Despite almost being at the point of falling asleep standing up last night I felt turned on and had to try to get a quick orgasm before I went to sleep. I did quite quickly slip into an Aless orgasm. It was a very subdued affair, my frazzled brain was not able to concentrate on keeping it going and it felt a bit like a 'quickie' very nice in its own way, and it ticked a box. I am still...

Saw a post on the site about the area around the upper corona on the penis being somewhere you could play with to orgasm, so figured I'd try it. I'd started out playing with my nipples since found that really has a prostate pleasure connection. Got tired with that, and looked on the forum to see if anyone ever experienced pain in their nipples the day after playing with them. Instead found a post )sorry, don't have a link( talking about...

I'm managing to get to orgasm again easily now. I had forgotten how intense a super-O was until tonight although I still didn't actually have one I was on the verge of it for ages - it was painful feeling the full intensity of one just about to happen, it reminded me of how good they were, but it just didn't quite get there. Whilst I would have loved to feel it burst out and I'm sad that it didn't, I...

Had a weird experience last night and this morning. I had a two hour session last night stimulating my penis topside corona. The position I use is two fingertips just under the edge of the glans. When my dick's hard, there's a little depression valley that runs around the penis there, just below the glans. With fingertips in that valley, I just jiggle them lightly back & forth )toward then away from penis tip(. If I do...

Last night was unbelievable! I felt so stressed that the moment I got the opportunity I meditated and sank into a deep meditative state nothing like I have achieved before. I added some Mula Bandha and felt an immediate intense feeling of being on the edge of orgasm. My wife came to bed and I was feeling electric, and sank very quickly into a lovely Aless orgasm that lasted about 20 minutes, again very controlled and maybe not hitting any...

2 days since previous session: After attending a play )One Man Two Guvnors( Saturday night and a relaxing shower, I was ready for further progress toward significant stimulation. I went to bed with the Progasm inserted; relaxed; tried several positions; then contractions. All this resulted in only minor responses. I fell off to sleep several times and tired again each time I woke up. But finally, with substantial disappointment, gave up after waking up 3 hours...

Yesterday was a very intense day. My first dry orgasm for ages, a state of ecstacy during the day and almost a full Kundalini experience out of nowhere. Then it went quiet. I felt very stressed as if all my progress over the last week was for nothing. My children were misbehaving, one developed a fever. I tried for another orgasm last night but couldn't relax into it. My wife was very stressed and I could feel it and that didn't...

Last night I had my first proper dry orgasm for over a week! Emotionally it was the most satisfying I have ever had and I felt euphoric I couldn't do anything but lie and think 'wow' when it finally settled down. I just lay there the whole time thinking 'thank you, thank you' and enjoyed the wonderful sensations take hold of me again. Whether it was a super-O I don't care it was just beautiful whatever it was. I'm not going...

Its officially been 15 days since my last wet orgasm. Whoo Hoo! But is been hard getting here. VERY HARD! How hard you may ask. Well let me tell you. Since I have mastered the skill of edging I have not been able to steer away from putting my dick and balls through pleasurable pain of getting close to a beautiful wet orgasm and then knocked it back down to my already filled to capacity genitals. I mean I get some...

There are certain things that just go together, things like milk and cookies, beer and pretzels, baseball and peanuts and movies and popcorn to name a few. But beyond food there are also experiences that seem to be elegantly matched to certain mood setting actions. The combination of the enhancement and the action makes the experience profoundly pleasurable and at times very moving. Examples might be sitting by the warm crackling glow of a campfire in the black of night,...

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