• Almost super-O again

    I'm managing to get to orgasm again easily now. I had forgotten how intense a super-O was until tonight although I still didn't actually have one I was on the verge of it for ages – it was painful feeling the full intensity of one just about to happen, it reminded me of how good they were, but it just didn't quite get there.
    Whilst I would have loved to feel it burst out and I'm sad that it didn't, I really could feel the power there and I was probably willing it too hard rather than just allowing it to happen. It's exciting that I have got so close again and I'm sure next time it will happen. It's strange that I thought I was having super-Os again but this has made me realise that without any doubt I am not.
    This is really exciting. I feel a bit like I did when I just couldn't even to into an orgasm at all, but not so disappointed just excited that there is so much more just about to happen.

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