Have not blogged a while but have been learning and working the craft. Not there yet, lots of tributaries of experience and pleasure. Switched from a glycerin/water lube to pure coconut oil - that helps a ton! Less "locking in" )but still happens( and easier to feel/move the aneros...

Hi guys, even gals, A few minutes ago I came across a powerful poem composed by a retired, heterosexual teacher affirming the LGBT experience. This poem has alliteration which accentuates its expression. This poem is worthy of consideration, contemplation, and even action in today's USA. Enjoy! P.S. Also this poem can apply to the Aneros experience which opens men up, no matter their sexual orientation or estate in life. The Aneros enables men to become better lovers of themselves and significant others...

Things get weirder and weirder, in a nice way. My last 4 orgasms have been interesting. They haven't lasted long. Each time I start to orgasm I feel my pleasure ramping up rapidly but I don't have time to enjoy it much because I feel something building that I have to concentrate on. It's a very deep almost unbelievably powerful pleasure, maybe just another super-O I'm not sure. It sits there and I have no option but to feel it...

I think I am feeling more changes that are part of my awakening. I'm confused and feeling very low. I have had a few ups and downs but in general felt that I was getting somewhere. Yesterday I started to feel very low indeed and feel as if I have lost something. I can't really put it into words. Last night I meditated and got the feeling of loneliness, more of a thought really and not a true feeling. I can't...

Over the last few days I have come to the conclusion that I am a guy who binges on cocks. It’s kind of like it is with wet orgasm itself. Immediately after ejaculation your libido drops like a rock. Depending on your age and sex drive it can build back up in ten minutes or ten hours. With me and cocks my craving reaches a pinnacle of arousal ending in sating it with a tryst with...

I wasn't expecting much last night but got the best super-O in weeks that I could actually enjoy without interruption for a change. At first I thought it was going to be dud session. No sensations at all for the first 5-10 minutes and I almost gave up. The it started to build, very slowly. As I slipped into an orgasm it immediately became a whole body experience, electricity shooting through me into my arms and legs and I was determined...

Hi guys, I have a confession to make. At age 66, I seldom masturbate, maybe once a month or once every six weeks. But when I do, I cum BIG and it is so sweet, much, much more than the heady days of adolescence! The DC summer already proving that we will have heatwaves as years previously. Last we were fortunate which a slightly cooler than usual summer with few days above 90's. On Tuesday we had a heatwave that finally broke after...

Hi guys, I have been blessed by some really pleasurable Aneros sessions lately which have left me with really amazing Aless! This morning I tried in order the following models: Maximus, Helix Classic, Tempo, and Progasm Ivory. After a brief jaunt to a neighborhood to get some food, I started with Maximus. Maximus and I this morning interacted well, but not well enough as in other sessions. So I went on to Helix Classic which hit all the right places today. Abundant pleasure...

Hi guys, Today I could not control myself. Around 11:30 a.m. this morning, I slipped that Champion Deluxe Jock and Cup I told you about in an earlier blog entry today. This jock and cup fits my "junk" perfectly in such comfort as I Aless. In fact, such contact with my genitals Alessing magnifies my Aless, its pleasure and sweetness. Gee, I have been on the verge of cumming for the last hour or so riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability....

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