneros double show!
The Joyous Benefits and Art of Soft (and Semi-Soft) Penis Sex with your Female Partner: Part 1
Session 3
How long I've been at this.
Update August 09
My one and only Full Body Multiple Male Orgasm before the Aneros
Second Session
First Time-Next Time
The shell rub
Unreal, with no insertion whatsoever...
Curious sensations
Continued Progress
Just a friendly hello after some absence
One Year Anniversary Musings
A Senior Citizen's Progress
Prostate cries for orgasm
Nice results again!
Multiples and Marathons
A New Use for an Old Porn Standard
Aneros can trigger erotic memories
Back in the saddle again! :D
Circulating Energies with Your Partner without Including Genital Contact
Is more than one tool for the Journey a mistake?
Sex and Death II: More Orgasms, Healthier Males!
Muscle Memory and Fantasy/Imagery as Orgasmic Triggers
11 month anniversary (updated 6/22)
Blowing hot and cold
placed order
Grinding Away
Two separate practices?
Sensitivity cycle
Logging out
About to explode
Ive started dating myself
Rewiring at work ?
The Big Change (3 sub-sessions)
Getting Started
How I stumbled in here
Now I've really done it! (Aneros for BPH)
Great Maintenance Orgasms
Just another day at the office
For those who have not
A little progress
Expectations of pleasure?
It's nipple time!
The R word
1st attempt
First O's
peridise has arrived
next movement
Hitting hard
BIG breakthrough
The cycle of pleasure (Ain't life grand)
An update
Coming clean
Swirling Vortex of Pleasure
Moving on down the road
A Small Series of Sessions
Totally Surprised
I Think I'm Getting the Hang of It
Of bicycle saddles, pooping, nipples, and the journey.
Dreaming ?
Learning the Peridise and arousal
Peridise bliss!
Repost of my first post here
Aneros is the cure to Proctalgia fugax
Went to Walmart today
Wonderful session!
Tales of the Everglades Wanker
Sod's Law, Murphy's Law & drying laundry
Recent updates
M/F Couples Mutuality: Mutual Ejaculation Orgasms
My first session
Oily Fish Moon
Full Moon Club parade of orgasms
Fish oil fancies
Morning orgasms... into the late afternoon
The Great Fish Oil Experiment Update
Super-O zone
A Four Hour Orgasm....
The Great Fish Oil Experiment
Lube makes a difference
Sixth session: Sensual bliss
Non-orgasmic orgasm?
Sober with new progasm
A good start to the day
Wonderful unexpected euphoric session (Ain't life grand!)
Fifth session—wonderful and bizarre
Couldn't ask for a better day
Training wheels indeed
New experiences—some positive, others perplexing
Very first experiences (3 sessions)
8 Month Anniversary
This kind of sucks!!
Sex and Death
Short and very sweet
Revolution Now
New milestones reached.
My rushed session
On the subject of losing motivation
# 4 session
My first and only “non-ejaculatory†penile multiple orgasm
Serious Aftershocks
My first time with the progasm
Flomax for BPH
One to cultivate!
oh me
Two weeks without the Aneros
Best yet
Still nothing to report
Week 3: Starting to feel like it isn't working out for me
Time passes by
Teasing It Out
Unexpected pleasure
Rumel’s Ruminations – Part II
Dancing/Aerobics with Aneros MGX
Entering week 2: still not feeling it just yet
First Mini-O
First two attempts - no results
Getting to be more experienced
Third session
First blog
First time with Progasm
News, and Thoughts
Wow! Back to loving the Helix!
Onwards and upwards!
newbee - question to others
Second time
Edging, and More Edging
I think I had my 1st Dry-O!!!
What a day!
Mistress Aneros MGX is my new love! :D
First time
Just when you thought.......
New positions and techniques
Tried Shea Butter!
Lack of arousal and interest
ed's journey
Alive and living
A new way of cumming
No Luck Yet
Curious responses & Deepening Depression
Oct 9 - Nov 12
More Learning
A Week
Some days
Random thoughts
Cast Off
Second attempt
Wednesday Weirdness
I love progress - first mini P-Wave?
Which one is best
First try
Down & Up
vibrator while using the helix
Life Story Factors Influencing Your Practice
Session log
Helix ordered!
Get it tomorrow
New High
Can this get better?
Day-After Effects: The Best So Far
Measuring Aneros Time
Registration Day
4th Month
3rd Month
2nd Month
1st Month
After 17 months finally
A Voice
I used to have rectal pains before I used the Aneros.
Another videoclip
So THAT is what the Super-O feels like!
My second videoclip
My first videoclip
Links to post videos, pics, talk in forums, join groups.
Peridise Test Drives
Some P-Waves and spasms but no Super O last night. Lots of involuntaries.
Testing this blog thing out.
A proper wank
Equalityboy81's Aneros Experiences
Changed Mind
New to site
Mind Control
The elusive Super-O, but even more fantastic results
Couldn't resist another go
Now THAT'S more like it
Round 2 - the pair of us
More prepared this time
First impressions
Stimulation With and Without
What the Heck?
de ja vu
ed's journey
Another try!
More of the same (sigh)
Beyond Words...
ed's journey
Two more great sessions
ed's journey
Sweet Sensations
ed's journey
Questions along the way
Micro-cosmic Orgasm!: A Mirror Intellectual Orgasm?
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's jpurney
Tantra and Bio-Electric Sex
ed's journey
ed's journey
Night Play
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
Further Exploration
First Few Sessions: Whoa
ed's journey
ed's journey
A Neuroscientist's Stroke as an Unchosen Path
First Day
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
Energies and Transformations
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
3d session
2nd session
1st session
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
General O-zone Activated
9th Session - first time with Peridise
8th session - First Super-O!
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
Early Post of Youth Experiences
7th Session - First mini-o!
6th Session
ed's journey
ed's journey
4th session
ed's journey
ed's journey
3rd Session
More Modifications & 2nd Session
ed's journey
Aneros arrived! 1st session
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
I finally ordered an Aneros
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
Possible IO link
Couples Sessions
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
ed's journey
Morning Session
Reports from an Asstronaut
Enjoying but still wondering
At a plateau
The White Rising
Miscellaneous Points
Need Advise
What's Better: Sexual Tension Or Total Relaxation ?
First Eupho Experience
Eupho - the journey goes up and up
Second Try
First time
calton 2
Welcome to the Aneros Blogs
Best Lower Abs workout ever
Posted by sllabhtooms on August 15th, 2020.
Session Length: 30 - 60 minutes
Models Used: helix syn trident, MGX trident and Aneros Classic
I love to lie flat on my back on a hard surface. I get the most amazing abdominal muscle contractions along with heavenly sensations in my ass. I could go forever. I just have to pull my toys out in order to get other things done. Never want to stop. My butt is buzzing just thinking about it.